Salassa extremorientalis
Updated as per personal communication with Stefan Naumann (The European Entomologist, Vol. 2, No. 3{4}, pp 93-122: Bhutan); March 13, 2010
Salassa extremorientalis
Stefan Naumann, Swen Loffler & Steve Kohll, 2010

Salassa extremorientalis male, 110mm, courtesy of Stefan Naumann.
Superfamily: Bombycoidea Latreille, 1802
Family: Saturniidae Boisduval, [1837] 1834
Subfamily: Salassinae Michener, 1949
Genus: Salassa Moore, 1859 | |
"Moon River"
copyright C. Odenkirk
Salassa extremorientalis (forewing length: males: 58-60mm; females: 60mm)
flies in China:
Fujian Province, N Fujian, Bijiashan, Renshou;
Hainan Island, Wuzhi Mt., 1600 m, VII. 1998;
N. Guangdong Province, Lianshan, Jinzhi Mt., 1600 m, VI. 1998;
Guangdong Province, Shao Guan, 1100 m, Nanling Nature Reserve, VI. 2008;
E. Hunan Province, Guidong, Bamia Mt., 1600 m, VI. 1998; and
Jiangxi Province, Wumeishan, 1500 m, Shigi Feugxing, VI. 2001.

Salassa extremorientalis male, 105mm, courtesy of Stefan Naumann.
The male ground color is a bright grayish-orange-brown.
The forewing apex is not produced, and the outer margin is straight.
The drop-shaped, greenish hyaline area of the cell is small.
The slightly darker, convexly lobed am line separates a slightly more orange basal area from a greyer
median area. The orangey-brown pm line is notched and outwardly lined with a narrow band of bright orange.
The hindwing ocellus is bean-shaped and mostly black, outlined in white, then black and surrounded by a relatively small
orangey-yellow circular area. A thick black arc connects the am and pm lines above the ocellus.

Salassa extremorientalis male (verso), 110mm, courtesy of Stefan Naumann.

Salassa extremorientalis male (verso), 105mm, courtesy of Stefan Naumann.
The ventral surface is gray-brown with white scaling
through the basal and medium areas, and a brighter
reddish gray-brown band between the cell marking and the pm line. The subterminal area shows a suffusion of
greyish-white scaling and the terminal/marginal area darkens toward the outer margin. Cell marks are small.
Moths are on the wing in June-July, September, and possibly in other months.

Salassa extremorientalis female, 112mm, courtesy of Stefan Naumann.

Salassa extremorientalis female (verso), 112mm, courtesy of Stefan Naumann.
The female's ground colour is a greenish gray-orange, with some bright yellow-orange just outside the
large greenish hyaline area.
spin loose cocoons near the ground amongst loose debris.
Larval Food Plants
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name of the foodplant will prove useful. The list is not exhaustive.
Experimenting with closely related foodplants is worthwhile.
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So far this is the most easterly species of Salassa. Hence the species name "extremorientalis".
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