AGLIA OF THE WORLD Updated as per Entomo-Satsphingia: Jahrgang 8 Heft 01 24.04.2015; December 5, 2015


Aglia tau amurensis, perhaps synonymous with Aglia tau female, Korea, courtesy of Rodolphe Rougerie.

Aglia japonica microtau, Japan, courtesy of Hideshi Naka.


Superfamily: Bombycoidea, Latreille, 1802
Family: Saturniidae, Boisduval, [1837] 1834
Subfamily: Agliinae
Genus: Aglia, Ochsenheimer, 1810


"Wonderful World"
copyright C. Odenkirk

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There still appears to be some disagreement with regard to subspecies of Aglia tau. Based on a publication by Naumann, Brosch and Nassig, 2003, specimens previously designated as subspecies of tau are placed in synonymity with tau. No subspecies of tau are mentioned in a publication by Brechlin & Meister, 2015, where those authors designate Aglia ingens as a subjective junior synonym of Aglia homora, indicating there is room for debate.

Brechlin & Meister, 2015, put forward two new descriptions of Aglia sinyaevi and Aglia vanschaycki. I (Bill Oehlke) do not know the status of Aglia japonica microtau, but I think it is still recognized as a valid subspecies of japonica.

I think it may be neccessary to do DNA barcoding analysis to distinguish between, Aglia homora ?=? Aglia ingens and Aglia vanschaycki.

Listing of Aglia

N sinyaevi Brechlin & Meister, 2015 China: Shaanxi; very similar to tau
N vanschaycki Brechlin & Meister, 2015 China: Guizhou; very similar to homora

P homora Jordan, 1911 China: Shaanxi, Gansu, Sichuan, Qinghai
P ingens Naumann, Brosch & Nässig, 2003 China: Sichuan, Gongga Shan; 2015, B&M, designate ingens as a subjective junior synonym of homora.
P japonica japonica Leech, [1889] Russia, northern Japan
P japonica microtau Inoue, 1958 China possibly A. j. microtau is endemic to Japan, and it is not found in China??; southeastern Japan
P tau (Linnaeus, 1758) Japan, China, Russia to Europe (includes ferenigra)
P tau amurensis Jordan, 1911 Amur, perhaps synonymous with Aglia tau; northeastern China, South Korea, North Korea Russian Far East

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Aglia ingens: original description, 2003; 2015, B&M, designate ingens as a subjective junior synonym of homora.