Updated as per personal communication with Thierry Bouyer, May, 2010


Cirina forda female, courtesy of Uwe Kauz.


The Cirina belong to the Bunaeini tribe of Subfamily Saturniinae of the Family Saturniidae. These moths fly in Africa.

Cirina forda fifth instar, Zambia,
courtesy of Alan Marson.

P indicates an image is available.

In May of 2010 Thierry Bouyer indicates that there are three valid Cirina species, with Cirina forda amieti being elevated to full species status as C. amieti. Thierry indicates ranges are not clearly defined for this genus of common moths. There are areas that have not been reported, and there may be subspecies of C. forda in those areas. Thierry indicates C. amieti (formerly C. forda amieti is confirmed for Cameroon and Gabon, and probably also flies at least as far east as Republic of Central Afirca as a forest species, while C. butryospermi flies in more open areas of western Africa. Cirina forda is identified as an eastern species with moths taken from Ethiopia to South Africa.

Listing of Cirina

P amieti Darge, 1975 Cameroon, Gabon, ?? possibly ?? Republic of Central Africa; western Congo and western Democratic Republic of the Congo??
P butyrospermi Vuillet, 1911 Mali, Ivory Coast, Guinea, Burkina Faso, Africa; larvae eaten for human food
P forda (Westwood, 1849) Republic of Central Africa; Tanzania; South Africa; Malawi; Zambia; Ethiopia; Democratic Republic of the Congo (Kinshasa)
N forda orientalis Bouvier, 1927 Tanzania (possibly just Tanzania, might be same as nominate subspecies)

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