Saturniidae of Belarus

Saturnia pavonia female, courtesy of Serge Yevdoshenko, Belarus

Aglia tau ?
Saturnia ligurica ?

Saturnia pavonia
Saturnia pyri

Saturnia spini ?

Serge Yevdoshenko sends me the following information about Saturnia pyri in Belarus:

"Single-brooded in Belarus.

"Flight in May – June.

"MATING: Mating is easy if you have not siblings adults, then they will mate easily in larger cage where males will fly during the night and look for females. The cage have to be placed outdoors where is air-movement during the night. Females start to lay eggs next night after the copulation.

"OVO: Eggs are laid singly in the cage. They will hatch after 12 - 15 days. Eggs are watered only occasionaly, especially few days before hatching.

"LARVA: Food plants: Fraxinus, Populus, Salix, Malus, Prunus, Pyrus, Quercus. Rearing is quite easy in captivity but the best method seems to be sleeved the larvae on living plants. When they are sleeved outdoors they dont mind if they are placed in shadow or in the rain but indoors they prefer dry conditions. They like warm temperature since +19 to +28 C seems to be the best. Larvae should never be too many together. They should not be reared in plastic boxes only until the second moulting, then only on dry place, in cages, sleeves, etc. After the second moulting they should be separated from each other as they are sensitive to bacterial viruses."

"PUPA: Larvae pupate between leaves, twigs, bark on walls, etc... making dark tight cocoon. Pupa will overwinter in temperature since -10 to -22 C. Do not water the cocoons during the winter! you should only put some snow on cocoons at winter, but spray them with water in April - May when they are close to hatch."

Of Saturnia pavonia he writes, "FLIGHT TIME OF ADULT: April - May (only one brood a year)

"MATING: Mating is easy if you have not siblings adults, then they will mate easily even in small cage where males will fly during the day and look for females. Mating lasts only few hours. Females start to lay eggs the first night after the copulation.

"OVO: Eggs are laid together in masses or rings around twigs. They will hatch after 10 - 14 days. Eggs are watered only occasionaly, especially few days before hatching.

"LARVA: Food plants: Frangula, Rubus, Prunus, Salix, Betula, Populus.

"Rearing is easy in captivity in cages or plastic boxes, but always keeping at clean conditions. They like warm temperature since +19 to +28 C seems to be the best. Larvae don't mind if they are reared together, especially at the first stages. They are more sensitive to bacterial viruses if they are reared in plastic boxes where the moisture is not controlled, that is why the best method is keeping them in dry cage with a lot of fresh food.

"PUPA: Larvae pupate between leaves, twigs, bark, grasses, etc... making brown tight cocoon. Pupa will overwinter in temperature since -10 to -22 C. Do not water the cocoons during the winter! You should only put some snow on cocoons at winter, but spray them with water in April when they are close to hatch."

Saturnia pavonia male, Belarus, April 11, 2007, courtesy of Anatolij Kulak.

Saturnia pavonia male (verso), Belarus, April 11, 2007, courtesy of Anatolij Kulak.

Saturnia pavonia male (verso), Belarus, April 11, 2007, courtesy of Anatolij Kulak.

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