Orthogonioptilum adamaouenis
Updated as per T. Bouyer's Catalogue, 1999, March 29, 2006
Updated as per Darge's Saturniidae I, March 29, 2006
Updated as per All Leps Barcode of Life, January 2008

Orthogonioptilum adamaouenis
Darge, 1988

Orthogonioptilum adamaouensis, Cameroon, courtesy of Vytautas Visinskas (id by Bill Oehlke)

I, Bill Oehlke, think there is also a good chance the above moth is Orthogonioptilum kahli, and I have also added it to that page.


Superfamily: Bombycoidea Latreille, 1802
Family: Saturniidae Boisduval, [1837] 1834
Subfamily: Micragoninae, Cockerell, 1914
Genus: Orthogonioptilum, Karsch, 1893


"Moon River"
copyright C. Odenkirk

<bgsound src="moon.mid" LOOP=FOREVER>


Orthogonioptilum adamaouenis (wingspan: males: 58-66mm; females: 70mm) inhabits
Cameroon: Nord: (Garoua), Adamoua, South West: (Limbe), Centre: (Malbayo), probably Ouest, Littoral, Sud and Est; and
western Republic of Central Africa.

All Leps Barcode of Life indicates it also flies in
Equatorial Guinea; and
Gabon: Estuaire, Moyen-Ogooue, Ngounie, Ogooue-Ivindo, Haute-Ogooue, probably Ogooue-Lolo and Woleu-Ntem.

Darge indicates that O. adamaouensis is darker than O. violascens and the clear spots on the hindwings are larger.

Darge treats O. adamaouensis as a subspecies of O. violascens and the two moths are very similar.

His description of the nominative violascens indicates the forewings are moderately falcate, the outer margin is slightly and evenly concave (more "dug out" beneath the apex than in O. v. garnieri). The general colour is a subdued grey-brown with some bright spots.

There is obvious grey-violet outside the pm line and tawny orange inside the line and above the cell.

The oblique line is prominent (generally not evident in adamaouensis). The pm line is thin but distinct, the am line is faint or absent, and is inwardly highlighted with grey-violet scaling.

There are one to three tiny "windows" on each wing, with the lowest one being the largest.

Orthogonioptilum violascens adamaouensis males, All Leps Barcode of Life.


This moth flies from January-March and then again in October at elevations of 700m.

Orthogonioptilum violascens adamaouensis male, All Leps Barcode of Life.

Orthogonioptilum adamaouenis larval hosts are unknown.

Orthogonioptilum violascens adamaouensis female, All Leps Barcode of Life

Orthogonioptilum violascens adamaouensis female, All Leps Barcode of Life



Larval Food Plants

It is hoped that this alphabetical listing followed by the common name of the foodplant will prove useful. The list is not exhaustive. Experimenting with closely related foodplants is worthwhile.

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The pronunciation of scientific names is troublesome for many. The "suggestion" at the top of the page is merely a suggestion.

There are many collectors from different countries whose intonations and accents would be different.

The genus name Orthogonioptilum refers to the nearly right angle at the anal angle of the forewing.

The species name 'admaouensis' indicates the species is from Adamoua or Adamaou Province.