Congo Brazzaville Republic

Larvae of many Saturniidae species provide significant nutrition to the people of Congo Brazzaville Republic, and this fact is recognized and celebrated on postage stamps.

Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner and a few snacks.

Most of the list below where my initials (WO) follow the species names is comprised of interpolations by myself based on lists sent to me by Thierry Bouyer for Gabon and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. I have updated the list (February 2014) with five species names in green, based on Philippe Darge's report for Saturniidae taken in northern Congo in the Ouesso region. Philippe reports thirty-six species (Saturnafrica #8, February 2011) from the swamp forest (Ouesso), most of them included in my interpolations or in data received from others.

Epiphora albidaDAB
Epiph. bauhiniae WO
Epiphora ploetzi PS
Epiph. rectifacscia WO

Eudaemo. argus NHM
Eud. trogophylla WO
Eudaemo. t. hartfordi
Pselaphelia aurata WO
Psel. gemmifera HOL
Pseudan. discrepens FI
Pseud.. imperator WO
Pseudaph. simplex WO
Tagor. genoviefae WO
Tag. hanningtoni ??
Tag. flavinata ?? FI
Urota sinope FI
Usta terpsichore WO

The Attacini spin cocoons; the Urotini and the Bunaeini are earth pupators whose larvae are often used for food. I suspect the Microgonini are also earth pupators, but I am not sure.


Athletes albicans WO
A. e. ogouensis PD
Athletes gigas FI
Athletes nyanzae WO
Athletes semialba FI
Aurivillius aratus TB
Auriv. triramis WO/TB
Bunaea alcinoe FI
Bunaeo. aurantiaca FI
Buneao. licharbas WO
Cinabra hyperbius FI
Cirina forda FI
G. congolensis PD
Gonim. godarti TB
Gonimbrasia hecate FI
Gonim. richelmanni FI
Gonim. zambesina FI
Gon. (Nud.) alopia WO
G. (N.) amathusia WO
Gon. (Nud.) anna WO
G. (N.) anthinoides
Gon. (Nud.) dione WO
Gon. (Nud.) eblis WO
G. (N.) jamesoni WO
G. (N.) macrothyris FI
G. (N.) melanops FI
G. (N.) oyemensisPD
Gon. (Nud.) rubra FI
G. (N.) staudingeri WO


Gynanisa ata FI
Imbrasia ertli
Imbrasia epimethea FI
Imbrasia longicaudata
Imbrasia obscura FI
Imbrasia truncata FI
Lobo. acetes WO
Lobobunea goodii WO
L. melanoneura WO
Lobo. niepelti WO
Lobo. phaedusa WO
Lobobunaea rosea WO
Lobo. saturnus FI
Melanocera nereis
Melanocera parva FI
Melanocera pujoli PD
Pseudim. deyrollei PS
Pseudob. t. neglecta PD
Pseudob. alinda WO
Pseud. cleopatra WO
Pseudob. irius WO
Pseudob. illustris WO
Pseudob. pallens WO
Rohan. pygmaea WO


Decach. rosea NHM
Carnegia mirabilis WO
Goodia astrica WO
Goodia falcata WO
Goodia hierax WO
Goodia kuntzei FI
Goodia lunata WO
Goodia nubilata WO
G. obscuripennis WO
Goodia thia WO
Holocer. agomensis EP
Holocer. angulata PS
Ludia orinoptena WO
Ludia tessmani WO
Micragone agathylla
Micragone cana RO
Micragone ducorpsi
Micragone herilla
Micragone joiceyi
Micragone lichenodes
Micra. morini NHM
Micragone neonubifera
Micragone herilla FI
O. adiegetum TB
O. a. pseudadieget. PD
O. andreasum PD
O. arnoldi PD
O. bimaculatum PD
Ortho. caecum PD
O. c. conspectum PD
O. fontainei ? PD
O. infinitum PD
O. khali PD
O. luminosum PD
Ortho. neoprox PD
Ortho. obamba PD
Ortho. ochraceum PD
Ortho. prox PD
Ortho. perarcuatum PD
O. subuelense PD
O. tristis PD
Ortho. vestigiatum PD
Ortho. violascens PD

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I have added to this list those species common to both Gabon and Democratic Republic of the Congo as per those lists from Thierry Bouyer.

I am sure aditional species will be added and the list will become more accurate over time.

Any images and/or collecting data would be most helpful.