Samia tetrica
Updated as per A Revision of the Silkmoth Genus Samia Peigler and Naumann, 2003
Updated as per Die Saturniidae der Cameron- und Genting-Highlands in West Malaysia, Lampe, 1984; borneensis to tetrica; March 7, 2009
Updated as per personal communication with Jaroslav Sterba (female taken June, Malaysia; larvae reared on Ligustrum); September 4, 2013
Samia tetrica
(Rebel, 1924)
(Philosamia insularis tetrica)

Samia tetrica (male), Frasers Hill, Malaysia,
February 26-28, 2009, courtesy of
Preston Murphy.
Superfamily: Bombycoidea, Latreille, 1802
Family: Saturniidae, Boisduval, [1837] 1834
Subfamily: Saturniinae, Boisduval, [1837] 1834
Tribe: Attacini, Blanchard, 1840
Genus: Samia, Hubner, 1819 | |
"Asian Spring Blossoms"
Samia tetrica (wingspan: males 115mm; females 133mm) flies in
Brunei (quite likely Samia borneensis),
Kalimantan (quite likely Samia kalimantanensis),
Malaysia: Genting Highlands, and
Borneo (quite likely Samia borneensis in northern Borneo;
Samia kalimantanensis in southern Borneo).
Samia tetrica is a small (forewing length: males: 50-58mm; females: 68-75mm), dark species with a high and elongated forewing apex.
The fw postmedial line is very straight. In the male the hw outer margin is almost straight, suggesting a v-shape from the anal angle.
Females have a slightly more rounded appearance. Most specimens have a very generous suffusion of pinkish-white scales from the pm line outward.

Samia tetrica male, Pahang, Malaysia,
courtesy of
Kelly Price.
Bsed on A Revision of the Silkmoth Genus Samia Peigler and Naumann, 2003, the
male (1) and female (3) depicted on Plate 2 in Die Saturniidae der Cameron- und Genting-Highlands in West Malaysia, Lampe, 1984,
are Samia tetrica, not S. borneensis as labelled.
Teemu Klemetti writes "Samia tetrica flies from late March into early April, a bit earlier than
kohlli. In Malaysia specimens have been taken in February, and Jaroslav Sterba reports a wild female taken in Malaysia: Fraser's Hill, June 2, 2013.
He reared larvae from eggs on Ligustrum with larvae spinning cocoons in early August. He is expecting imagines soon.
Males fly from 1-3am; females around midnight." Larvae probably accept ailanthus and privet (confirmed by Jaroslav Sterba).
Specimens have been recorded February-March-April, June, August, October-November-December.
Preston Murphy reports a male from Sri Pennanjau (elevation 1200m), Telecom Apartments, Malaysia, March 13, 2007, with a fly in time
around 6:45 am. The moth was quite warn, but distinctly Samia tetrica.

Samia tetrica (male), Malaysia,
courtesy of
Eric van Schayck.

Samia tetrica (female), Malaysia,
courtesy of
Eric van Schayck.
Jaroslav Sterba sends the following image of a mature Samia tetrica larva from Fraser's Hill, Malaysia. It is the first time the larva of this species has
been displayed on WLSS. Jaroslav also reports foodplants: Acer negundo: Box elder, boxelder maple, maple ash, black ash, etc.; and Ligustrum: Privet.

Samia tetrica fifth instar on Acer negundo, Frasers Hill, Malaysia,
courtesy of Jaroslav Sterba.

Samia tetrica fifth instar on Acer negundo, Frasers Hill, Malaysia,
courtesy of Jaroslav Sterba.

Samia tetrica cocoon on Acer negundo, Frasers Hill, Malaysia,
August, 2013, courtesy of Jaroslav Sterba.
Larval Food Plants
It is hoped that this alphabetical listing followed by the common
name of the foodplant will prove useful. The list is not exhaustive.
Experimenting with closely related foodplants is worthwhile.
Acer negundo (JS)
Ailanthus altissima ....... Ligustrum (JS)
Box elder, boxelder maple, maple ash, black ash Ailanthus Privet
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