Updated as per Nachr. entomol. Ver. Apollo, N. F. 38 (4): 169–180 (2017); courtesy of Stefan Naumann |
Saturnia (Rinaca) simla (male) courtesy of Leroy Simon.
Saturnia (Rinaca) simloides HT male, Da Lat, Lam Dong, Vietnam,
145mm, November 2015, courtesy of Stefan Naumann
Saturnia (Rinaca) simloides male, Axan Mt, Tay Giang, Vietnam,
December 14, 2018, courtesy of Mark Paterson.
TAXONOMY:Superfamily: Bombycoidea, Latreille, 1802 |
DISTRIBUTION:Saturnia (Rinaca) simloides (wingspan: males apprx. 145 mm; females: 150mm; 5-6 inches), is native to southern and central Vietnam: Lam Dong: Da Lat (HT) and Di Linh Mt., 900m, and it derives its name from its great similarity to Saturnia (Rinaca) simla. It has also been taken in the following southern and central Vietnamese provinces: Thua Thien Hue: Bach Ma Mt., 1400m; Kon Tum: Kontum env.; Quang Ngai: Bato Mt.; Qu?ng Nam: Axan Mt., 500-950-1200-1400mm."Remarks: S. (R.) simloides n. sp. in general is very similar to the closest and widespread relative S. (R.) simla and differs in both sexes from this taxon by a little more vivid and intense ground colour, little larger size on average, more ovoid-formed Fw. ocelli, and some details in ? genitalia structures." When I placed the simloides male on the simla page, the only difference I noticed was that simloides seems to have a slightly narrower, less rounded (Slightly truncated) projection of the forewing apex. I do not know if this is a consistent character.
FLIGHT TIMES AND PREFERRED FOOD PLANTS:Saturnia (Rinaca) simloides fly in the fall: September-October-November; January and June flights have also been recorded.This apparently multi-brooded species probably ?? favours sweet chestnut and hawthorn as larval foodplants. Anatolij Kulak has reared simla them on Prunus domestica. Franz Renner writes, Based on India material, the best foodplant is Juglans (Walnut).
Saturnia (Rinaca) simloides female, Axan Mt, Tay Giang, Quang Nam, Vietnam, ECLOSION, SCENTING AND MATING:Females scent at night after 10:00 pm and males use their highly developed antennae to track the wind blown pheromone. Generally, matings occur from 10:30 pm-midnight and the pair remain coupled until the following afternoon or evening.
Saturnia (Rinaca) simla, China, first instar,
on Prunus domestica,
Saturnia (Rinaca) simla, second instar on Salix caprea,
Saturnia (Rinaca) simla, China, fifth instar,
on Prunus domestica,
Saturnia (Rinaca) simla, China, fifth instar,
on Prunus domestica,
Larval Food PlantsIt is hoped that this alphabetical listing followed by the common name of the anticipated foodplant will prove useful. The list is not exhaustive. Experimenting with closely related foodplants is worthwhile.
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