Antheraea polyphemus

Antheraea polyphemus female, Montana,
courtesy of Patrick White.

Antheraea polyphemus female, Montana,
courtesy of Patrick White.
In the image above, a number of male polyphemus flew in to a calling female, apparently before her wings had fully inflated. One has coupled with the female.
The other two males are hanging around and may even be grasping body hair of the female, one of the other males, or possibly even loose bark. This type of event
can often be seen after a hot summer day where many moths in the area have emerged on the same date.

Antheraea polyphemus cocoons, Montana,
courtesy of Patrick White.

Antheraea polyphemus female, Montana,
courtesy of Patrick White.

Antheraea polyphemus in copula, Montana,
courtesy of Patrick White.

Antheraea polyphemus female, Montana,
courtesy of Patrick White.

Antheraea polyphemus male, female and cocoons, Montana,
courtesy of Patrick White.

Antheraea polyphemus in copula, Montana,
courtesy of Patrick White.
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