Automeris phrynon
Automeris phrynon
Druce, 1897
by Kirby Wolfe

Automeris phrynon male, Santa Rosa, Puriscal, San Jose, Costa Rica,
December 4, 2009, courtesy of
Kirby Wolfe.

Automeris phrynon female, Santa Rosa, Puriscal, San Jose, Costa Rica,
December 10, 2009, courtesy of
Kirby Wolfe.

Automeris phrynon sixth instar, Santa Rosa, Puriscal, San Jose, Costa Rica,
courtesy of Kirby Wolfe.
Kirby Wolfe has successfully reared larvae on Gliricidia sepium ("madero negro") and Diphysa robinoides ("guachipelín") (both Fabaceae)
in Costa Rica.
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