Updated as per personal communication (Laos) with Ron Brechlin, as presented in Entomo-Satsphingia for Bhutan; July 20, 2009

Saturniidae of Laos

Actias sinensis (male) courtesy of Leroy Simon

Laos is

Salassa thespis (Leech, 1890) [?]

Attacus atlas (Linnaeus, 1758)

Archaeoattacus edwardsii (White, 1859)

Samia canningi (Hutton, 1860)
Samia kohlli Naumann & Peigler, 2001

Actias laotiana Testout, 1936
Actias maenas (Doubleday, 1847) ssp?
Actias parasinensis Brechlin 2009
Actias rhodopneuma Röber, 1925
Actias selene (Hübner, 1806) ssp?
Actias sinensis (Walker, 1855) , possibly it is A. parasinensis which is found in Laos

Saturnia (Rinaca) cachara Moore, 1872
Saturnia (Rinaca) lesoudieri (Le Moult, 1933)
Saturnia (Rinaca) simla Westwood, 1847 confirmed by Ron Brechlin
Saturnia (Rinaca) zuleika Hope, 1843
Saturnia (Saturnia) pyretorum Westwood, 1847

Loepa anthera Jordan, 1911
Loepa diffundata
Loepa diversiocellata, now (2008) diffundata
Loepa miranda Atkinson in Moore, 1865
Loepa siamensis siamensis, Brechlin, 2010
Loepa sikkima sikkima Atkinson in Moore, 1866 ("1865")

Cricula jordani Bryk, 1944
Cricula trifenestrata (Helfer, 1837)

Antheraea (Antheraeopsis) castanea Jordan, 1910 [?]
Antheraea (Antheraeopsis) youngi Watson, 1915

Antheraea (Antheraea) frithi frithi Moore, 1859 Ron Brechlin
Antheraea (Antheraea) helferi helferi Moore, 1859
Antheraea (Antheraea) larissoides Bouvier, 1928 [?]
Antheraea (Antheraea) platessa platessa W. Rothschild, 1903
Antheraea roylii roylii (Guérin-Méneville, 1855)
Antheraea (Antheraea) (pernyi) roylii Moore, 1859
Antheraea (Antheraea) steinkeorum U. Paukstadt, L.H. Paukstadt & Brosch, 1999 [?]

Lemaireia luteopeplus aureopeplus Nässig & Holloway, 1988

Solus parvifenestratus sinjaevi Nässig, 1994 ?;
Brechlin, 2007, synonymizes this with S. p. parvifenestratrus Bryk, 1944

Teemu Klemetti visited Laos in September 2005 and collected a number of species. Below is a picture of local habitat and one of his light setups in North Laos, Phongsali province.

Teemu writes, "From this one place I found Attacus atlas, Archeoattacus edwardsi, Samia kohlli, Samia canningi, Actias maenas, Actias selene, Actias sinensis, Actias rhodopneuma, Antheraea larissoides, Antheraea helferi, Antheraea assamensis, Antheraea roylli, Loepa sikkima, Loepa diversiocellata, Lemaireia luteopalpus and Cricula jordani."

I have posted many of Teemu's images to the following link:

Teemu in Laos

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On my home computer only: notes on Saturniidae of Bhutan by Ronald Brechlin (in English) as published in Entomo-Satsphingia 2 (1): 47 – 55 (March 2009)

The actual hardcopy editions of Entomo-Satsphingia may be purchased via the link to the left.