Eudaemonia argus female, Abuja, Nigeria,
March 2010, courtesy of Sebastian Brandner.
This page is inspired by Sebastian Brandner who has sent the beautiful image of a
female Eudaemonia argus from Abuja, Nigeria.
I will attempt to place additional locales on the map as more images from Nigeria arrive.
The following checklist is very very tentative. Those species followed by TB (Thierry Bouyer),
SB (Sebatian brandner), PD (Philippe Darge)
and NHM (Natural History Museum) should be accurate. Most of the other species are interpolations by myself
(William Oehlke, WO?)
based on fairly reliable results from Cameroon, east of Nigeria, and fairly reliable results from countries west of
Nigeria. I am confident there will be additions, and possibly some deletions.