Datura inoxia
P. Mill.

Datura inoxia, Jimson Weed, courtesy of Melody Lytle

Datura inoxia, commonly known as Jimson Weed, Stinkweed, Angel Trumpet, Thornapple or Pricklyburr, belongs to the Solanaceae family.

This low lying, short-lived, self-seeding perennial is often planted as an ornamental, and it grows in pretty much any soil type. It requires little water, but it can become weedy if unchecked.

All parts of this plant are highly poisonous. No part of this plant should ever be injested.

The very hardy Thornapple usually only grows 1-3ft in height, but may spread out several feet. It survives outdoors pretty much anywhere in the United States, except for extreme winter areas.

This species is closely related to, and sometimes confused with or incorporated into Datura stramonium - jimson weed.

Datura inoxia, Jimson Weed, courtesy of Melody Lytle

The following Sphingidae utilize Datura inoxia as a larval host.

Manduca sexta

Manduca sexta from Mexico, courtesy of Jean Haxaire.

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This page is presented by Bill Oehlke.

This site is presented as an extension of the
World's Largest Saturniidae Site, a private worldwide silkmoth site,
Caterpillars Too!, a private North American butterfly site featuring images of caterpillars,
Sphingidae of the Americas, a free public access site about the Sphingidae (Hawkmoths) of the Americas.
North American Catocala, a free publc access site about the Catocala (underwing moths) of North America.

Larval hostplant lists have been compiled from the Natural History Museum's
HOSTS - a database of the world's Lepidopteran hostplants