This site has been created by
Bill Oehlke at
Comments, suggestions and/or additional information are welcomed by Bill.
TAXONOMY:Superfamily: Noctuoidea |
"Moon River" |
DISTRIBUTION:Catocala ilia zoe (wingspan: approximately 65mm) flies in California northwards to at least central western Oregon and east at least to Arizona. There are a few records for southern Oregon. I have also seen an image from Umatilla, northeastern Oregon, that I am pretty sure is ilia zoe.It has also been reported in Utah. It might be ?? in western New Mexico.
C. ilia zoe, June 4, 2003, Pinnacles National Monument, The am line is black, distinct and has a pointed, triangular shaped indentation just above the inner margin. The pm line is darker along its upper half. The two upper teeth are elongate, followed by a shorter, dark, pointed third tooth and a fourth more elongate, wider blunter tooth. The fifth tooth below the line on the subreniform spot is wide and has two projections, a shorter upper projection and a larger, longer projection. There is a dark dash in the basal area. The hindwing ground colour is yellowish-orange with some light brown scaling/hairs particularly in the basal area along the inner margin. The outer black band has a deep indentation near the anal angle. The inner band is almost complete to the inner margin and has a projection toward the indention of the outer band. The inner half of the hw apex is yellow-orange; the outer half is white. The remaining fringe is white, heavily checked, with some slight "bleeding" of yellow-orange. FLIGHT TIMES AND PREFERRED FOOD PLANTS:Catocala ilia zoe are usually on the wing from June to September, but Dave Wikle took the one depicted below at a MV light on May 29, 2004, Alameda County, elev 2380' streamside among oaks, pines, chaparral, N37 29.527 W121 32.059, three miles west of the convergence of Alameda, Santa Clara, Stanislaus and San Joaquin Counties on Mines Road.The peak of the single flight is probably in June.
Catocala ilia zoe, June 13, 2007, Eugene (Lane County), Oregon,
Larry found the following larva and put it in a jar with some oak leaves. It pupated on May 13, 2007 and emerged 31 days later.
Catocala ilia zoe, May 12, 2007, Eugene, Oregon, courtesy of Larry McQueen. Larry writes, " The caterpillar was found last evening by our dog on the patio. We don’t know what plant it associates with, but we have a lot of potted plants. The ventral view captured the caterpillar as it was doing its scare movements of rapid lateral twisting so that it pops up and often lands on its back. It was photographed on a one-inch grid. The insect is basically a green on the blue or gray side."
Catocala ilia zoe, June 13, 2007, Eugene (Lane County), Oregon,
ECLOSION:Adults eclose from pupae at soil surface.
Quercus alba |
White oak |
Please send sightings/images to Bill. I will do my best to respond to requests for identification help.
Enjoy one of nature's wonderments: Live Saturniidae (Giant Silkmoth) cocoons.
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