Updated as per Pinhey's Emperor Moths of South and South-Central Africa, 1972, May 10, 2006
Updated as per personal communication with Rolf Oberprieler for Zimbabwe, South Africa, Botswana, Namibia, Zambia and Malawi, 2005
Updated as per Bouyer's Catalogue of African Saturniidae, 1999, May 10, 2006, January 19, 2007
Updated as per Cooper & Cooper's The Emperor Moths of KwaZulu-Natal, May 10, 2006
Updated as per Natural History Museum website, May 10, 2006
Updated as per personal communication with Thierry Bouyer for Malawi, Tanzania, Kenya, DRC and Gabon, 2006
Updated as per New African Saturniidae of Bioko..., Thierry Bouyer 2004, Entomologia Africana 9 (2) 43-48; January 2008
Updated as per personal communication with Thierry Bouyer and Adam Cotton (status of affinis); January 2010
Updated as per Wiki Species, December 28, 2013


Nudaurelia cytherea (male) courtesy of Leroy Simon.

NUDAURELIA Rothschild, 1895

The Nudaurelia are members of the Bunaeini tribe of Subfamily Saturniinae, Family Saturniidae. These moths fly in Africa and surrounding islands. Moths have also sometimes been classified as Gonimbrasia, Imbrasia, Acanthocampa and Angelica. The prefered genus is listed after "namer".

The larvae of many species serve as a valuable food source in many African countries.

Nudaurelia dione larva, copyright protected, Kirby Wolfe.

Classifications are based on Bouyer's 1999 Catalogue of African Saturniidae.

P indicates an image is available.

Listing of Nudaurelia

N affinis (Bouvier, 1926), Gonimbrasia, Nudaurelia, Mozambique, Zimbabwe; name invalid for Nudaurelia, synonym of an Imbrasia species, via correction by Bouvier
P alopia (Westwood, 1849) Gonimbrasia, Nudaurelia Cameroon, Gabon, Zambia, Uganda, Ivory Coast, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of the Congo; ?? People's Republic of the Congo
sonthonnaxi Weymer, 1907, is same as alopia
waterloti Bouvier, 1926, is same as alopia
rhodophila Walker, 1869, is same as alopia
antigone Sonthonnax, 1901, is same as alopia
obliqua Bouvier, 1930, is same as alopia
P amathusia Weymer, 1909 Gonimbrasia, Nudaurelia Gabon, Democratic Republic of the Congo, ?? People's Republic of the Congo
P anna (Maassen & Weyding, 1885) Gonimbrasia, Nudaurelia Uganda, Tanzania, Kenya, People's Republic of the Congo ??, Zambia; ?? Democratic Republic of the Congo, Malawi
N anna allardi Rougeot, 1971 Gonimbrasia, Nudaurelia Zambia, Democratic Republic of the Congo, ?? People's Republic of the Congo
P anna mirei Darge, 1973 Gonimbrasia, Nudaurelia Cameroon
N antelata Darge, 2003 central Angola
P anthina Karsch, 1892 Gonimbrasia, Nudaurelia Cameroon, Gabon, Central African Republic, Uganda
persephone Sonthonnax, 1901, is same as anthina
P anthinoides Rougeot, 1978 Gonimbrasia, Nudaurelia Cameroon, Gabon, Burundi, Katanga, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kenya, ? People's Republic of the Congo
P bamendana Schultze, 1914 Gonimbrasia, Nudaurelia Cameroon
P belayneshae Rougeot, 1978 Gonimbrasia, Nudaurelia Kenya
P bouvieri (Le Moult, 1933) Gonimbrasia, Nudaurelia Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea including Bioko Island, Gabon, Democratic Republic of the Congo, ?? People's Republic of the Congo
P broschi Darge, 2002 Nudaurelia southwest Tanzania, ?? northern Malawi, Africa
P capdevillei Rougeot, 1979 Gonimbrasia, Nudaurelia Kenya
N carnegiei Janse, 1918 Gonimbrasia, Nudaurelia Zimbabwe, Mozambique
P cytherea (Fabricius, 1775) Gonimbrasia, Nudaurelia South Africa
capensis Cramer, 1779, is same as cytherea
pauper Bouvier, 1926, is same as cytherea
unicolor Bouvier, 1926, is same as cytherea
bubo Bouvier, 1930, is same as cytherea
P cytherea clarki (Geertsema, 1971) Gonimbrasia, Nudaurelia South Africa
N dargei Bouyer, 2008 Malawi, Mzuzu. Holotype: male. 3.II.2005. R. Murphy. coll. Th. Bouyer. Bouyer, Thierry, 2008, Entomologia Africana 13 (1): 2-19 [1]
P dione (Fabricius, 1793) Gonimbrasia, Nudaurelia Malawi, Zambia, Tanzania, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea including Bioko Island, Cameroon, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Uganda, Ivory Coast, Central African Republic, People's Republic of the Congo
butleri Sonthonnax, 1901, is same as dione
petiveri Guerin-Meneville, 1875, is same as dione; see Rolf Oberprieler note for petiveri
lutea Bouvier, 1930, is same as dione
flavescens Rothschild, 1895 (Nudaurelia), is same as dione
camerunensis Bouvier, 1930, is same as dione
simplica (Maassen & Weymer, 1872) (Antherea), is same as dione
N dionysiae Rougeot, 1948 Gonimbrasia, Nudaurelia People's Republic of the Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo
P eblis (Strecker, 1876) Gonimbrasia, Nudaurelia Cameroon, Gabon, Democratic Republic of the Congo, ?? People's Republic of the Congo
P eblis bucholzi (Plotz, 1880) Gonimbrasia, Nudaurelia Cameroon, Ghana, Ivory Coast
P emini (Butler, 1888) Gonimbrasia, Nudaurelia Ghana, Togo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Tanzania, Kenya, ?? People's Republic of the Congo
latifasciata Sonthonnax, 1901, is same as emini
germaini Bouvier, 1926, is same as emini
gschwandneri Rebel, 1917, is same as emini
N fasciata Gaede, 1927 Gonimbrasia, Nudaurelia equatorial West Africa ( Gabon ??); Ethiopia
zaodeae Rougeot, 1975, Ethiopia, is same as fasciata, possibly now (2008) regarded as distinct
P flammeola Darge, 2002 Nudaurelia southern Tanzania, northern Malawi, Africa
N formosissima Darge, 2009 Tanzania, East Kilimanjaro, Marangu Upper Montane Forest, 03°13.001'S 037°31.197'E, 2160 m.; July
P gschwandneri (Rebel, 1917) Gonimbrasia, Nudaurelia Africa; Bouyer: emini = gschwandneri
P gueinzii (Staudinger, 1872) Gonimbrasia, Nudaurelia South Africa
N herbuloti Darge, 1992 Malawi; same as perscitus according to Bouyer
N hurumai Darge, 2003 southwestern Tanzania
P jamesoni Druce, 1890 Gonimbrasia, Nudaurelia Central African Republic, Cameroon, Gabon, Democratic Republic of the Congo, ?? People's Republic of the Congo
P jamesoni aethiops Rothschild, 1907 Gonimbrasia, Nudaurelia Cameroon
batesi Bouvier, 1930, is same as jamesoni aethiops
N jamesoni rubricostalis Kirby, 1892 Gonimbrasia, Nudaurelia Cameroon
N kiliensis Darge, 2009 Tanzania, Kilimanjaro Region, West Kilimanjaro.; July
P kilumilorum Darge, 2002 Tanzania
P kohlli Darge, 2009 Tanzania Tanga Region, West Usambara, Magambe Forest, 1870 m.; October
P krucki Hering, 1930 Gonimbrasia, Nudaurelia Tanzania, Kenya
brunneonigra Hering, 1930, is same as krucki
N lucida Rothschild, 1907 Gonimbrasia, Nudaurelia Malawi
P macrops Rebel, 1917 Gonimbrasia, Nudaurelia Tanzania, Malawi, Democratic Republic of the Congo
benguelensis Oberthur, 1921, is same as macrops
P macrothyris (Rothschild, 1906) Gonimbrasia, Nudaurelia South Africa, Malawi, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Zambia, Angola, southern Tanzania (now confirmed by Mike Buczkowski)
regalis Rebel, 1906, is same as macrothyris
heroum (Oberthur, 1910), is same as macrothyris
lubumbashii Seydel, 1923, is same as macrothyris
N mariae Bouyer, 2007 Malawi
N maranguensis Darge, 2009 Tanzania: East Kilimanjaro, Marangu Upper Montane Forest, 03°13.001'S 037°31.197'E, 2160 m.; July
P melanops (Bouvier, 1930) Gonimbrasia, Nudaurelia Gabon, Democratic Republic of the Congo, ?? People's Republic of the Congo, ?? Cameroon
oyemensis Hering, 1930, is same as melanops
N michelae Darge, 1975 Cameroon
N mitfordi (Kirby, 1892) Gonimbrasia, Nudaurelia Africa
P murphyi Darge, 1992 Gonimbrasia, Nudaurelia northern Malawi; = nyassana, T. Bouyer, 1999
P myrtea Rebel, 1917 Gonimbrasia, Nudaurelia Tanzania
P nyassana (Rothschild, 1907) Gonimbrasia, Nudaurelia northern Malawi, Tanzania
murphyi Darge, 1992, is same as nyassana
N nyassana cleoris (Jordan, 1910) Gonimbrasia, Nudaurelia Crete Congo-Nil, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Malawi ??
orientalis Bouvier, 1936 Gonimbrasia, Nudaurelia is same as ungemachti
P oyemensis (Rougeot, 1955) Gonimbrasia, Nudaurelia Democratic Republic of the Congo
Cameroon; Bouyer: oyemensis = melanops
P perscitus Darge, 1992 Gonimbrasia, Nudaurelia Zimbabwe, Malawi
herbuloti Darge, 1992, is same as perscitus
P petiveri Guerin-Meneville, 1875 Gonimbrasia, Nudaurelia Africa
N rectilineata Sonthonnax, 1901 Democratic Republic of the Congo
P renvazorum Darge, 2002 Nudaurelia southwest Tanzania, northern Malawi
R rhodina Rothschild, 1907 Gonimbrasia, Nudaurelia southwest Tanzania, northern Malawi, Zambia, Democratic Republic of the Congo; Bouyer: rhodina = rubra
P rhodophila (Walker, 1869) Gonimbrasia, Nudaurelia Africa; Bouyer: rhodophila = alopia
P rubra Bouvier, 1927 Gonimbrasia, Nudaurelia southwest Tanzania, northern Zambia, Democratic Republic of the Congo
Bouyer: rhodina = rubra
P staudingeri Aurivillius, 1893 Gonimbrasia, Nudaurelia Cameroon, Gabon, Democratic Republic of the Congo, probably People's Republic of the Congo, possibly Tanzania
P staudingeri gabunica Rougeot, 1971 Gonimbrasia, Nudaurelia Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kenya
P staudingeri kafubuensis Bouvier, 1930 Gonimbrasia, Nudaurelia Democratic Republic of the Congo, northern Zambia
N staudingeri allardiana (Rougeot, 1971) Gonimbrasia, Nudaurelia Democratic Republic of the Congo, northern Zambia
P ungemachti Bouvier, 1926 Gonimbrasia, Nudaurelia Ethiopia; Bouyer: orientalis = ungemachti
P venus Rebel, 1906 Gonimbrasia, Nudaurelia Tanzania
P wahlbergii (Boisduval, 1847) Gonimbrasia, Nudaurelia Zimbabwe, Malawi, Tanzania, Swaziland, South Africa, Mozambique ??, Kenya
P wahlbergii callophthalma Rougeot, 1979 Gonimbrasia, Nudaurelia Malawi, Tanzania, Kenya
P wahlbergina Rougeot, 1972 Gonimbrasia, Nudaurelia Democratic Republic of the Congo
P xanthomma Rothschild, 1907 Gonimbrasia, Nudaurelia Kenya, Cameroon, Ghana
P zaodeae Rougeot, 1975, Ethiopia

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Nudaurelia aethiops Rothschild, 1907; treated as subspecies of jamesoni by Thierry Bouyer
Nudaurelia allardiana Rougeot, 1971; treated as subspecies of staudingeri by Thierry Bouyer
Nudaurelia benguelensis (Oberthür, 1921); equated with macrops by Thierry Bouyer
Nudaurelia bicolor Bouvier, 1930
Nudaurelia camerunensis Bouvier, 1930; equated with dione by Thierry Bouyer
Nudaurelia cleoris (Jordan, 1910) ; treated as subspecies of nyassana by Thierry Bouyer
Nudaurelia germaini Bouvier, 1926; equated with emini by Thierry Bouyer
Nudaurelia gschwandneri Rebel, 1917; equated with emini by Thierry Bouyer
Nudaurelia latifasciata Sonthonnax, 1901; equated with emini by Thierry Bouyer
Nudaurelia lutea Bouvier, 1930; equated with dione by Thierry Bouyer
Nudaurelia reducta (Rebel, 1917)