Hi All,
Christmas is coming! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Enjoy the holidays.
Nigel Venters has captured what is believed to be a female Dirphia cadioui from Calilegua, Jujuy, Argentina, and Kirby Wolfe has suggested some hostplants. We hope Nigel has success with rearing. This female is considerably larger (wingspan: 115mm in spread position) than indicated by Lemaire (88mm), but Lemaire's data is based on examination of a single specimen.
Images of female, eggs and hatchlings have been posted.
Larry Silenius provides some interesting information:
"In 2010 I raised Actias artemis on Black Walnut. You could add Black Walnut to your Actias artemis food list (done). A second two year old Rothschildia cincta (male) eclosed last summer with perfect wings. That makes an even dozen silkworm moths from two year old cocoons, and the three year old Citheronia regalis from a bare pupa, all with perfect wings. I should add the pupae were all neglected after the first year. The regalis pupa was exposed to below freezing temperatures on my front porch."
I do not know why some pupae of overwintering species do not break diapause with their counterparts, but it appears that pupae of many species can endure consecutive winters in dormant stage.
Horst Kach has sent beautiful images of live males of Automeris vomona pichichensis and Automeris caucensis from Pululahua, Pichincha, Ecuador, and Automeris alticola from Guango, Napo, Ecuador.
Also posted are Bathyphlebia rufescens female (first time on WLSS); Dirphia subhorca male and female, Dirphiopsis unicolor male, Meroleuca rectilineata spread female (recto and verso, range extension, first time on WLSS), Morona-Santiago; Meroleuca penai males, recto and verso;
Andreas Riekert has sent images of spread specimens of male and female Bunaeopsis editha from southwest Tanzania; a male Bunaeopsis oubie from Central Province, Kenya; male and female Parusta thelxinoe from eastern Tanzania; Epiphora lugardi female, Eastern Province, Kenya; Leucopteryx ansorgei male and female, Central Province, Kenya; Leucopteryx mollis, Eastern Province, Kenya; Nudaurelia macrops males and female, south-west Tanzania; Ubaena dolabella female north Malawi; and Ubaena fuelleborniana males and female, south-west Tanzania.
John Kamps has provided an image of a spread female Automeris beckeri from Santa Catarina, Brazil. This is the first time the female has been depicted on WLSS.
Matthew Barnes has provided an image of the red form larva of Bunaea alcinoe found in western Africa.
Bunaea alcinoe larva (red form), Ghana, courtesy of Matthew Barnes.
For the first time a live male of Orthogonioptilum vestigiatum is shown on WLSS, courtesy of Michelle Constanza, courtesy of Antoine Guyonnet.
I was in recent communication with Kirby Wolfe, and he indicates he still has copies of his Saturniidae CD available.
Maltagorea species, possibly vulpina, Ambohitantely, (NW of Antananarivo) Madagascar,
courtesy of David Lees, very tentative id put forward by Rodolphe Rougerie.
If anyone has original descriptions or distribution data for any of the Maltagorea species, the range data would be much appreciated, as it would probalby be useful in making some determinations.
Dirphia avia final instar, one hour south of Iquitos, Loreto, Peru,
December 7, 2010, courtesy of Sarah M., via Daniel Marlos.
"I can give a very exacting location, however. We were on Km 52.5 of the Iquitos-Nauta road, about a hour's drive southeast of Iquitos, Peru.
"I took the photo two weeks ago today. The colors are pretty accurate in the photo; he was a bubblegum pink and about 5 inches long."
Although I (Bill Oehlke) am not certain the larva from Peru is Dirphia avia, Lemaire indicates the larvae often become purplish prior to spinning. The dark markings on the dorsum are a good match for those of avia, and the large size (probably an exaggeration at five inches) and commonality of this species strongly suggest avia. A recording in Loreto, Peru, is new, but not unexpected.
As a youngster I very much enjoyed drawing and painting. I was always thrilled to receive birthday or Christmas presents of paint or color by number kits, coloured pencils or sketch pads. I enjoy the freehand work that has been sent to me by several members and am in awe of the talent some display in that area. Below is a sketch I recently received from Shaina L. Noggle. I just took it out of its frame to scan it, and will now return it to frame on living room wall, right below the caricature of me done by Taylor Jones.
Also included among the many images provided from the Mount Totumas Cloud Forest Farm in Chiriqui, Panama, is this image of an Antheraea godmani male. I did some slight digital repair.
Antheraea godmani male, Mount Totumas, Chiriqui, Panama.
Fernando Calvo of Quilpue, Valparaiso Region, Chile, has sent beautiful images of all instars of Polythysana cinerascens larvae.
Polythysana cinerascens early fifth instar, Quilpue (129m), Valparaiso Region, Chile,
September 10, reared on Maytenus boaria, courtesy of Fernando Calvo.
Alejandro Borquez has given permission for me to post his images of many different Saturniidae species from Argentina. He has also begun to send data and interesting observations. Check out the recently updated Heliconisa pagenstecheri page. You may also contact Alejandro from his credit page, linked from the pagenstecheri file.
Heliconisa pagenstecheri female, ex ovum Buenos Aires, Argentina,
copyright protected, courtesy of Alejandro Borquez.
I have also added his larval image of fifth instar Molippa eophila to the eophila file.
Nigel Venters is also rearing this species in Cordoba, Argentina, on Acacia caven. Nigel has sent an image of the female and of third instar larvae.
As of January 14, 2011:
The following species are still available for sale in USA or overseas only. In Canada, I have only luna, polyphemus and some Anisota virginiensis left.
Actias luna at $4.35 US/cocoon
Antheraea polyphemus as $4.75
Callosamia promethea at $4.35/cocoon
Citheronia splendens sinaloensis at $16.00/pair, males at $6.00/male
Hyalophora cecropia at $6.40/cocoon
Eacles imperialis at single female at $8.00
The following butterfly pupae are available:
Pterourus troilus (spicebush swallowtail) at $4.25/pupa
Ask about volume (10 or more items of a single species) discounts for luna, polyphemus and cecropia, as various supliers still have inventory.
Check the newsletters periodically during fall and winter months in case anything new becomes available.
Always confirm availability before sending a payment.
Please note: I reside in Canada at the following address and payment must be sent to me only at this address:
Bill Oehlke
155 Peardon Road
Montague, Prince Edward Island, C0A 1R0
Postage from USA to Canada is $0.75 so please use that amount on your envelope with your payment.
This will not likely be the address that will be on the box of cocoons/pupae which you receive. I, myself, will be shipping some cocoons from New Jersey in mid to late October. Do not send payment to that address. One US shipping partner will be shipping cocoons from New Hampshire. Do not send payment to that address. Send payments exclusively to name and address above in Canada.
Please also note: I prefer to receive payment by personal check in US funds. I have a US account here at my local bank. When I receive funds in US dollars I can deposit those checks directly into my US account and do not lose any funds for currency conversions. I can then use those funds, again without having to pay the bank any currency conversion fees, to pay the many US suppliers for the cocoons they have sent to me in New Jersey or to my shipping partner in New Hampshire.
I can also accept International bank or postal money orders, but those must be International money orders in US funds. Please do not send payment in the form of US money orders as they are cashable only in US, and I am in Canada.
I can accept payment in US dollars via Paypal, but there is approximate 4% Paypal transaction fee that I would tack onto your invoice as that is what Paypal charges me. Paypal also directly deposits only into my Canadian account. They convert the money into Canadian dollars. In order to pay my sources in US, I have to reconvert those Canadian dollars back into US dollars and the bank always charges a fee for that, usually from 3-4% on the exchange rate. I would also tack that onto your invoice if you wish to pay by Paypal. Once again I prefer to receive payments by personal check. Please make sure you have sufficient funds in your account to cover your payment.
For overseas customers, I will accept Paypal payent in US funds or direct bank transfers, or personal checks in US dollars, drawn on a US bank. I have also accepted US banknotes in registered letters. I am very interested in purchasing your excess stock (US breeders and Canadian breeders), especially of the less commonly offered species. Please let me know what you might have available for bulk purchases at wholesale prices. US stock can be bulk shipped to US address which I will provide. Do not ship from USA to my Canadian address
Derek Bridgehouse, an avid North American Saturniid moth researcher/collector/rearer/enthusiast is looking for dried adults of New England Buck Moth (Hemileuca lucina) from the East, i.e, Maine.
He is willing to exchange, and you can contact him directly at Derek Bridgehouse.
I have begun to create thumbnail pictoral checklists for all Canadian provinces and have them all completed and posted. I also just received very interesting images of what I believe is a Hemileuca hera hera larva from Grasslands National Park in southwestern Saskatchewan. Perhaps it is something else?
Hemileuca hera hera, Grasslands National Park, Saskatchewan,
courtesy of Krista Bekker.
Sphingidae Express
I am very much interested in receiving and displaying images of Sphingidae adults, eggs, larvae and pupae, even of the common species.
Please always send data to include date and location, at least to county level.
I would very much like to continue creation of County/Province level checklists for USA and Canada, and am also very interested in refining checklists for Central and South America.
During the winter months I hope to further develop the African section. If you have images and or data, please send them along.
Eumorpha achemon is now officially confirmed for Saskatchewan, based on larval image from Estevan, southern Saskatchewan, fall of 2010, submitted by Karen Edwards.
Perigonia lefebvraei male, Cuba, courtesy of Tomas Melichar.
He writes, "My name is Tomas Melichar and I am from Czech Republic. I find your website and it’s really interesting. I am collecting only Sphingidae family members, and I have more than 100,000 pieces in my collection. I am publishing the magazine named „The European Entomologist. I was focusing recently on Cuba, and I have specimens of around 90% of the species from this area. I would like to cooperate with you on species from America, and I can send you photos and information from Cuba.
"I like to ask if you have some contacts for Americans collectors of Sphingidae. I will be very happy if I can start to cooperate with them."
I hope many of you will contact Tomas and assist him with his collection of North American Sphingidae species, as well as species from other continents.
Tom Jantscher of Iowa has sent excellent records of Sphingidae and Saturniidae sightings from Linn County, Iowa. I have created and posted to Sphingidae of the Americas website a Linn County Sphingidae thumbnail checklist, and the Saturniidae sightings have been added to the Iowa maps page.
I am very interested in receiving summaries of Saturniidae and Sphingidae sightings for individual counties within Canadian province and US states.
Catocala Capers
Tim Taylor has sent me recto and verso images of spread Catocala hermia, male and female. First time verso images of hermia have been depicted on Catocala of North America website.
Tim has also sent images showing series of Catocala meskei from his area in Saskatchewan, ids by Larry Gall.
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