Saturniidae of Ghana

Pseudantheraea discrepans male, Ghana, courtesy of Henrik Bloch.

Epiphora boolana, Accra, Ghana, Mike, Nature Trek,
on my home computer only.

Many thanks to Alan Marson (AM) who provides many images from Ghana, from the collection of Jason Wright.

Athletes albicans WO?
A. ethra ogouensis JM/AM
Athletes nyanzae AM
Ath. ny. bousqueti WO?

Aurivillius aratus WO?
Aur. jolyanorum TB/AM
Aurivillius triramis AM

Bunaea alcinoe yes

Bunaeopsis nigericola PD
Bun. macrophthalma WO?

Cirina forda WO?
Cirina butyrospermi WO?

Gonimbrasia hecate JB
Gonimb. occidentalis WO?

Imbrasia epimethea AM
Imbrasia obscura AM

L melan.= L. basquini TB
Lobobunaea acetes EVS
Lobobunaea goodii WO?
Lobobun. melanoneura TB
Lobo. phaedusa WO?
L. obscura laeta NHM

Nudaurelia alopia WO?
Nudaurelia anthina WO?
Nud. anthinoides WO?
Nudaurelia dione AM/WO?
Nudaurelia eblis bucholzi TM
Nudaurelia emini RL
Nudaurelia jamesoni WO?
Nudaurelia xanthomma TB

Pseudimb. deyrollei AM

Pseudobunaea alinda WO?
Pseduobunaea heyeri WO?
Pseudob. illustris AM
Pseudobunaea irius WO?
Pseu. meloui AM?/WO?
Pseudob. t. neglecta PD
Pseudob. t. pratorum PD/AM?
Pseudob. vingerhoedti WO?

Carnegia mirabilis WO?

Decacorda fletcheri WO?

Goodia falcata WO?
Goodia hierax WO?
Goodia nubilata WO?
Goodia sentosa WO?
Holocerina agomensis WO?
Holocerina angulata WO?
Holocerina occidentalis WO?

L. obscura laeta NHM
Ludia orinoptera styx WO?

M. agathylla WO?
Micragone ducorpsi WO?
Micragone herilla WO?
Micragone joiceyi WO?
Micragone morettoi WO?
Micragone nenia WO?
Mic. nenioides WO?

O. bernaudi WO?
O. bouyeri WO?
O. brunneum PD
Ortho. chaminadei WO?
Ortho.csomaense WO?
O. dallasti WO?
Ortho. deletum PD
O. falcatissimum PD
Ortho. nimbaense PD
Ortho. occidentalis WO?
Ortho. vestigiatum PD

Eud. argiphontes WO?
Eudaemonia argus JB
Eud. troglophylla WO?

Pselaph. gemmifera WO?
Pselaphelia neglecta WO?

Pseudan. discrepans NHM

Epiphora albida NHM
Epiphora boolana D'AB
Epiphora liberiensis WO?
Epi. perspicua AM/WO?
E. rectifascia ileshana WO?
Epiphora rectifascia WO?
Epiphora vacuna WO?
Ep. vacunoides WO?

Ghana is located on the Gulf of Guinea, only a few degrees north of the Equator. It is roughly the size of the state of Oregon. The coastline is mostly a low, sandy shore backed by plains and scrub and intersected by several rivers and streams. A tropical rain forest belt, broken by heavily forested hills and many streams and rivers, extends northward from the shore. North of this belt, the land is covered by low bush, park-like savanna, and grassy plains.

The climate is tropical. The eastern coastal belt is warm and comparatively dry; the southwest corner, hot and humid; and the north, hot and dry. Lake Volta, the largest reservoir in the world, extends through large portions of eastern Ghana.

Larvae of Pseudantheraea discrepans, Lobobunaea goodii, Nudaurelia dione and other Saturniidae species are consumed by many of the indigenous peoples.

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