Asthenidia trans. tranversaria
| Thus far I have only seen reports of Asthenidia transversaria transversaria in Costa Rica and Colon, Panama. I suspect, in addition to
Colon, it also flies in the other Panamanian provinces between Colon and Costa Rica. I do not think there are any other Asthenidia speces in Panama.
The descriptions in the right hand columns pertain to males of the four Oxytenis species known from Panama. The shape of the forewing outer margin allows for quick
identifications of species which can be highly variable within a species with respect to colour and patterning. The shape of the outer margin, however, is consistent
within a species and very different between species.
Oxytenis albilunulata dark form
Costa Rica to western Ecuador
Oxytenis albilunulata clear form
Costa Rica to western Ecuador
| At least two forms. Fw outer margin evenly convex below pointed,
produced apex. Grey-white subterminal crescents
Oxytenis beprea male
Honduras to Panama
Oxytenis beprea female
Honduras to Panama
| FW o m irregular: slight projections at vein ends.
Hw o m quite distinct: scalloped upper half; straight, pointed lower half
Oxytenis modestia male
Mexico to Argentina
Oxytenis modestia female
Mexico to Argentina
| Fw outer margin: straight slightly oblique below smooth concave arc
annexing the apex.
Oxytenis naemia orecta grey-beige male
Costa Rica to Panama
Oxytenis naemia orecta orange-beige male
Costa Rica to Panama
| Upper half of fw outer margin strongly produced, concave from pointed apex to
downward directed lobe; scalloped lower half