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Homoeopteryx syssauroides male, Juquitiba, Sao Paulo, Brazil,
February 8, 2016, courtesy of Marcelo Massari, id by Bill Oehlke
Oxytenis bicornis male, Sao Paulo, Brazil,
January 11, 2015, courtesy of Enio Branco.
Copaxa mielkeorum male, Sao Paulo, Brazil,
October 1, 2014, courtesy of Enio Branco.
Copaxa flavobrunnaea male, Sao Paulo, Brazil,
October 1, 2014, courtesy of Enio Branco.
Automeris melanops male, Juquitiba, Sao Paulo, Brazil,
February 8, 2016, courtesy of Marcelo Massari, id by Bill Oehlke
Many thanks also go to the other individuals (Dr. Arthur Anker; Ron Brechlin; Philippe Brems; Mike Buczkowski; Ezequiel Bustos; James Colborn (j); Chris Conlan; Thibaud Decaens; Carlot Didier; Ulf Drechsel; Brian Fletcher; Reinhard Foerster; Eurides Furtado; Jean Haxaire; Evgeny V. Komarov; Daniel Rojas Lanus; Roy MacIntyre; John Marchant; Hubert Mayer; Carlos Mielke (c); Jose Monzon; Pia Oberg; of Fernando Penco; Leroy Simon; Norm Smith; Paul Smith; Viktor Suter; Luis Cesar Tejo; Gerrit Tuinstra; Andres Urbas; Larry Valentine; Eric van Schayck; Alain Van Vyve; Nigel Venters; Nigel Voaden; Bernhard Wenczel; Kirby Wolfe; Rich Young; and others) who have contributed images and information and have helped with identifications and corrections to flesh out the active links listed below.
These provisional checklists of the different Saturniidae subfamilies have been largely created by going through the information provided in the four great Saturniidae works by the late Dr. Claude Lemaire of France: Attacidae (1978), Arsenurinae (1980), Ceratocampinae (1988) and Hemileucinae (2002). Dr. Lemaire's confirmations for Sao Paulo are indicated with *.
I have made many of my own interpolations from those works, particularly if a species was described from both Minas Gerais and Rio de Janeiro to the north and Santa Catarina to the south. Those interpolations are followed by "?" to indicate I have no confirmed reports, but I anticipate the species might have a range including the state of Sao Paulo.
Many new species have been described since the publications of Dr. Lemaire works and much effort has been made and continues to be made with revisions to the lists.
This website is designed and maintained by Bill Oehlke who can be reached at oehlkew@islandtelecom.com. If you have additions, corrections, data, images, etc., please send to Bill Oehlke.
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