Antheraea rosemariae male, 125mm, Makassar, South Sulawesi,
courtesy of bugboys3, id by Bill Oehlke.
Antheraea rosemariae male (verso), 125mm, Makassar, South Sulawesi,
courtesy of bugboys3, id by Bill Oehlke.
TAXONOMY:Superfamily: Bombycoidea, Latreille, 1802 |
"Eyes for You" |
Antheraea rosemariae male, Indonesia, Sulawesi, Palopo, courtesy of Martin Jagelka.
DISTRIBUTION: Antheraea rosemariae
(wingspan: males: 125-130mm; females: larger) flies in | ![]() |
"Etymology: named after Rosemary, the former wife of Col. Michael ALLEN, England."
Antheraea rosemariae female, Indonesia, Sulawesi, Palopo, courtesy of Martin Jagelka.
Antheraea rosemariae female, Indonesia, Sulawesi, Palopo, courtesy of Martin Jagelka.
Antheraea rosemariae female, Sulawesi,
courtesy of Eric van Schayck.
The larva of A. rosemariae fits very well into the helferi-group of the genus Antheraea Hübner, 1819 ("1816").
Description of the preimaginal instars.
Ovum ocre with grayish brown marmoration. 2.6 by 2.4 by 1.7 mm, thickness of the chorion 0.05 mm.
1st instar larva ground coloration yellowish. On abdominal segments a broad black basal line, middorsally and subdorsally thin brown lines. A yellowish white line above lowermost row of scoli. Head, prothoracic shield and legs glossy black; prothorax dorsally white between prothoracic shield and head. Scoli mostly in six longitudinal rows with spines at apex, but thoracic segments each eight (dorsal and subdorsal scoli of prothorax fused with separated tips), 8th abdominal segment fife (scoli middorsally fused but with separated tips), 9th abdominal segment four, and caudal end of anal plate two scoli. Dorsal scoli on metathorax and middorsal scolus on 8th abdominal segment dark reddish brown or black; metathorax dorsally with a black transverse stripe connecting bases of scoli, 8th abdominal segment dorsally with a black dot.
2nd instar larva ground coloration yellowish green. Scoli mostly pink with spines at apex. Head, legs, prolegs, and anal prolegs ocre. Spiracles brownish orange, white bordered. Dorsal scoli of meso- and metathorax, basal scoli of 9th abdominal segment and middorsal scolus of 8th abdominal segment larger than other scoli. Cuticle covered with short white club-shaped hairs.
3rd instar larva pale green with a yellow and a dark green lateral stripe on abdominal segments. Spiracles reddish, middorsal long scolus on 8th abdominal segment with two well separated reddish brown tips. Dorsal scoli on thoracic segments still present, all other scoli mostly much reduced, as well as its spines at apex. Scoli mostly with each one long dark brown hair. Cuticle covered with numerous club-shaped short white hairs. 2nd till 6th abdominal segments dorsally with each one transverse row of longer club-shaped hairs, facing cephally.
4th instar larva much different from previous instar and all other known Antheraea. Ground coloration and head pale green, basal with a green and a yellowish line on abdominal segments. Ventrally a reddish line present. Border of anal plate and anal prolegs dark brown with club-shaped yellowish hairs. Spiracles dark red or orange. Scoli mostly much reduced with each one long brown hair at apex. The larva is now covered with long white hairs instead of club-shaped short hairs. Each one row of longer white hairs dorsally on abdominal segments present, facing cephally.
5th instar larva as in previous instar, but all long white setae slightly reduced.
6th instar larva variable yellowish green or bluish green with an interrupted broad yellowish basal line on abdominal segments. Head and prothoracic shield pale bluish green, spiracles dark red, white bordered. All scoli fully reduced. The white hairs are reduced in length, lateral and ventral hairs irregular, dorsal hairs mainly upright, transverse rows of longer hairs facing cephally as in previous instar. The adult larva is 11 cm long.
Pupa in the male reddish brown, abdominal segments ventral ocre, length/width 4 by 1.8 cm, antennal covers length/width 14 by 8 mm. Female pupa dark brown, ventrally with ocre colored transverse lines at abdominal segments, 4.5 by 2 cm, antennal covers 16 by 7 mm.
Cocoon double-walled, ca. 5.5 by 3 cm. Outer light yellow layer loose silk, bent into leaves; inner yellowish white layer cross-sectional view oval. No preformed opening at cephal end present." Ulrich Paukstadt
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The pronunciation of scientific names is troublesome for many. The "suggestion" at the top of the page is
merely a suggestion. It is based on commonly accepted English pronunciation of Greek names and/or some
fairly well accepted "rules" for latinized scientific names.
The suggested pronunciations, on this page and on other pages, are primarily put forward to assist those who hear with internal ears as they read.
There are many collectors from different countries whose intonations and accents would be different.
The species name, rosemariae, is honourific for Rosemary, the former wife of Col. Michael Allen, England.