The vein labelling is to help with descriptions of several similar species whose main difference is in the shape of the forewing pm line.
In penai from Sucumbios and Napo the pre-apical pml is oblique and straight to middle of M2-M3 where it turns outward, projecting significantly
to a point middle M3-Cu1 and a second point middle Cu1-Cu2 before returning in a concave arc to the inner margin.
In sangayana from Morona Santiago the slightly pre-apical pm line is concave from costa to M3, outwardly produced and convex from M3 to A1
where it turns downward and slightly outward in its course to the inner margin.
In zunacensis from Morona Santiago the more broadly pre-apical pm line is straight to slightly convex from costa to M2, slightly outwardly
produced from M2 to A1 where it turns downward and slightly outward in its course to the inner margin.

penai male
60-65mm; 2600-3100m
Napo; Sucumbios

penai female
77mm; 2600-3100m
Napo; Sucumbios
sorry, no image of the female available at this time
The male shows considerably more orange in the marginal areas, compared to other species
| Undivided pale creamy-orange cell mark;
dull orange ground colour with linnear grey suffusions between veins;
hw darker, more greyish with tiny creamy orange cell mark

sangayana male
48mm; 2650-2940m
Morona Santiago: Sangay NP

sangayana female
58-60mm; 2650-2940m
Morona Santiago: Sangay NP
| brighter yellow fws; yellow cell marks; browner fws in bipunctata with white cell marks
hws greyer; browner in bipunctata;
light outer tracing of pml

zunacensis male
53mm; 2650-3100m
Morona Santiago: Zunac Village, Sangay NP

zunacensis female
62mm; 2650-3100m
Morona Santiago: Zunac Village, Sangay NP
| largest and darkest (grey-brown) of similar MS species;
lacks diffuse median bands;
forewing cell mark: orangey-yellow; quite prominent;
upper third of pml is straight

zamorana male
male unknown as of end of 2013
Female is similar to sangayana

zamorana female
54mm; 2700m

bipunctata male
Morona-Santiago; Napo
bipunctata female
Morona-Santiago; Napo
White cell mark: single or divided;
orange-brown gc, with heavy black areas.
white streak at cell base.
strong inturn of diffuse median band near costa

rectilineata male
60-65mm; 2150-2700m
Napo; Suc.; Mor. Santiago

rectilineata female
70-73mm; 2150-2700m
Napo; Suc.; Mor. Santiago
| Single white discal streak.
Orangey-brown gc, generous sufusion of dark scales.
Diffuse black median band quite straight as is broad, diffuse white pm band

famula male
49mm; 3100-3700m
Napo (slopes of Quinlandana Volcano); Cotopaxi

famula female
63mm; 3100-3700m
Napo (slopes of Quinlandana Volcano); Cotopaxi
| Fw cell: thin, yellow
Gc: brown-grey; slightly translucent.
outer half of upper costa yellow. No median band, faint pml
Hw w/o marks.
Western Species

kaechi male
63mm; 2710-3000m
Carchi: El Angel Ecological Reserve

kaechi female
67mm; 2710-3000m
Carchi: El Angel Ecological Reserve
orange cell mark; diffuse, dark pml almost straight to Cu1, inturns to Cu2, drops w slight concave arc to
inner margin


arianae female
The female is unknown as of the end of 2013

albomaculata male
Zamora Chinchipe; Loja;

| Rounded, uniformly black forewings have convex outer margin. Large white, comma-shaped discal spot (left forewing),
sometimes divided into two sections. Fringes black with white spot between each pair of veins.
The hindwings are marked the same.

erythropus male
63-72mm; 2600-4100m
Pichincha; Imbabura

erythropus female
77-79mm; 2600-4100m
Pichincha; Imbabura
| white to creamy-white bipartite forewing cell marks:
dull yellow gc with heavy, almost linnear suffusions of dark grey-brown to black
between veins

laverna male
Imbabura; Mor. Santiago??


microstyx male
Azuay: Andean Corridor; Nebon;


riveti male
45mm; 3792m

riveti female
female unknown as of end of 2013,
Male: convex pm line is subparallel to and close to outer margin
| Fw cell: thick transverse yellow streak. Forewings slightly elongate. Black, slightly sinuate pm line, outwardly shaded with yellow,
runs relatively close to o. m.