Aglia tau
Created as per personal communication Entom-Satsphingia Jahrgang 8 Heft 01 24.04.2015; December 10, 2015
Created as per Aglia ingens: original description, 2003 and description of other Aglia species; 2003; December 10, 2015
Aglia Comparison Table

Aglia tau male, courtesy of Mario Meier.
Superfamily: Bombycoidea, Latreille, 1802
Family: Saturniidae, Boisduval, [1837] 1834
Subfamily: Agliinae
Genus: Aglia, Ochsenheimer, 1810
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"Wonderful World"
copyright C. Odenkirk
When I started working on the WLSS in the late 1990's there were fewer Aglia species/subspecies, generally recognized as valid:
tau, tau amurensis, homora, japonica, japonica microtau. In a 2000 publication Beeke, Brosch, Nassig and Lampe indicated
tau amurensis in northeastern China is synonymous with nominate tau.
In a 2003 publication Naumann, Brosch and Nassig indicate that all
subspecies of tau are really nominate tau in its many variations, and they also put forward the name of a new, large species, Aglia ingens
which is very similar to Aglia homora.
In 2015 Brechlin & Meister 1) suggest ingens is a junior subjective synonym of homora, 2) seem to accept there are no subspecies of tau, and 3) put forward
two new descriptions: Aglia sinyaevi from Shaanxi, China, and Aglia vanschaycki from Ghizou, China.
Aglia sinyaevi is very similar to Aglia tau; Aglia vanschaycki is very similar to Aglia homora, and it may require DNA barcoding to
actually distinguish the new species from their look-alike relatives.
As per notes above, tau amurensis may be a synonym of tau; ingens may be a synonym of homora; it may be possible that sinyaevi can only be distinguised from
tau by DNA barcoding and that vanschaycki can only be distinguished from homora by the same process. Bill Oehlke
Aglia tau Group
In this group the ocelli on all wings are roughly equal in size, whereas in the japonica group the hindwing ocelli are considerably larger than their forewing
Aglia tau male; 30-36mm
Aglia tau female; 36-49mm
Duller females fly at night, males during the day.
| Northern Spain and France across central Europe, through Scandinavia to Japan.
Absent in British Isles.
Males show varying degrees of melanism.
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Aglia tau amurensis male; mm
I belive the male depicted above is from Beijing, China. It was listed as tau amurensis.
It might be nominate tau or even sinyaevi, although sinyaevi, Shaanxi, seems to have narrower pm areas and sinyevi forewing am line is tangential to ocellus.
Aglia tau amurensis female; mm
The female above from Korea is a very good match for sinyaevi, described from Shaanxi, China. It might be tau, tau amurensis or sinyaevi
| All subspecies placed in synonymity with nominate tau, 2003.
Brechlin & Meister do not mention any subspecies, 2015.
Specimens from Russian Far East, Koreas, northeastern China previously designated as tau amurensis might be nominate tau.
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Aglia sinyaevi male; 28mm; 1500m
Shaanxi: Tai Bai Shan Mts; Tsinling Mts: Foping Nature Reserve
Aglia sinyaevi female; 34mm; 1500m
Shaanxi: Tai Bai Shan Mts; Tsinling Mts: Foping Nature Reserve
| sinyaevi m very similar to tau
sinyaevi: more convex pm line; narrower marginal area; am line tangential to ocellus
f: more convex pm line, greyer marginal areas, much like amurensis f above
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Aglia japonica Group
In this group the forewing ocellus is considerably smaller than the hindwing ocellus. In the tau group the ocelli are
roughly equal in size on upper and lower wings.
Aglia japonica male; 32-37mm
northen Japan; Russia
Aglia japonica female; 44-48mm
northern Japan; Russia
| Northern Japan; Russian Far East
consistently larger than microtau from southeastern Japan.
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Aglia japonica microtau male; 28mm
southeastern Japan
Aglia japonica microtau female; 34-36mm;
Southeastern Japan
| Southeastern Japanconsistently smaller than nominate japonica from northern Japan.
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Aglia homora male; 38-45mm
Aglia homora female; 52mm
| Female HT is not available for study; neotype male designated
from assumed locale of males
females from this group: probably all very similar
Qinghai, Gansu, Sichuan, Shaanxi
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Aglia ingens male; 47-53mm
Aglia ingens female; 57mm
| Sichuan: Gangga Shan;
mentioned as a junior subjective synonym of homora by B & M, 2015
males have no dark ocellus on forewing dorsal surface
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A. vanschaycki HT male; 50-53mm
China: Guizhou, 1600m

A. vanschaycki PT male; 50-53mm
China: Guizhou, 1600m
| female undescribed
very similar to homora, although vanschaycki is supposed more reddish
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