
Aurivillius orientalis, October 29, 2004,
Usumbara Mountains, Tanzania, courtesy of Norbert Cordeiro.

Many thanks to Thierry Bouyer for providing me with an extensive checklist (May 2006) for Tanzania. Thierry wishes feedback regarding inclusions/omissions to this list. All those species followed by "TB" are confirmed by Thierry. He also lists some as unconfirmed but "probable". Those species marked with "xx" are not supported by Thierry. Those who submitted the species for inclusion may wish to check with Thierry.

On May 21, 2007, Thierry indicated to me that those moths in Tanzania previously thought to be Aurivillius fuscus are actually Aurivillius orientalis which flies in Malawi, Tanzania and Kenya.

The United Republic of Tanzania is in central eastern Africa. It consist of an area up to 939,652 square kilometers or 362,706 square miles.

Tanzania shares its borders with Burundi, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Rwanda, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

The country consists of the mainland, which is mostly a large central plateau with grasslands and mountain ranges, plus the major islands of Zanzibar, Pemba and Mafia. The coast is protected by a coral reef. The permanently snow-capped Mt Kilimanjaro (only 210 miles south of the Equator) in the north is the highest mountain in Africa at 5,895 meters ?,340 feet.

It is also the tallest free-standing mountain on the Earth’s land surface. It is accompanied by about 20 other nearby volcanoes, some of which, like Mount Meru, are seen to the west. These volcanic mountain slopes are commonly fertile and support thick forests favourable to Saturniidae, while the much drier grasslands of the plains are home to elephants, lions, and other savanna wildlife.

The Great Rift Valley runs through the center of the country and contains many lakes. In the north, the country borders Lake Victoria and in the west Lake Tanganyika.

Tanzania’s climate ranges from a tropical climate with high temperatures and humidity on the coast and islands. The average daytime temperature is 23ºC / 73 Fahrenheit from June to September and 27º C 81 Fahrenheit from December to March.

Annual rainfall is more than 1000 mm / 40 inches. On the central plateau it is much drier. Annual rainfall there is only 250 mm / 10 inches. On peaks above 1,500 meters / 5,000 feet there is a semi temperate climate with permanent snow on the highest peaks.

Below is an active checklist for Tanzania. A special thanks goes to Teemu Klemetti and Rodolphe Rougerie and Kari Korhonen for their help with this list. Rodolphe's entire list with references is available.

The Attacini and the Saturniini spin cocoons; the Urotini and the Bunaeini are earth pupators whose larvae are often used for food.


Argema mimosae WO/TB


Antistathmoptera daltonae NC/TB
Anti. dal. rectangulataTB
Parusta thelxinoe TB
Parusta xanthops NHM/TB
Pselaphelia kitchingi BOLD
Pselaphelia laclosi RR/TB
Psel. mariaetheresae RR/TB
Pseudaphelia apollinaris TK/TB
Pseudaphelia flava TB
P. flavomarginata RR/xx
Pseudaphelia karemii TB
Pseudap. roseibrunnea TB
Tagoropsis flavinata KK/xx
T. flavinata septentrionalis RR/TB
Tagoropsis hanningtoni WO/TB
Tagoropsis i. ikondae RR/TB
Tagoropsis i. murphyi TB ??
Tagoropsis rougeoti RR/TB
Tagoropsis sabulosa TK/TB
Urota sinope TK/TB
Usta alba RR/xx
Usta angulata TB
Usta terpsichore TB


Adafroptilum acuminatum PD/xx
Adafroptilum coloratum PD/xx
Adafroptilum permixtum PD/xx
Adafroptilum scheveni PD/xx
Adafroptilum septiguttata PD/xx
Decachorda sp a TB
Decachorda sp b TB
Decachorda pomona EVS/xx
Eosia insignis RR/TB
Goodia hollandi NHM/TB
Goodia kuntzei RR/TB
Goodia smithi TB
Goodia unguiculata BOLD
Holocerina agomensis TB
Holocerina angulata TB
Holocerina intermedia TB
Holocerina nilotica TB
Holocerina orientalis RR/TB
Holo. smi. basquini RR/TB
Ludia arguta RR/xx
L. dentata=nyassana EVS/TB
Ludia delegorguei TB
L. hansali tanganikae NHM/xx
Ludia orinoptena KK/TB
Micragone agathylla TB
Micragone ansorgei RO/TB
Micragone cana TB
Micragone neonubifera TB
Micragone nyasae RR/TB
O. adiegetum PD/TB
Ortho. incanum TB
Ortho. violascens PD/xx
Pseudoludia nyungwe WO?; possibly northwestern Tanzania
Pseudoludia suavis RR/TB

Thierry Bouyer indicates the following species are probably in Tanzania.

Decachorda rosea TB
Decachorda seydeli TB
Goodia oxytela TB
Ludia hansali TB
Aurivillius aratus TB
Aurivillius seydeli TB
Aurivillius xerophilus TB
Gon. (Nud.) staudingeri TB
Gon. (Nud.) macrothyris TB
Imbrasia obscura TB
Lobobunaea acetes TB
Lobobunaea ansorgei TB
Lobobunaea cadioui TB
Lobobunaea goodii TB
Pseudob c. orientalis TB
Epiphora albida TB
Epiphora ploetzi TB
Epiphora rectifascia TB
Argema kuhnei TB


Athletes gigas TB
Athletes semialba TK/TB
Aurivillius obertheuri TB
Aurivillius orientalis TB
Aurivillius triramis RR/TB
Bunaea alcinoe FI/TB KK
B. alcinoe caffaria PD/xx
Bunaeo. aurantiaca RR/TB
Bunaeop. chromata PD/TB
Buanaeopsis editha AR
Bunaeopsis fervida PD/TB
Bunaeopsis jacksoni TK/TB
Bunaeop. licharbas KK/xx
Bunaeopsis phidias TB
Bunaeopsis rendalli KK/TB
Bunaeop. zaddachi TK/TB
Cinabra hyperbius WO/TB
Cirina forda TK/TB
Cirina f. orientalis RR/xx
Gon. alcestris TK/TB
Gon. a. godarti TK, KK/xx
Gon. anthinoides NC, ?
Gonimb. conradsi WO/TB
Gonimbrasia hecate TK/TB
Gonimb. hoehneli TK/TB
Gonimb. miranda PD
Gonimb. osiris PD/TB
Gonimb. zambesina TK/TB
Nudaurelia alopia KK/xx
Gon. (Nud.) anna TK/TB
Gon. (Nud.) broschi OR/TB
Gon. (Nud.) dargei TB
Gon. (Nud.) dione IT/TB
Gon. (Nud.) emini TB
G. (N.) flammeola TK/TB
G. (N.) formosissima PD
G. (N.) hurumai PD/TB
G. (N.) kiliensis PD
G. (N.) kilumirorum TK/TB
G. (N.) kohlli PD
Gon. (Nud.) krucki TB
Gon. (Nud.) lucidus TB
G. (N.) macrops PD/TB
G. (N.) macrothyris MB
Gon. (Nud.) myrtea TB
Gon. (Nud.) nyasae TB
G. (N.) rhodina TK/TB
G. (N.) renvazorum TK/TB
Gon. (Nud.) venus EVS/TB
G. (N.) w. calloph. RR/TB
Gynanisa ata RR/TB
Gynanisa abescens TB
Gynanisa jama RR/TB
G. maja KK/xx
Gynanisa maja terrali TB
Gynanisa minettii RR/xx
Gynanisa murphyi RR/TB
Gynanisa nigra TK/xx
Gynanisa westwoodi RR/TB
Heniocha dyops TB
Heniocha marnois RR/TB
Heni. vingerhoedti RR/TB
Imbrasia ertli RO/TB
Leucopteryx ansorgei TB
Leucopteryx mollis TB
Lobob. angasana TK/xx
Lobo. falcatissima RO
Lobobunaea phaedusa TB
Lob. r. werneri RR/TB
Lobob. saturnus TK/TB
Melanocera parva EP/xx
Melanocera pinheyi TK/xx
Melanocera sufferti TK/TB
Proto. athletoides TK/TB
Protogyn. probsti RR/TB
Pseudimb. deyrollei RR/TB
Pseudo. bjornstadi TB
Pseudo. callista MB
Pseudo. epithyrena RR/xx
Pseudobunaea heyeri TB
Pse. "irius" TK, KK/TB
P. tyrrhena RR/TB
P. t. perchromatum RR/xx
Rohaniella pygmaea TB
Ubaena dolabella TK
U. fuelleborniana RM/TB
Ubaena granti RM/xx
Ubaena lequeuxi RR/TB
Ubaena sabunii PD/TB


Epiphora antinorii AVV/xx
E. bauhiniae RO/TB
E. boursini PD
Epiphora getula EP/xx
E. magd./impe. TK/TB ??
Epi. kipengerensis BOLD
Epiphora lugardi RO/TB
E. pelos./manow. TB
E. marginimacula WO
Epi. mythimnia RO/TB
Epiphora pelosoma TK
Epiphora rotunda SN
Epiphora werneri TK

I have added Pseudobunaea callista and Nudaurelia macrothyris to this list based on information sent to me by Mike Buczkowski. Both can apparently be found in southern Tanzania.

Amani (see map) is in the Tanga region in northeastern Tanzania at Longitude: 39,71667 Latitude: -5,366667. That is the origin of images from the East Usambara Mts, 900 m, Oct 2003, that can be accessed below. (Norbert Cordeiro)

Visit the Saturniidae from Amani in the East Usumbara Mountains.

The Rubeho Mountains (see map) in the Dodomo Region, Mpwapwa District, Kilosa District and Morogoro region are host to the Ubaena species, with diferent mountains credited with diferent subspecies. (Teemu Klemetti)

Njombe just north of Songea in southwestern Tanzania (see map) is host to Nudaurelia renwazorum, Nudaurelia kilumiorum, Nudaurelia broschi, and Nudaurelia rhodina. (Otso Reunanen)

Tarime in the Mara district is host to Melanocera pinheyi (Teemu Klemetti)

Kari Korhonen has just sent me additional information regarding Tarime:

TARIME is a small town in northern Tanzania in Mara Region about 20 km from the Kenyan border near the main road from Mwanza to Kenya (Kisii, Kericho etc). The town is situated on the hills at altitude of 1500-1700 m above sea level. The area is forest savannah with small forests and small to medium size rivers.

TARIME is the home of many Saturniidae species. The best months for collecting Saturniidae are during and after the monsoon rains, in spring after heavy rains in April-June and after small rains in November-December. From the Tanzanian Saturniidae species I have collected in Tarime at least the following species:

1. Bunaea alcinoe (KK)
2. Bunaeopsis aurantiaga (KK)
3. Bunaeopsis licharbas (KK)
4. Bunaeopsis jacksoni (KK)
5. Bunaeopsis zaddachi (KK)
6. Cirina forda (KK)
7. Dactyloceras widenmanni (KK)
8. Epiphora bauhiniae (KK)
9. Gonimbrasia godarti (KK)
10. Gonimbrasia hecate (KK)
11. Gonimbrasia zambesina (KK)
12. Gynanisa maja (KK)
13. Imbrasia dione (KK)
14. Ludia orinoptera (KK)
15. Lobobunaea saturnus (KK)
16. Melanocera pinheyi (KK)
17. Nudaurelia alopia (KK)
18. Nudaurelia dione (KK)
19. Pseudaphelia apollinaris (KK)
20. Pseudobunaea irius (KK)
21. Pseudobunaea tyrrhena (KK)
22. Tagoropsis flavinata (KK)
23. Urota sinope (KK)

Information in this table is courtesy of Kari Korhonen.

MWANZA is a large town in northern Tanzania in Mwanza Region on the southern coast of Lake Victoria. The town is situated on and near the coast of Lake Victoria at altitude of 1100-1200 m above sea level. The area is dry savannah with some trees and bushes.

MWANZA is the home of a few Saturniidae species. The best months for collecting Saturniidae are during and after the monsoon rains, in spring after heavy rains in April-May and after small rains in November-December. From the Tanzanian Saturniidae species I have collected in Mwanza at least the following species:

1. Bunaea alcinoe (KK)
2. Dactyloceras widenmanni (KK)
3. Gonimbrasia zambesina (KK)
4. Imbrasia dione (KK)
5. Melanocera pinheyi (KK)
6. Melanocera sufferti (KK)

Information in this table is courtesy of Kari Korhonen.

David Bygott writes, "Kirawira, in the western Serengeti (Mara Region), has a long strip of riverine forest with big dense trees, which passes thru the Kirawira area, and a lot of thicket patches, so there could be a mix of moist savanna and forest species there. Kirawira is very close to Lake Victoria; my location there was 34º8'10"E, 2º12'22" at 4170 ft altitude."

David sends images of Argema mimosae, Bunaea alcinoe, Gonimbrasia zambesina, Goodia smithi and Tagoropsis flavinata septentrionalis from the Kirawira area.

Gynanisa maja and Bunaeopsis rendalli are reported from Chazi which I believe is in northwestern Tanzania near the border with Rwanda. (Teemu Klemeti)

It is my hope to someday break the species list into checklists for the different regions in Tanzania. If you have specific collecting data, please pass it along as it will be most helpful.

Teemu Klemetti writes of Magamba Forest, West Usambara Mountains, northeastern Tanzania, "I found there for example: Gonimbrasia alcestris, Epiphora pelosoma, Pseudaphelia roseibrunnea, Micragone nyasae, Pseudobunaea tyrrhena and many others that are still under identification....".

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