Antheraea frithi (m) x Antheraea mylitta (f)
Male from Antheraea frithi male x Antheraea mylitta female, courtesy of Rainer Plontke.
Female from Antheraea frithi male x Antheraea mylitta female, courtesy of Rainer Plontke.
Males from Antheraea frithi male x Antheraea mylitta female, courtesy of Rainer Plontke.
Rianer writes, "Today I had eclosion of what I think is a new Saturniidae hybrid:
Antheraea frithi male X Antheraea mylitta female. The pictures are the newest ones.
"Th eoriginal pairing was made by Franz Renner. I bred the caterpillars on "Hainbuche = Carpinus betulus" with success. I attach three photos:
the first two males on the preparation board, male & female number 3 & 4, which married last night."
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