Mothly Newsletter:
December 16, 2021 - January 15, 2022
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone.
I am delighted to report that I now have permission to post the images from the Entomo-Satsphingia journals. Over the next several weeks/months I will be creating files and posting both files and images for all the new species described in ESs journals from 2008-2020. Later this month, December, I will be sending Frank Meister payment for the 2021 journals that cover Saturniidae and will also be posting new files with the images from the journals.
Right now I am working on Janiodes species described in 2020, and that is going to take some time.
Frank Meister sent me images of females of Automeris kitchingi, Bathyphlebia aglioides, Molippa pilarae. I think these females have not been previously published anywhere. I will be posting those images shortly to their respective files.
Automeris kitchingi female, copyright/courtesy of Frank Meister
Bathyphlebia aglioides female, copyright/courtesy of Frank Meister
Molippa pilarae female, copyright/courtesy of Frank Meister
Philip has been busy shipping your cocoon and pupae orders from Waterville, Maine. Approximately seventy-five orders were shipped in time to arrive before Christmas, I hope. We have fifteen to twenty additional orders which will be shipped either right after Christmas or early in the new year. Most orders have already been received. We will continue in the new year until supplies run out.
I hope to post a list of what is still available here by Decmber 26, but I am anticipating we will still have some of the following: luna, poly, io, promethea (maybe), cecropia, gloveri, cynthia (maybe), regalis trios, imperialis (males only). We also still have Hemaris diffinis trios and Pachysphinx modesta pairs and small numbers of the two butterfly species: easter tiger and zebra swallowtails.
I have begun taking orders from non-members who placed orders in 2019-2020, and will very soon be sending out notices to previous customers from earlier years. I have also ppsted a non-member pricelist on my public website.
If any of you are interested in procuring additional stock, you should make your requests very soon.
Sphingidae Express
Catocala Capers
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