Hi All,
This newsletter covers updates from December 16, 2008 to January 15, 2009.
Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all!
Hemileuca maia diapausing eggs from Pennsylvania are available for US destinations. Eggs should be kept cool (refrigerated) until spring.
one dozen eggs and shipping are $11.00 US.
two dozen eggs and shipping are $14.00 US.
three dozen eggs and shipping are $17.00 US.
The following livestock is still available:
Actias luna and Callosamia promethea both at $4.00 US/cocoon;
Antheraea polyphemus now sold out;
Hyalophora cecropia at $6.00;
Papilio (Pterourus) troilus at $4.25;
Papilio (Pterourus) glaucus (only seven left) at $4.25;
Eurytides marcellus (only three left) at $4.50
One shipping and handling fee of $8.00 to US destinations; more if overseas. Sorry, I am completely sold out in Canada.
Always enquire first before sending a payment to confirm availability. Paypal is available as a payment option, but there is an approximate 4% Paypal transaction fee that would be added on to your cost. Personal checks are still preferred. I also accept (mostly from Europe) Western Union (expensive) and Direct Wire Bank Transfers to my US account.
A WLSS member is looking for cocoons of Agapema homogena or Eupackardia Calleta. He writes, "Regarding Agapema homogena it should be in our area, but we have never found them. If you have any specific information about this species in Colorado it would be helpful. We are willing to buy the cocoons or trade for Hyalophora Columbia gloveri cocoons."
Please send me an email if you can help with this request (information or desired species).
Horst Kach has sent beautiful images of a female Dirphia somniculosa confluens, a male and third instars of Pseudautomeris lata, male and female Automeris caucensis, female Automeris boops slightly lower elevation than indicated by Lemaire, (female not previously depicted on WLSS), fourth instar Gamelia abasia probably, Bathyphlebia eminens second and third instars, female Copaxa medea, eggs of Cerodirphia mota napoensis, female Copaxa simson, and Eacles imperialis anchicayensis instars three through five, all from Ecuador.
Horst also sends final instar larval images of Caio championi from S.F,, Esmeraldas, recto and verso images of spread male Bathyphlebia rufescens, spread Meroleucoides erythropus male (recto and verso), spread Automeris caucensis male and female (recto and verso).
Carlos Marzano has sent a beautiful image of a Lonomia obliqua male, Jose Ignacio, Maldonado, Uruguay, from February 22, 2005.
Rene Malherbe of Johannesburg, South Africa, has sent a very nice image of a mature Bunaea alcinoe larva feeding on her cabbage tree. The image has been posted to the alcinoe file and also to the South Africa page.
Dr. Carlos Marzano of Argentina has provided a beautiful image of a male Eacles imperialis opaca from Olivos, Buenos Aires, Argentina, and he has also provided very nice images of larvae of Rothschildia jacobaeae and Leucanella viridescens viridior (not previously depicted on WLSS) from the same area. Images have been posted to the respective files.
Jean-Louis Albert has sent beautiful images (recto and verso, with wingspans and dates) of Pseudobunaea illustris male, Lobobunaea phaedusa male, Gonimbrasia (Nudaurelia) alopia males, Gonimbrasia jamiesoni male, Imbrasia truncata female, all from Franceville, Gabon.
Vladimir Izersky continues to send many Sphingidae and Saturniidae images from Peru. The data he has ben sending allows me to update pages with range extensions and to make more informed interpolations for populations in unreported areas.
1. Rothschildia hesperus 08.06.2008, 662 m., Coviriali, Junin, Peru
2. Rothschildia aurota 21.04.2008, 950 m., Pampa Ermosa, Junin, Peru
3. Rothschildia erycina 02.02.2008, 570 m., Rio Tambo, Junin, Peru
4. Rothschildia erycina 26.01.2008, 662 m., 570 m. Rio Tambo, Junin, Peru
5. Rothschildia hesperus 08.06.2008, 662 m., Coviriali, Junin, Peru
6. Rothschildia lebau inca 14.07.2008, 1050 m., Rio Venado, Junin, Peru
7. Hypermerina kasyi – 18.10.2008. 2600 m. Carrizal. Prov. Junin.Peru
8. Leucanella contempta contempta – 26.01.2008. 1050 m. Rio Venado, Junin, Peru
9. Lonomia descimoni – 14.02.2008. 662 m. Coviriali. Prov. Junin, Peru
10. Molippa simillima - 26.01.2008. 1050 m. Rio Venado, Junin, Peru
Sighting Reports
I am very interested in receiving sighting reports (date and specific location, including county/parish and state and/or province) for Saturniidae and Sphingidae throughout the year. The reports will be posted in newsletters and will also be used to update the state files and flight times.
If you are thinking of creating a website, I heartily recommend 1 & 1 webhosting.
Website hosting: |
Although I am behind with some of the images that need to be posted, I expect to get caught up in the next couple of weeks. I am interested in the possibility of expanding moth coverage to include others families, possibly Arctiidae, Geometridae, Noctuidae, etc., but probably will not venture into those areas (very limited knowledge on my part), unless there are several members with interest and good camera skills who can send data and images. I get many image submissions for caterpillar identifications, especially for Arctiidae and Noctuidae larva so it would be nice to have coverage for those families.
If anyone has extensive coverage of non-North American butterflies and can send images and data, I will also consider building web coverage sites. I can work on these sites during the winter months.
Sphingidae Express
Among the many images from Peru sent by Vladimir Izersky was an image of Xylophanes rufescens. The image had me stumped as it was of a fresh moth and the only other image I had of this species was of a very faded specimen. Thanks goes to Jean Haxaire and Ian Kitching for idenitifying this species.
I have also been visiting the CATE website, an excellent resource for Sphingidae identifications. Congratulations and thanks to those who are working on that project.
Dr. Carlos Marzano has been sending me images of Sphingidae from Cordoba, Argentina. Most recently he has sent Sphinx maura, not previously depicted on Sphingidae of the Americas website.
More common species: Agrius cingulata, Erinnyis ello, and Manduca rustica have also been posted.
Shelby Heeter of Islamorada, Florida Keys, Florida has just sent me first images I have of live Cautethia grotei adults from her area. I am hoping she will soon be able to find and send images of the larvae. Shelby has sent many images, posted to the Monroe County, Florida Sphingidae pages.
Kirby Wolfe has just sent great images of callionim inuus, Callionima nomius, Pachylia darcetaXylophanes tyndarus from Santa rosa, san Jose *******************************
Arctiidae Art
Catocala Capers
Many states now have checklists and there is state by state links table on new Catocala of North America homepage.
Corrections, additions of data and or images would be appreciated.
I am going to expand the Catocala website to include worldwide species. I am very interested in receiving data and electronic images of European and Asian Catocala. I think there are also a couple of species in Central America.
Andre Kairouz has sent me images of three species from Lebanon (elocata, eutycha, promissa), and Viktor Sinjaev has sent me an image of the recently described species, Catocala uljanae from China. I hope to have them posted shortly.
Harry D. King has sent me beautiful images (recto and verso) of Catocala amatrix, including form selecta, that he took at bait in Mason, Ingham County, Michigan in August, 1994. Specimens are beatifully preserved and are posted via link from amatrix file and from the Harry King Collection.
Caterpillars Too!, a North American butterfly website:
A new Coleoptera (Beetles) page is being created.
This page will be resricted to those members of WLSS who have an interest in Coleoptera (Beetles) and who are willing to have their email addresses posted there for correspondence, limited to the Coleoptera family.
This list will not be available through any search engines and will not be linked by me from any of my websites. Instead, those members who register (no charge) will be directed to an unlisted URL.
Members whose names appear on this list have agreed to use the contact information solely for the purpose of furthering their interests in Coleoptera.
Members have also agreed that they will neither post this list/page nor divulge its contents nor share its contents with others.
To have your name and email contact information posted on the Coleoptera page, send email to Bill Oehlke, indicating you agree to terms above.
N.B. This is note a Coleoptera site, just a listing of contact info for WLSS members with an interest in Coleoptera.
There are also quite a few members interested in Sphingidae, so I will post special Sphingidae page under same conditions. I am also considering an African Sphingidae section if there is sufficient interest and those who can supply high quality images.
A Catocala page will also be posted.
If you wish to have your name, location, interests and email posted on the Coleoptera, Sphingidae or Catocala contacts page, please let me know.
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