Hyalophora mix x Callosamia promethea
courtesy of Bruce Passarelli

Hyalophora mixed male x Callosamia promethea female.
The male depicted above is believed to be a male from
[a male from a (male eurylus x female columbia) x
pure female columbia]. The resulting eggs were not fertile.
I believe the male depicted above probably came from a male hybrid
(a male sibling of the female depicted below)
of (Hyalophora euryalus male x Hyalophora columbia
crossed with a pure Hyalophora columbia female.

Female from H. euryalus x H columbia,
April 26, 2005, courtesy of B. Passarelli.
Bruce also had a pairing of a male Hyalophora columbia
with a female Callosamia promethea,
and Bruce is rearing them on chokecherry. They would not accept the
sassafras that he usually offers promethea. First instar larvae are
depicted below.

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