Hi All,
Both Leroy Simon and Kirby Wolfe or Kirby Wolfe still have copies of their DVD's of Saturniidae images available.
Leroy recently sent me a new DVD of images not previously posted to WLSS. I have begun to post them to species files and to Leroy Simon Saturniidae Collection. Leroy also just sent me a recent photo of himself which I have posted to his credits page.
I would very much like to display photos of as many photographers as possible on respective credits pages. If you can send them along, it would be much appreciated.
Nigel Venters has had success with the rearing of Molippa eophila on Acacia caven. Adults have emerged roughly five weeks after spinning cocoons, and he has obtained a pairing, and has sent beautiful images of male and female of the emergent moths.
Nigel has also provided interesting observations of this species.
The following image represents a southerly known-range extension of Scolesa hypoxantha into Cordoba, Argentina.
Steve Quinn has sent a beautiful image of a live male Saturnia (Rinaca) thibeta okurai from Maopong, Taipei, Taiwan. Image has been posted. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Peter Bruce-Jones has sent me many beautiful images of Saturniidae from Shima, near Satipo in Junin, Peru. I have tentatively identified the following female as Hylesia index. If id is correct, it is first time live moth of this species has been depicted on WLSS and first time female is depicted on WLSS.
Peter has also sent beautiful images of some of the very variable Oxyteninae. I have posted images tentatively identified as Oxytenis mirabilis, Oxytenis sobrina, Asthenidia luctucina, and will shortly post what I think is Asthenidia amphira melini; it might be Asthenidia geometrinaria. Please have a look if you are familiar with these moths, and let me know what you think.
Hylesia index female, Shima, Junin, Peru,
mid June, 2010, 700m, courtesy of Peter Bruce-Jones,
tentative id by Bill Oehlke.
Many thanks to Horst Kach who continues to send me very beautiful image of Saturniidae from his travels in Ecuador. Recently posted are Gamelia viettei male, female and larval instars 3, 5-6, Cerodirphia wellingi roseissima female and larval instars 3-5. Many of these items have not been seen before by me. Foodplants are posted when provided.
Cerodirphia welliingi roseissima sixth instar, Azuay and Morona-Santiago, Ecuador,
courtesy of Horst Kach.
Larry Valentine has recently sent images of a live Arsenura xanthopus male, recto and verso. He has also sent images of Automeris inornata female, Dysdaemonia brasiliensis male, and Copaxa canella male. Thanks to Kirby Wolfe for id help with the canella. Colour variation is new. A couple of these are new for the state of Minas Gerais in Brazil.
Dave T. Rolfe is quite pleased, and who wouldn't be?, with his recent acquisition of an Argema besanti male.
Argema besanti male, Kenya: Eastern Province, collected by local people,
77mm, courtesy of Dave T. Rolfe.
Weston Henry sends this larval image from Betty's Bay, Western Cape, South Africa. I believe it is Gonimbrasia (Nudaurelia) cytherea.
Gonimbrasia (Nudaurelia) cytherea, Betty's Bay, Western Cape, South Africa,
fifth instar, September 2010, courtesy of Weston Henry.
Peter Bruce-Jones has sent data and many images from Shima, Junin Region, Peru, elevation about 700m. Automeris curvilinea, Automeris falco, Automeris pomifera, Automeris larra??, Leucanella apollinairei and Pseuadautomeris lata are new additions for Junin, and the female lata is a first time display of that species gender on WLSS. First time live male and female A. falco are depicted on WLSS.
Nigel Venters now has Dirphia cadioui larvae moving into second instar in Calilegua, Jujuy, Argentina, and has provided information regarding foodplant. See the cadioui file.
By now you have noticed that Larry Valentine's image of Rothschildia aurota speculifera has been chosen as the 2010 Photograph of the Year. Many thanks to all who contribute photos and information. The members also greatly appreciate your efforts and often tell me so.
I still have more images from Horst Kach to post and hope to get to them before the end of January. I also hope to get to the many images sent to me by Thomas Jantscher and Alan Marson and Gary Saunders and many others. I have just posted some very nice pictures of Saturniidae from Yokadouma, Est Province, Cameroon, courtesy of Michelle Constanza, via Antoine Guyonnet. Although the picture quality is not excellent, Michelle has begun to make it a point to also photgraph the faces of the moths so antennae are in clear view. She has also been sending recto images. For the first time on WLSS a live male Micragone joiceyi is depicted.
As of January 16, 2011:
The following species are still available for sale in USA or overseas only. In Canada, I have only luna, polyphemus and some Anisota virginiensis left.
Actias luna at $4.35 US/cocoon
Antheraea polyphemus as $4.75
Callosamia promethea at $4.35/cocoon
Citheronia splendens sinaloensis at $16.00/pair, males at $6.00/male
Hyalophora cecropia at $6.20/cocoon
The following butterfly pupae are available:
Pterourus troilus (spicebush swallowtail) at $4.25/pupa
Ask about volume (10 or more items of a single species) discounts for luna, polyphemus and cecropia, as various supliers still have inventory.
Check the newsletters periodically during fall and winter months in case anything new becomes available.
Always confirm availability before sending a payment.
Please note: I reside in Canada at the following address and payment must be sent to me only at this address:
Bill Oehlke
155 Peardon Road
Montague, Prince Edward Island, C0A 1R0
Postage from USA to Canada is $0.75 so please use that amount on your envelope with your payment.
This will not likely be the address that will be on the box of cocoons/pupae which you receive. I, myself, will be shipping some cocoons from New Jersey in mid to late October. Do not send payment to that address. One US shipping partner will be shipping cocoons from New Hampshire. Do not send payment to that address. Send payments exclusively to name and address above in Canada.
Please also note: I prefer to receive payment by personal check in US funds. I have a US account here at my local bank. When I receive funds in US dollars I can deposit those checks directly into my US account and do not lose any funds for currency conversions. I can then use those funds, again without having to pay the bank any currency conversion fees, to pay the many US suppliers for the cocoons they have sent to me in New Jersey or to my shipping partner in New Hampshire.
I can also accept International bank or postal money orders, but those must be International money orders in US funds. Please do not send payment in the form of US money orders as they are cashable only in US, and I am in Canada.
I can accept payment in US dollars via Paypal, but there is approximate 4% Paypal transaction fee that I would tack onto your invoice as that is what Paypal charges me. Paypal also directly deposits only into my Canadian account. They convert the money into Canadian dollars. In order to pay my sources in US, I have to reconvert those Canadian dollars back into US dollars and the bank always charges a fee for that, usually from 3-4% on the exchange rate. I would also tack that onto your invoice if you wish to pay by Paypal. Once again I prefer to receive payments by personal check. Please make sure you have sufficient funds in your account to cover your payment.
For overseas customers, I will accept Paypal payent in US funds or direct bank transfers, or personal checks in US dollars, drawn on a US bank. I have also accepted US banknotes in registered letters. I am very interested in purchasing your excess stock (US breeders and Canadian breeders), especially of the less commonly offered species. Please let me know what you might have available for bulk purchases at wholesale prices. US stock can be bulk shipped to US address which I will provide. Do not ship from USA to my Canadian address
Peter Bruce-Jones sent me the larva below for identification. I think it is either Gonimbrasia (Nudaurelia) ungemachti or Gonimbrasia (Nudaurelia) zaodeae, but it also could be one of the Gonimbrasia (Gonimbrasia) species, or something not yet officially described.
Nudaurelia species ???, Wondo Genet, southwestern Ethiopia,
approximately 1723m, courtesy of Peter Bruce-Jones, tentative id by Bill Oehlke
I recently purchased a copy of Rudolphe Lampe's new publication, but it has not arrived as yet. If anyone can help with id of above larva, it would be much appreciated.
Sphingidae Express
I am very much interested in receiving and displaying images of Sphingidae adults, eggs, larvae and pupae, even of the common species.
Please always send data to include date and location, at least to county level.
I would very much like to continue creation of County/Province level checklists for USA and Canada, and am also very interested in refining checklists for Central and South America.
During the winter months I hope to further develop the African section. If you have images and or data, please send them along.
Perigonia lefebvraei male, Cuba, courtesy of Tomas Melichar.
He writes, "My name is Tomas Melichar and I am from Czech Republic. I find your website and it’s really interesting. I am collecting only Sphingidae family members, and I have more than 100,000 pieces in my collection. I am publishing the magazine named „The European Entomologist. I was focusing recently on Cuba, and I have specimens of around 90% of the species from this area. I would like to cooperate with you on species from America, and I can send you photos and information from Cuba.
"I like to ask if you have some contacts for Americans collectors of Sphingidae. I will be very happy if I can start to cooperate with them."
I hope many of you will contact Tomas and assist him with his collection of North American Sphingidae species, as well as species from other continents.
Tom Jantscher of Iowa has sent excellent records of Sphingidae and Saturniidae sightings from Linn County, Iowa. I have created and posted to Sphingidae of the Americas website a Linn County Sphingidae thumbnail checklist, and the Saturniidae sightings have been added to the Iowa maps page.
I am very interested in receiving summaries of Saturniidae and Sphingidae sightings for individual counties within Canadian province and US states.
I have just posted images of mature Manduca blackburni larvae from Maui Hawaii to Sphingidae of Americas page.
Manduca blackburni green form, Puu o Kali, Maui, Hawaii,
November 23, 2002, courtesy of Forest & Kim Starr.
Manduca blackburni brown form, Kanaha Beach, Maui, Hawaii,
December 14, 2006, courtesy of Forest & Kim Starr.
David Marimoto sent a beautiful image of Eumorpha vitis from Georgetown, Guyana. I have just created and posted a tentative Guyana checklist.
Mark Vincent has sent me some updates for Sphingidae site. He has also sent images of Xylophanes cthuhu and Xylophanes lamontagnei.
Jean Haxaire has recently identified a final instar Lophostethus dumolinii larva for me from Mpumalanga, South Africa. This is an unusual species in that the larvae have large lateral and dorsal spines. I am trying to obtain a larger image from the photographer, and will post if/when I do.
Jean has also provided foodplants for this species: Hibiscus tiliaceus Malvaceae; Hibiscus panduraeformis Malvaceae; Dombeya sp Malvaceae; Carissa sp Apocynaceae; Adansonia sp Malvaceae; and Grewia occidentalis Malvaceae.
Catocala Capers
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