Pseudimbrasia deyrollii/deyrollei female courtesy of Rodolphe Rougerie.


The Pseudimbrasia belong to the Bunaeini tribe of Subfamily Saturniinae of the Family Saturniidae. These moths fly in Africa.

The larvae pupate underground and spend as long as four years in the pupal stage. Most moths, however, emerge from their pupae with the onset of the next rainy season.

Pseudimbrasia deyrollii/deyrollei fifth instar courtesy of Rodolphe Rougerie.

There is some question as to the proper spelling of deyrollii/deyrollei for the single species in this genus.

A few years ago, Rolf Oberprieler wrote me that the spelling should be deyrollii, probably based on the original descriptive paper title.

Thierry Bouyer (may 2006, pers. comm.) "In the original description, the title is "deyrollii", but it is dedicated to Deyrolle and the illustration is writen with the correct spelling deyrollei. The name must be definitively deyrollei (art.35.2, ICNZ) as deyrollii is an obvious spelling error in the original name with the right spelling cited in the original paper."

It would seem the only reason for retaining "deyrollii" would be an intention by Rougeot to have this honourific name pronounced as day-ROLL-ee-eye instead of day-ROLL-eye. I do not know if such is the case. Hence, I will use deyrollei accompanied with the above explanation.

P indicates an image is available.

Listing of Pseudimbrasia

P deyrollii/deyrollei (Thomson, 1858) Cameroon, Gabon, Zimbabwe, Angola, Zambia, Malawi, Rwanda, Democratic Republic of the Congo, People's Republic of the Congo, Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya, Senegal, Gambia, Sierra Leone, Togo, Guinea, Liberia, Ivory Coast, Benin, Burkina Faso, Nigeria, Central African Republic.

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