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Many thanks also go to the other individuals who have contributed images and information and have helped with identifications and corrections to flesh out the active links listed below.
These provisional checklists of the different Saturniidae subfamilies have been largely created by going through the information provided in the four great Saturniidae works by the late Dr. Claude Lemaire (*) of France: Attacidae (1978), Arsenurinae (1980), Ceratocampinae (1988) and Hemileucinae (2002), and have been updated to include all of the new species designations in the Entomo-Satsphingia journals from 2008-2015.
I have made many of my own interpolations from those works, particularly if a species was described from both Parana to the north and Rio Grande Do Sul to the south. Those interpolations are followed by "?" to indicate I have no confirmed reports, but I anticipate the species has a range including the state of Santa Catarina.
"The Serra Geral, a southern extension of the Serra do Mar, runs north and south through the state parallel to the Atlantic coast, dividing the state between a
narrow coastal plain and a larger plateau region to the west.
"The Atlantic coast of Santa Catarina has many beaches, islands, bays, inlets, and lagoons. The humid tropical Serra do Mar coastal forests cover the narrow
coastal zone, which is crossed by numerous short streams from the wooded slopes of the serras.
"The central part of the state is home to the Araucaria moist forests, dominated by emergent Brazilian pines (Araucaria angustifolia). The drainage of the
plateau is westward to the Paraná River, the rivers being tributaries of the Iguaçu, which forms its northern boundary, and of the Uruguay River, which forms
its southern boundary. The semi-deciduous Paraná-Paraíba interior forests occupy the westernmost valleys of the Iguaçu and Uruguay rivers.
"The highest point of the state is the Morro da Boa Vista, with an altitude of 1,827 m, and the second highest point is the Morro da Igreja, in the town of
Urubici, with an altitude of 1,822 m."
This website is designed and maintained by Bill Oehlke who can be reached at oehlkew@islandtelecom.com. If you have additions, corrections, data, images, etc., please send to Bill Oehlke.
Many thanks to Americo Chini for the beautiful images he has provided from Alfredo Wagner, Santa Catarina.
Hemileucinae larva, Alfredo Wagner, Santa Catarina, Brazil,
March 6, 2016, courtesy of Americo Chini.
Leucanella/Dirphia species, final instar, Lomba Alta, Alfredo Wagner, Santa Catarina, Brazil,
March 17, 2016, courtesy of Americo Chini.
Dirphiopsis multicolor female, Massaranduba, Santa Catarina, Brazil,
July 26, 2014, courtesy of Joao Amarildo Ranguetti, id by Bill Oehlke.
Lonomia parobliqua female, Massaranduba (near Blumenau), Santa Catarina, Brazil,
July 27, 2014, courtesy of Joao Amarildo Ranguetti, id by Bill Oehlke.
Lonomia parobliqua female, Massaranduba (near Blumenau), Santa Catarina, Brazil,
April 14, 2016, courtesy of Joao Amarildo Ranguetti, id by Bill Oehlke.
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Visit Santa Catarina Comparison Tables for Automerella, Automeris, Automeropsis, Pseudautomeris.
Visit Santa Catarina Comparison Tables for Callodirphia, Cerdirphia, Dirphia, Dirphiopsis, Pseudoodirphia.
Updated as per Santa Catarina Saturniidae, NEVA; Nachrichten des Entomologischen Vereins Apollo: Siewert, R. R., Silva, E. J. E., & Mielke, C. G. C.: "Saturniidae from Santa Catarina State, Brazil, with taxonomic notes (Lepidoptera)", 2010 publication with additions to my original list followed by (n); March 17, 2016.