Hi All,
I have just received word that Dirk Bayer has been exposed to Corona virus at work. Hopefully he will not develop the virus even though exposed, and if he does develop the virus, he will have a full and speedy recovery. I have been saying prayers for him morning and night
I have never met Dirk face to face, but we have been working together for many many years over the internet (email) with regard to Saturniidae egg and cocoons and pupae sales. Dirk has also shipped Heraclides cresphontes (giant swallowtail) pupae. Over the years many of you have received cresphontes pupae shipped directly from Alabama by Dirk; many of you have received spring/early summer, non-diapausing luna cocoons, direct shipped from Dirk.
Before I temporarily shut down our egg shipments in mid spring 2020, Dirk had already shipped quite a few batches of cecropia eggs. He was frequently a supplier of imperialis eggs and pupae and one of the few suppliers of Callosamia securifera. Some of you have received regalis eggs from Dirk in past years.
This fall he has provided luna cocoons and imperialis pupae that many of you have already received or will be receiving.
Dirk has always been 100% reliable, generous and kind regarding correspondence, cooperation and customer satisfaction. His wife Juanita has okayed the following request from me to you: "Please remember Dirk and his family in your prayers."
Many thanks to all. Dirk recently sent me an email, and he did not develop the virus. After fourteen days of self-isolation, he is now able to return to work, and the family will celebrate Thanksgiving together in a small gathering the weekend of December 5-6. Hurray for Dirk
Please also remember and be grateful for the many front line care workers, and those who are working so hard on developing treatments and cures. My condolences and prayers for any of you that have lost loved ones.
In Canada, I still have the following items for sale: Actias luna, Antheraea polyphemus, Callosamia promethea cocoons, all at $6.00 CDN/cocoon; Dryocampa rubicunda pupae (very small number left) at $4.50 CDN/pupa; and three Sphingidae species: Pachysphinx modesta 5.50CDN; Smerinthus cerisyi 5.00 CDN, Sphinx drupiferarum 6.00 CDN; plus shipping.
I have included images of all Sphingidae species still available below.
Hemaris diffinis, Snowberry Clearwing or Bumblebee Moth, Tim Dyson image, only in USA this year, $5.00
Smerinthus cerisyi, One-eyed or Cerisy's Sphinx, Jean Haxaire image, $5.00
Larvae are easy to rear of poplar species; available in both Canada and USA.
Pachysphinx modesta in copula, Tami Gingrich image, available in Canada, $5.50 CDN, sold out in USA, still available in Canada.
Sphinx drupiferarum, Wild Cherry Sphinx, Tim Dyson image, available only in Canada this year; $6.00 CDN.
Below is the pricelist and ordering instructions that I began sending out to US WLSS members on October 3. If you did not receive a copy in your email, please contact me by email so I can update your membership file with a current email address.
Sales have been very brisk, and we will begin shipping some orders October 19.
Hello to all USA WLSS members,
I hope you are all well in these trying times.
I am sending this list out to all USA WLSS members. Once the mailout is complete, I will wait one week before advertising or responding to non-member requests. Below is the fall pricelist for overwintering cocoons and pupae.
Do not send any payment with your original request, but please send in an initial request as soon as possible. In your email reply, please be sure to include the following three things:
1) Complete name and shipping address
2) Species and quantities of each desired
3) Your intended payment method: personal check or Paypal
Only send payment after I have confirmed your request and provided the amount due in a personal email to you. I may have to ration some species if demand is high.
Actias luna $5.50 members; $6.00 non members
Antheraea polyphemus $5.50 members; $6.00 non members
Callosamia promethea $5.50 members; $6.00 non members; sold out in US
Samia cynthia $5.50 members; $6.00 non members; only small numbers remaining
Automeris io $5.50 members; $6.00 non members; only small number remaining
Hyalophora Cecropia $8.00 members; $8.80 non members
Hyalophora Columbia gloveri $8.00 members; $8.80 non members (five cocoons left as of November 21, due to a late cancellation)
Citheronia regalis; $19.00/pair or 24.00/trio members; $26.00 non members/ trio; a trio consist of two males and one female; only two pairs left as of November 21
Eacles imperialis: 14 males (no females $6.50 members; $7.00 non members ; completely sold out
Butterfly pupae:
glaucus glaucus, eastern tiger swallowtail 5.50 members; $6.00 non members
Troilus, spicebush swallowtail 5.50 members; $6.00 non members
Sphingidae pupae:
Hemaris diffinis, Snowberry clearwing, seldom offered day flier that will visit flowers in your garden; $5.50 members; $6.00 non members
Pachysphinx modesta/pair; 11.00 members; $12.00 non members; sold out in USA
I do have access to more Smerinthus cerisyi in USA at $5.00
There will be one shipping and handling fee of $11.00 no matter how many cocoons/pupae you order. Items will, in most cases, be shipped from Maine and tracking numbers will be provided.
If you have extra cocoons that are of North American species not listed above that you would be willing to sell to me at wholesale prices, please let me know. I can never get enough cecropia (have lots this year) and I suspect there may be a shortage of luna (still have lots this year). Happy to purchase those species as well if stock run low early in the new year. Let me know of anything you have in surplus. I am particularly interested in western US species.
Currently suppliers have indicated that there is a shortage of Eacles imperialis pupae and I only have a commitment of a small number of male imperialis pupae (no females, got some males and females from Dirk in Alabama), all from Ohio. I am also interested in additional eastern species like Callosamia angulifera, Callosamia securifera, more imperialis, especially females.
Stay safe and be well
Bill Oehlke
I recently received an image of Eacles penelope from Sao Paulo. It is the first confirmation I have from that Brazilian state.
I just received this mornging two images of what I believe is a live female Otheren cadmus from Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. It might also be only of the newer othorene species from southeastern Brazil.
I am almost ready to post a citheronia hamifera-like species comparison chart and range distribution map.
I am making slow but steady progress with creating files for recently described species and with updating national checklists and lower level checklists. It is all quite time consuming
Sphingidae Express
Grgory Nielsen is in Villavicencio, Meta, Colombia, and he has recently sent me images of a live Oryba kadeni moth (now posted). Gregory has also sent images of Isognathus caricae larvae from the same area. I will shortly post them.
Catocala Capers
I have some work to do with images submitted by Maurice Bottos and Bill Garthe and William T Hark and Allan Magnus. Hope to get to them soon. (Not there yet). I am struggling with the many new Citheronia species
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