Leucanella of Ecuador
As of this writing, February 19, 2013, there are thirteen Leucanella species/subspecies recorded for Ecuador.
Some of those species, Leucanella viettei, Leucanella memusoides and Leucanella winfbrechlini are decidely western with
slightly different geographic ranges.
Three of the eastern species, and Leucanella evanschaycki have very distinct characters.
Leucanella appolinairei and Leucanella christbrechlinae have forewings with a very reddish-pink ground colour.
The remaining five species are quite similar. Hopefully the groupings and notes will help with identifications: Three species have preapical
postmedian lines and forewings that are quite elongate and falcate: contei, newmanni, maasseni.
In the two remaining species, L. contempta contempta and L. lynx, the pm lines are apical,
the forewings are only slightly apically produced, and the hindwing ground colour is dark grey to almost black.
The eyespot in L. lynx tends to be small with a single pupil heavily suffused with white. In L. contempta contempta
the eyespot is larger with multiple pupils and less white suffusion.
Unarranged so far
Leucanella very distinct species
pink forewing ground colour

Leucanella flammans
Transverse line much narrower than in other two species
yellow veins less prominent
Colombia: Valle del Cauca, ? Meta, Nariono
Ecuador: Esmeraldas, Pichincha, Canar
Leucanella very distinct species
Leucanella very distinct species

Leucanella memusoides
63-74, 80mm; 550-2100m
pm line approaches apex
apex slightly produced
outer margin straight
m gc: light orange-brown/pale olive
f gc: pinkish-brown
hindwing gc brown
narrow red submarginal band
western: Loja, Guayas
pink forewing ground colour

Leucanella apollinairei
80-85, 98-104mm; 1000-1400m
upper yellow bar wider than darker lower bar
of transverse line
hindwing ocellus larger than in christbrechlinae
Orellana, Napo, Pastaza
pink forewing ground colour

Leucanella christbrechlinae
mfl: 39-43 (6); ffl: 48mm (1)
upper yellow bar narrower than darker lower bar of transverse line
hindwing ocellus smaller than in apollinairei
not official in Ecuador
pink forewing ground colour
I think it would be difficult to determine the two species to the left if just
the forewings are visible. Possibly apollinairei flies at slightly higher elevations
and further north in Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela
Some of the location data for apollinairei may be in error as older records
for the unrecognized christbrechlinae may have been incorporated into apollinaire files.
Brechlin and Meister indicate Lemaire's items 4 and 5 on Plate 121, Hemileucinae, 2002, are actually
greatly produced apex
broadly pre-apical pm line

Leucanella newmani
69-85, 83-84mm; 70 - 1500m
falcate forewings
gc: olive grey
cell slightly darker
pm line preapical, concave
am line perpendicular to i. m.
both lines with pale yellow
on facing sides
hw gc: smokey grey-beige
single pupil
narow pale yellow ring
thin black ring
Sucumbios, Orellana, Napo, Tungurahua
greatly produced apex
broadly pre-apical pm line

Leucanella maasseni
63-83, 81-97mm; 175-1500m
elongated, falcate forewing
concave outer margin
postmedial line very preapical
lines with yellow on facing sides
yellow-orange eyespot ring,
undulate toward outer margin
hw gc: light grey-brown, purplish
pupil with white streak or
generous white suffusion
Huanuco, Cusco, Madre de Dios
greatly produced apex
broadly pre-apical pm line

Leucanella maandensis
greatly produced apex
moderately pre-apical pm line

Leucanella contei
95-107, 94mm; 1200-2000m
fw: falcate, elongate
basal, cell, median areas beige-brn
lighter beige trmnl/mrgnl areas
oblique, slightly preapical,
orangey-brown pm line
weak orangey-yellow am line,
almost meets pml at inner margin
hw gc dark grey to black
large copper-ringed eyespot
multiple pupils,
smaller ones suffused in white
Cajamarca, San Martin, Cusco,
greatly produced apex
moderately pre-apical pm line

Leucanella julianae
appears to be same specimen as contei??
greatly produced apex
moderately pre-apical pm line

Leucanella hausmanni
apex slightly produced,
pm line slightly preapical

L. contempta contempta
82-103, 109-111mm; 600-2800m
apex slightly produced, pointed
pm line slightly preapical
dark, inwardly lined with yellow
large eyespot, multiple pupils
narow black and yellow rings
San Martin, Huanuco, Junin,
Madre de Dios; Puno
apex slightly produced,
pm line slightly preapical

Leucanella lynx
95-107, 116mm; 1700-3000m
large, subcircular fw cell mark
small hw eyespot
usually single pupil
broader yellow-white-copper ring
hw gc: dark grey to black
Cajamarca, Amazonas, San Martin, Junin, Pasco
??? Huanuco, Cusco, Puno
apex slightly produced,
pm line slightly preapical

Leucanella siriae
apex slightly produced,
pm line slightly preapical

Leucanella rufoboliviana

Leucanella contempta contempta male, Rio Venado, Junin, Peru,
January 26, 2008, 1050m, courtesy of Vladimir Izersky, id by Bill Oehlke.
The specimen image sent to me by Vladimir Izersky is also very close to Leucanella contei. I have chosen L. c. contempta
due to slightly lower elevation (L. contei above 1200m) and more contrasting forewing markings than I would expect in
L. contei. On the other hand, the outer margin is intermediate between L. contei and L. c. contempta.
Unarranged so far:
ESS images
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