Hi All,
Hope you all had a great Christmas and have a wonderful new year.
Stefan Naumann recently sent me a publication with pictures and information about some recently described Saturniidae species from southern and Central Vietnam. As I was working on the Saturnia (Rinaca) simloides images and file, I noticed Mark Paterson had recently posted an image of Saturnia simla from Vietnam. I wrote Mark and asked if he new precise location of his images of livestock and he supplied a location that matched the very similar Saturnia (Rinaca) simloides. I then obtained additional images of simloides male, female and larva from David Kolompar. I hope to have this new file completed by end of December, and I also hope to have new files for the following posted by January 15, 2019, included among the new names will be the following:
Saturnia (Rinaca) simloides;
Saturnia (Rinaca) thibetomima;
Saturnia (Rinaca) ngoclinhensis;
Lemaireia mediovietnama;
Cricula sokola;
Cricula acuta;
Actias laovieta;
Antheraea (Antheraea) scida;
Antheraea (Antheraea) luteofrithi;
Rhodinia extremaustralis;
Coscinocera misoolensis.
I will be updating national checklists and genera checklists as well.
In Canada I am now sold out of all cocoons except for about fifteen Antheraea polyphemus available at $6.00 CDN plus postage plus HST or GST.
In the US, we still have polyphemus that can be shipped from Ohio; polyphemus and Coloradia doris ($5.00/pupa) that can be shipped from Colorado; and polyphemus and Eupackardia calleta ($8.00) that can be shipped from Texas. Everything else is sold out in USA.
Possibly we will hold off on shipping any more calleta until spring as they might not tolerate subfreezing temperatures. Exceptions could be made to shipping to southern states. Those who have already received calleta cocoons shouild not expose those cocoons to freezing temperatures.
New member Thomas Maag has indicated he will soon be sending some images from Ghana, Africa, and new member Zhengyang Liu has already sent me some nice images from China and indcates he will be sending more from his rearings in that country.
Sphingidae Express
I am working on posting new files for recently described Sphingidae. Right now Adhemarius antonkozlovi is getting my attention. I think this species possibly replaces or is sympatric with Adhemarius mexicanus in Veracruz, Mexico. The holoptype for mexicanus is in Santiago Comaltepe, Oaxaca, not too far from the HT location of antonkozlovi. DNA barcoding might be necessary to distinguish between the two species.
I have just updated Monarda oryx file and willnow turn to creating files for two relatively newly designated Madoryx pseudothyreus subspecies: floridensis from Florida and bahamensis from the Bahamas. I also now have images of bahamensis larvae which I will also be posting.
Prior to the new designation of subspecies, nominate Madoryx pseudothyreus pseudothyreus (HT Cuba) was thought to also occur Florida and the Bahamas and some nearby islands. Now those species from southern Florida are called M. p. floridensis while those from the Bahamas are called M. p. bahamensis.
I am going through the BOLD websites to find additional new Sphingidae names put forward in the last several years and will also create new files. Hope to have all the new ones posted by end of January.
Catocala Capers
Randy Gage sent me images of Catocala retecta recto and verso from Quebec. I have posted them to retecta file. It is the first time on my North American Catocala site that a verso image of retect has been posted.
If any of the Catocala enthusiasts have time this winter during the mothing lull, ift would be very nice to receive verso images of any of the Catocala species for which verso images are not posted.
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