Maltagorea rostaingi male
Lakato; Masoala; Brickaville; Sahamamy; Anivorano |

M. rostaingi male
northeastern, lower elevations | Note diffuse, pale pink-lilac, grey-white
border outside entire forewing pm line; absence of dark spots in male fw.
can be reddish or beige-brown

Maltagorea mariae male
Moramanga S.P.; Lakato; 1100m |

Maltagorea mariae female
Moramanga S.P.; Lakato; 1100m | pink to grey suffusions in pm area near apex but not along
full length of pm line; many dark spots in pm area of all wings


female unknown
M. pseudomariae female
Moramanga S.P.; 1100m |
weak am line; weak median band; pm line straight; median area slightly lighter than rest of wing
dark spots in pm area weaker than in mariae, more grey surrounding those spots

M. altivola male
Ambositra, Ambatofitorahana, 1750m |

M. altivola female
Ambositra, Ambatofitorahana, 1750m | male pm line very dark, pronounced, slightly convex
yellow-beige basal, subterminal and inner half of median area with darker brown out half of median area

M. ambahona male
Massif d'Ankarata, Ambatolampy SP; 1900m |

female unknown
M. ambahona female
Massif d'Ankarata, Ambatolampy SP; 1900m |
diffuse, dark, convex, pre-cell median band parts yellow-beige inner b/m
area from dark brown outer m area; pm area beige with greyish-white suffusions near apex