Lemaireia loepoides
Lemaireia loepoides
(Butler, 1880)

Lemaireia loepoides, Sri Pennanjau (elevation 1200m), Telecom Apartments,
March 13, 2007, courtesy of Preston Murphy.
TAXONOMY:Superfamily: Bombycoidea, Latreille, 1802
Family: Saturniidae, Boisduval, [1837] 1834
Subfamily: Saturniinae, Boisduval, [1837] 1834
Tribe: Saturniini, Boisduval, [1837] 1834
Genus: LemaireiaNässig & Holloway, 1987
Lemaireia loepoides (wingspan approximately 80mm)
is a relatively rare species in collections, flying most frequently in lowland forest in
northern Borneo: Sabah: Trusmadi and Crocker Range National Park (1300m);
northern Sumatra: Aceh and
western peninsular Malaysia: Pahang; Bukit Laruk Perak (1000m).
However, one was taken at 1618m on Bukit Retak,
This moth was originally classified as Antheraea loepoides
and was then moved to Syntherata loepoides before being assigned as specimen type for Lemaireia.
As of December 31, 2018, Lemaireia loepoides and Lemaireia schintlmeisteri (Mindanao, Philippines) are the only two Lemaireia species
whose hindwing ocelli are outwardly bordered by wide, dark, reddish-brown rings; the other eight species/subspecies have the ocelli outwardly bordered by much narrower,
yet very distinct, black rings.
"Diagnosis. The species resembles somewhat a small Loepa but the forewing apex is acute, the ocelli of both wings are much smaller with unicolorous
rings, the fasciae are rufous, broad, diffuse and somewhat irregular, and a rufous bar extends from the hindwing ocellus to the dorsum." The genus name, Lemaireia is
honourific for Claude Lemaire.

Lemaireia loepoides

Lemaireia loepoides
Teemu Klemetti offers the following regarding flight on peninsular Malaysia: "I found it in April only, but it may have a second brood in
October-November. Males come to light between 5:00 - 6:30 am; no experiences with the females." The females probably call near dawn or in the wee hours on
the morning and that could be why males are infrequently taken at lights, arriving while most collectors are retired and departing before the collectors arise.
Larval hosts are as yet unknown.

Lemaireia loepoides Crocker Range National Park, Sabah, Borneo, Malaysia,
April 19, 2007, 1300m, courtesy of Kenichiro Nakao.

Lemaireia loepoides Kinabalu, Crocker Range, Sabah, Borneo,
courtesy of Bernard d' Abrera.
It is expected that females possibly?? call near dawn as that is when males appear at lights.

Lemaireia loepoides Crocker Range National Park, Sabah, Borneo, Malaysia,
April 19, 2007, 1300m, courtesy of Kenichiro Nakao.

Lemaireia loepoides Bukit Larut Perak, peninsular Malaysia,
April 19, 1999, 1000m, courtesy of Kenichiro Nakao.

Lemaireia loepoides HT female, Borneo,
courtesy of Bernard d'Abrera.
Larval hosts are as yet unknown.
It is hoped that this alphabetical listing followed by the common name of the foodplant will prove useful. The list is not exhaustive.
Experimenting with closely related foodplants is worthwhile.
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