Orthogonioptilum kahli
Updated as per T. Bouyer's Catalogue, 1999, February 10, 2006
Updated as per Darge's Saturniidae I, February 10, 2006

Orthogonioptilum kahli
(Holland, 1921) Goodia

Orthogonioptilum kahli (male), Cameroon, courtesy of Eric van Schayck.


Superfamily: Bombycoidea Latreille, 1802
Family: Saturniidae Boisduval, [1837] 1834
Subfamily: Micragoninae, Cockerell, 1914
Genus: Orthogonioptilum, Karsch, 1893


"Moon River"
copyright C. Odenkirk

<bgsound src="moon.mid" LOOP=FOREVER>


Orthogonioptilum kahli (wingspan: males: 57-65mm; females: 70-78mm) flies in Cameroon (Efulen), southeastern Nigeria, southwestern C.A.R., most of Gabon, northern Congo and Equatorial Guinea including Bioko Island.

The forewing is fairly falcate, but the apex is rounded. The hindwing outer margin is evenly convex (circular) and the anal angle is rounded. The body and ground colour is brown-ochre, blended with grey.

The transverse line and the am and pm lines are always well marked. The pm line borders a large brownish-red or brownish-violet area surrounding the cell. This area more or less obfuscates (renders indistinct) the transverse line towards the costa.

On both wings, but more so on the forewing, there is a well marked grey-violet area.

On the forewing there is only one tiny window, which is miniscule or even absent, while on the hindwing there are one to three small points.

This moth has been confused in collections and publications with O. violascens, O. tristis or O. prox, and it probably requires examination by an expert to determine species.

Orthogonioptilum adamaouensis, Cameroon, courtesy of Vytautas Visinskas (id by Bill Oehlke)

I, Bill Oehlke, think there is also a good chance the above moth is more likely Orthogonioptilum kahli. Wingspan is 59mm.


This moth probably flies in January and probably in June and there are confirmed captures in October.

Orthogonioptilum kahli larval hosts are unknown.

Orthogonioptilum kahli??? female, Cameroon, courtesy of Eric van Schayck.

The identification of the above female is by Bill Oehlke, based on Darge's description, as translated by Bill:

The forewing apex of the female is very elongated. The outer margin runs straight or is only slightly convex. There is a large hyaline area, composed of three elements: 1) the lower part is large and oval, but often projects outward. There is a small, scaled dot near the center; 2) the middle part is elongated and a little smaller with three to four components; 3) the top part is much smaller and triangular. The ground colour is the same as that of the male, a brownish-ochre, mixed with grey.



Larval Food Plants

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The pronunciation of scientific names is troublesome for many. The "suggestion" at the top of the page is merely a suggestion.

There are many collectors from different countries whose intonations and accents would be different.

The genus name Orthogonioptilum refers to the nearly right angle at the anal angle of the forewing.

The suspect ??? the species name is honourific for Kahl.