
Epiphora male, undetermined, Nyika NP, Rumphi District, Malawi,
possibly E. manowensis, possibly something new, courtesy of John Kamps.

Epiphora female, undetermined, Nyika NP, Rumphi District, Malawi,
possibly E. manowensis, possibly something new, courtesy of John Kamps.

Many thanks to Thierry Bouyer for providing me with an extensive checklist (May 2006) for Malawi. Thierry wishes feedback regarding inclusions/omissions to this list. All those species followed by "TB" are confirmed by Thierry. He also lists some as unconfirmed but "probable".

Of the Saturniinae subfamily, the Attacini and Saturniini spin cocoons, while the Urotini and Bunaeini pupate underground.

The Micragonini spin loose, paper like cocoons near the base of the hostplant.

Adafroptilum acutum PD/xx
Adafroptilum bellum PD/xx
Adafroptilum rotundum PD/xx
Adafroptilum singularum PD/xx
Decachorda aspersa WOxx
Decachorda rosea TB
Decachorda sp 1, TB
Decachorda sp 2, TB
Goodia kuntzei IT/TB
Goodia hollandi TB
Holocerina agomensis EP/TB
Holocerina intermedia TB
Holocerina rhodesiensis EP/TB
Holocerina smilax EP/TB
Ludia delegorguei IT/TB
Ludia dentata NHM/TB
L. ori. limbobrunnea NHM/TB
Micragone agathylla TB
Micragone ansorgei IT/TB
Micragone cana TB
Micragone neonub TB
Micragone nyasae WO/TB
Ortho. acutum TB
Ortho. adiegetum TB
Ortho. bellum TB
Ortho. rotundum TB
Ortho. singularum TB
Ortho. violascens PD/xx
Pseudoludia suavis TB

Thierry Bouyer indicates the following are unconfirmed but are probably in Malawi:
Holocerina orientalis

Those items followed by xx are also not recognized by Thierry for Malawi.

On May 21, 2007, Thierry indicated to me that those moths in Malawi previously thought to be Aurivillius fuscus are actually Aurivillius orientalis which flies in Malawi, Tanzania and Kenya.

Epiphora acuta PD
Epiphora bauhiniae TB
Epiphora cotei SN
Epiphora kipengerensis JK
Epi. manowensis JK
Epiphora murphyi TB
Epi. mythimnia RO/TB
Epiphora pelosoma TB??

Argema mimosae WO/TB

Athletes ethra TB
Athletes gigas TB
Athletes semialba IT/TB
Aurivillius orientalis TB
Aurivilius oberthuri IT/TB
Aurivillius seydeli TB
Bunaea alcinoe TB
Bunaeo. aurantiaca IT/TB
Bun. sp (aur. jaune) TB
Bunaeopsis jacksoni TB
Bunaeopsis murphyi TB
Bunaeopsis phidias TB
Bunaeopsis zaddachi TB
Bunaeopsis nr zaddachi; TB
Cinabra hyperbius IT/TB
Gonimbrasia belina FI/TB
Gonim. conradsi EVS/TB
Gonimbrasia godarti TB
Gonim. rectilineata IT/TB
Gonim. zambesina WO/TB
Gon. (Nud.) carnegiei NV
Gon. (Nud.) dione IT/TB
Gon. (Nud.) flammeola TB
Gon. (Nud.) herbuloti TB
Gon. (Nud.) lucidus TB
Gon. (Nud.) macrops TB
G. (N.) macrothyris IT/TB
Gon. (Nud.) mariae TB
" (murphyi) nyassana TB
Gon. (Nud.) perscitus TB
G. (N.) rhodina RMCA/TB
G. (N.) wahl. call. IT/TB
Gynanisa abescens IT/TB
Gynanisa murphyi TB
Gynaisa nigra TB
Gynanisa ata FI/TB
Heniocha apollonia TB
Heniocha dyops TB
Heniocha marnois TB
Imbrasia ertli WO/TB
Imbrasia forda WO/TB
L. p. christyi NV??
Lobo. falcatissima TB
Lobo. rosea werneri TB
Lobobunaea saturnus TB
Melanocera parva TB
Melanocera sufferti EP/xx
Pro. athletoides TK/TB
Pseudi. deyrollei IT/TB
Peudobunaea callista TB
Pseudob. "irius" IT/TB
Pseudob. pallens IT/TB
Pseudob. parathyrrhena TB
P. tyrrhena fumosa PD/TB
Pseudob. tyrrhena sspTB
Rohaniella pygmaea TB
Ubaena dolabella IT/TB

Antistath. dal. rect. TB
Pselaphelia laclosi TB
Pseudaph. ansorgei IT/xx
Pseudaphelia flava TB
Pseudap roseibrunnea TB
P. apollinaris TB
P. apollinaris dialitha IT/xx
T. f. septentrionalis WO/TB
Tagor. hanningtoni IT/TB
Tagoropsis i. ikondae TB
Tagoropsis i. murphyi TB
Tagoropsis i. nyikensis TB
Urota sinope IT/TB
Usta terpsichore TB
Usta t. subangulata EVS/xx

Thierry Bouyer indicates the following are unconfirmed but are probably in Malawi:

Cinabra bracteata
Gonimbrasia anna
Gynanisa jama
Heniocha vingerhoedti
Ubaena fuelleborniana

Those items followed by xx are also not recognized by Thierry for Malawi.

Many thanks to Thierry Bouyer (TB) for his sharing of this list.

Nigel Venters indicates the following species in his Malawi collection: Epiphora bauhiniae, Decachorda rosea, Antistathmoptera daltonae, Psuedaphelia apollinaris, Urota sinope, Usta terpischore, Heniocha dyops, Cinabra hyperbius, Pseudobunaea irius, Bunaea alcinoe, Gynansia nigra, Athletes semialba, Gonimbrasia belina, Imbrasia ertli, Imbrasia carnegiei, Lobobunaea christyi ??, Aurivillius arata (probably fuscus) ??, Bunaeopsis zaddachi, Bunaeopsis jacksoni, Holocerina rhodesiensis, Ludia delegorguei, Goodia kuntzei.

It is my hope to eventually create checklists for all the districts of Malawi. If you have data for any of them, please send it to Bill Oehlke.

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District Checklists

Only those districts in red have active checklists. It probably will be some time before these checklists become operative and useful.

Districts are listed in rows from North to South.





Nakata Bay