Updated as per personal communication with Ron Brechlin, as presented in Entomo-Satsphingia for Bhutan; July 20, 2009 Updated as per personal communication with Vadim Zolotuhin, image of holotype male, August, 2009 Updated as per Article: "Evidence for the existence of three species in the genus Archaeoattacus" (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae); Nässig WA, Naumann S, Rougerie R; The Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera. 12/2010; 43(43):37-47; April 1, 2013 |
TAXONOMY:Superfamily: Bombycoidea, Latreille, 1802 |
"Asian Spring Blossoms" |
Ron Brechlin indicates he could find no difference between the specimens from the Himalayas and those from Vietnam, western Malaysia, etc.
(Brosch, U., S. Naumann, L.H. Paukstadt, U. Paukstadt, I. Tcherniak & M. Beeke (1999)). He maintains this synonymity in Entomo-Satsphingia (March, 2009).
Some maintain Archaeoattaus edwardsii malayanus, Kurosawa and Kishida, 1985 ("1984")
as a distinct subspecies. I do not know as of this date (August 2009) if DNA barcoding has revised the status of this moth.
Based on "Evidence for the existence of three species in the genus Archaeoattacus" (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae); Nässig WA, Naumann S, Rougerie R; The Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera. 12/2010; 43(43):37-47, the species Archaeoattucus edwardsii is limited to the Himalayan regions of northern India, Nepal, Bhutan and southwestern China. In the rest of mainland Asia, specimens previously identified as as A. edwardsii are now recognized as a valid and distinct species, Archaeoattacus malayanus.
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On my home computer only: notes on Saturniidae of Bhutan by Ronald Brechlin (in English) as published in Entomo-Satsphingia 2 (1): 47 – 55 (March 2009)
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