Actias vanschaycki
Updated as per Entomo-Satsphingia Jahrgang 6 Heft 1 07.02.2013; April 12, 2013

Actias vanschaycki
Brechlin, 2013

Actias vanschaycki male, HT, 60 mm, Sichuan, China,
on my home computer only.

This site has been created by Bill Oehlke. Comments, suggestions and/or additional information are welcomed by Bill.


Superfamily Bombycoidea, Latreille, 1802
Family: Saturniidae, Boisduval, [1837] 1834
Subfamily: Saturniinae, Boisduval, [1837] 1834
Tribe: Saturniini, Boisduval, [1837] 1834
Genus: Actias, Leach, 1815


Actias vanschaycki (wingspan: males: 57-60mm; females: mm // Mfwl: 35-39mm; Ffwl: probably larger) flies in
China: Sichuan, southwest of Heishui; at elevations of 3100m.

Actias vanschaycki belongs in the Actias felicis group, comprised of the following species:

Actias felicis felicis, China: Jiangxi; Guangdong; Guangxi; Sichuan
Actias felicis arianeae, China: Shaanxi: Qin Ling Mountains, Fopin (1800m)
Actias uljanae: China: Hunan: Nanling Mts., 1500 m., Mt Shikengkong.
Actias chrisbrechlinae, China: Yunnan; Guangxi; 1950-2460m
Actias winbrechlini, China: northwestern Yunnan: Fengshuining Mountains (2460m), Yulong County; northern Myanmar = Burma: Kachin: Chudu Mountains (3000m)
Actias neidhoeferi, Taiwan; possibly eastern China
Actias kongjiaria, China: Sichuan: Gongga Shan; 2600-3200m
Actias rasa, China, Sichuan: Erlang Shan Mt; 2160m
Actias vanschaycki, China: Sichuan, southwest of Heishui; 3100m
Actias shaanxiana, China: Shaanxi: Tai Bai Shan Mountains; Daba Shan Mountains; 1500m.

With the exception of Actias felicis felicis, Actias chrisbrechlinae and Actias uljanae the moths in this group seem devoid of a forewing pm line, and are an almost uniform pale green, without yellow or pink in the hindwing tails.

The forewing pm line is thin and regularly dentate in the specimens mentioned above.

Actias vanschaycki male, PT, 57mm, Sichuan, China,
on my home computer only.


Actias vanschaycki probably broods continuously, but may be limited by higher elevation cold, and the preferred larval foodplant is probably Rhododendron. Thus far specimens have only been observed on the wing in Juner. There are probably additional flight months.


Females extend a scent gland from the posterior tip of the abdomen to call in night-flying males.


Larval Food Plants

It is hoped that this alphabetical listing followed by the common name of the foodplant will prove useful. The list is not exhaustive. Experimenting with closely related foodplants is worthwhile.

Liquidambar styraciflua ......


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