Gonimbrasia (Nudaurelia) dione
Gonimbrasia (Nudaurelia) dione
(Fabricius, 1793)

Gonimbrasia dione male, Yokadouma, Est Province, Cameroon,
courtesy of Michelle Constanza, via Antoine Guyonnet.

Gonimbrasia dione male, Yokadouma, Est Province, Cameroon,
courtesy of Michelle Constanza, via Antoine Guyonnet.

Gonimbrasia dione male, Yokadouma, Est Province, Cameroon,
courtesy of Michelle Constanza, via Antoine Guyonnet.

Gonimbrasia dione male, Yokadouma, Est Province, Cameroon,
courtesy of Michelle Constanza, via Antoine Guyonnet.
This site has been created by
Bill Oehlke at oehlkew@islandtelecom.com
Comments, suggestions and/or additional information are welcomed by Bill.
Thierry Bouyer has indicated that many of the specimens previously thought to be Nuduarelia dione belong
to other species or subspecies, based on wing shape, size, geography, maculation, and more important, DNA barcoding.
It may be a few years before all this is sorted out. The specimens on this page may or may not be dione.
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