DISTRIBUTION: Salassa meisteri (wingspan: males: 108mm; females: 94mm //
Mfwl: 50-57mm; Ffwl: 51mm) flies in
central Bhutan: along road from Thimphu to Trongsa: Dungdungsa; Chendebji; Bumthang: near Dorji Gompa;
at elevations from 2100 (SD)-2320-2850m.
Ground colour is orange with generous grey suffusions, especially in submarginal area; less prevalent in median area. The forewing apex is slightly produced and
pointed. The white or hyaline areas of forewing and hindwing cell markings are larger and more rounded than in similar species. The white or hyaline areas of the
fw and hw pm lines are present but greatly reduced compared to similar species. There is a diffuse orange band outside the forewing pm line running from costa to
the inner margin. This band has outward projections along the veins.

Salassa meisteri male (verso), 108mm, central Bhutan,
on my home computer only.
FLIGHT TIMES AND PREFERRED FOOD PLANTS: Specimens are on the wing in May-June.

Salassa meisteri female, Royal Botanical Park, Thimphu, Bhutan,
May 11, 2014, 2800m, courtesy of Sonam Dorji, tentative id by Bill Oehlke.

Salassa meisteri female, 94mm, central Bhutan,
on my home computer only.

Salassa meisteri female (verso), 94mm central Bhutan,
on my home computer only.
EGGS, LARVAE, COCOONS AND PUPAE:Larvae are probably covered with spine-bearing warts.
Cocoons of this species probably hang from trees suspended by a strong silk peduncle.
Larval Food Plants
It is hoped that this alphabetical listing followed by the common name of the foodplant will prove useful. The list is
not exhaustive. Experimenting with closely related foodplants is worthwhile.
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