Updated as per ongoing personal communication with Horst Kach, 2006 -- Updated as per French Guiana Systematique, February, 2008 Updated as per http://www.inbio.ac.cr/bims/k02/p05/c029/o0119/f00885.htm IB Updated as per An annotated list of the Lepidoptera of Honduras, 2-29-2012, Jacqueline Y. Miller; March 3, 2013 This page has been updated August 24, 2015, based on reference material for Argentina, sent to me by Ezequiel Bustos, as cited in a recent publication: NÚÑEZ: Catálogo preliminar de Saturniidae de Argentina TROP. LEPID. RES., 25(1): 22-33, 2015 31. |
TAXONOMY:Superfamily: Bombycoidea, Latreille, 1802 |
midi by Mel WebbON.OFF |
In Costa Rica this species has been taken from sea level to 1200m, but it seems more common at lower elevations.
In some taxonomies, the Oxyteninae are treated as a distinct family (Oxytenidae) rather than as a subfamily of Saturniidae.
Oxytenis modestia, December, Limon, Costa Rica, courtesy of Otso Reunanen.
Oxytenis modestia male, Darien, Panama, courtesy of
Dr. Arthur Anker, STRI,
tentative id by Bill Oehlke.
This moth probably broods continuously.
Larvae feed upon Alibertia edulis, Genipa americana and Lindenia rivalis.
Photo courtesy of Annette Aiello, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Panamá.
Oxytenis modestia male, May 21, 2007, La Bonita, Sucumbios, Ecuador,
courtesy/copyright Horst Kach.
Oxytenis modestia male (verso), May 21, 2007, La Bonita, Sucumbios, Ecuador,
courtesy/copyright Horst Kach.
First instar larvae are very small, pale, with long setae, and blend in with leaf surface debris.
In the next two to four instars, larvae resemble bird droppings with the fourth-fifth instar larva, depicted, darker than the earlier instars and having larger brown chalazae, resembling fig seeds.Larval images are courtesy of Annette Aiello, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Panamá. | ![]() |
"Eyespots" on the fifth or sixth instar (whichever is last) larvae, which exhibit both green and brown colour morphs, are suggestive of the Papilionidae, while the anal horn resembles the Sphingidae. | ![]() |
The laterally flared thoracic segments are unusual amongst the Saturniidae. Adult wing venation, larval behaviour and morphology are often sited as reasons for placing the Oxytenis species in their own family (Oxytenidae) distinct from the Saturniidae. | ![]() |
Larvae spend three to six days in each instar. Some larvae pass through five instars while others experience six instars.
Like some Sphingidae, the modestia larvae pupate amongst damp leaf litter in a liquid produced along with a few strands of stretchy, reddish silk, binding some surface leaves.
Alibertia edulis |
Trompillo / Purui pequeno |
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Pictures and information are from
1997. Aiello, A., and M.A. Balcázar. The immature stages of Oxytenis modestia (Cramer), with comments on the mature larvae of Asthenidia and Homoeopteryx (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae: Oxyteninae). Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society, 51(2): 105-118.
The following image(s) may or may not appear on your monitor, depending upon whether or not I get permission from respective photographers/owners to display them. I do have permission for my own private use.
Oxytenis modestia female, Crique St. Leon, French Guiana,
February 26-March 4, 2002, collection of Robert Vande Merghel,
photo copyright Rene Lahousse,
French Guiana Systematique.