Franz and Julian Renner sent me images of this, at the time, undescribed species,
referring to it as "vivian".
It has now been officially described and named
Actias chrisbrechlinae, as per personal communication
with Dr. Ronald Brechlin.
Franz Renner writes, May 30, 2007, "We have got eggs from an
undescribed species of the genus Actias. The
Chinese entomologist named this species "vivian". The species belongs
to the "Actias-felicis-group". The larvae are similar to
Actias felicis,
but the imagines are very different from Actias felicis.
I had success rearing this rare species and Julian was very
busy and has made some excellent photos. As attachments we send you
the pictures of our work."
It is hoped that this alphabetical listing followed by the common
name of the foodplant will prove useful. The list is not exhaustive.
Experimenting with closely related foodplants is worthwhile.
Larix .......
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