June 18 to July 16

Hi All,

I saw my first Cabbage White of season on May 11, so when I returned home from fishing (no luck), I took took two cecropia, two polyphemus and two luna cocoons out of cold storage. I will take two or three cocoons of each species out every two or three days so I have a longer window of opportunity for getting pairings. I also rear thousands of larvae some summers so it is nice to have them entering into final instar at various times to spread out the work load.

On May 14, I took out three cecropia, four columbia, two luna and two polyphemus;
On May 17, I took out three cecropia, two luna and a polyphemus;
On May 21, I took out remaining cecropia, luna, polyphemus and Sphingidae.

The first luna, a male, emerged on Tuesday, June 5. A second male luna emerged on Thursday, June 7, and a third male emerged June 10. The house is in a shaded location and temperatures indoors usually range from high 50's to low 60's. I turn on an infrared space heater to warm up the living room when my wife comes home from work.

I obtained a luna pairing on June 13 as well as two columbia pairings on same date. Polyphemus paired on June 14 and June 17.

While setting out some mating cages with female lunas on June 17, I saw something large fluttering across the road, as I headed down a dirt road toward the woodlot. It had the appearance of a female H. columbia in the bright glare of the headlights.

I stopped the car and left the headlights on. It fluttered about and landed on the road. My first good look revealed a Pachysphinx modesta, and when I picked it up I saw it was a female so I quickly put it on on of the brown paper lunch bags in the car. Unfortunately I did not get luna pairings but did get a polyphemus pairing. I have several female lunas and a female polyphemus that will hopefully pair this evening, June 18. First cecropia, a male, emerged June 17. I am expecting females to follow shortly. I have also taken two female Dryocampa rubicunda at light on roof top, June 12 and June 13. Several male polyphemus, an abundance of male rubicunda and one male Smerinthus jamaicensis, June 16, have also been at lights.

I made the annual trip (June 22-23) to Malay Falls, Nova Scotia, to meet with Derek Bridgehouse to collect Saturniidae and Sphingidae at our lights at two different locations there. We saw Dryocampa rubicunda in abundance, and I managed to get one female of each species: luna, polyphemus and columbia at one light location as well as a male cecropia. We also encountered quite a few Sphingidae species, but only one female: Ceratomia undulosa. We took males of Darapsa choerilus, Hyles gallii, Lapara bombycoides, Paonias excaecata, Smerinthus cerisy, Smerinthus jamaicensis, Sphinx kalmiae and Sphinx poecila at lights on Friday night. I pretty much got rained out on Saturday night, but there were some male columbia, tattered, perhaps due to the heavy rain, at the light and calling cage of an inaccessable female columbia. To my surprise we did not get pairings of quite a few female luna that I took with me. Perhaps they had exhausted there pheromones on previous nights back on PEI.

Last night, June 26, I obtained pairings of a female luna and a female cecropia back on PEI. I still have another female luna which I hope will pair tonight, and there is possibly another female cecropia to emerge. The luna and cecropia pairings occured indors with wild males inserted, We had heavy rains last night so I had no cages out.

I took a female polyphemus at light on rooftop on July 5.

My egg prices for 2012 and ordering information are posted via the following link: Saturniidae Eggs, 2012. Please note payment needs to be in advance, either by a series of Paypal payments or a series of personal checks. I prefer the personal checks and do not cash them until eggs have been shipped. I say a "series of" payments because I never know in advance whether or not all species will be available or whether or not their will be sufficient quantities to give everyone what they want. There should be plenty of luna, polyphemus, cecropia, promethea, but cynthia, euryalus, gloveri and some of the others may be in short supply or may not materialize. It is greatly preferred by me if you send separate personal checks for each species ordered. That way I do not have to send any refunds as I can simply void the checks for the species that were not shipped. Hope you can understand. It is also easy to send Paypal refunds for species that do not materialize.

If sending a payment from US, please use $0.85 postage on your envelope to me at

Bill Oehlke
Box 476
Montague, PEI, C0A1R0


Alex Baranowski sends this great picture of a Citheronia regalis hatchling.

Citheronia regalis hatchling, courtesy of Alex Baranowski.

Alex reports he will be using both sumac and hickory as larval hosts, and reports that he can keep sumac foliage fresh for up to two days by immediately placing ends of cut stems in water.

Actias luna hatchling, courtesy of Alex Baranowski

Alex has sent me an article depicting and describing his "air conditioner" style calling cage. Check it out in the Members' Articles secion.


Martin Finney reports, June 17, 2012, "I've been feeding the larvae of Antheraea frithi tonkinensis on Betula pendula, silver birch. All the larvae have now spun up, just waiting for the moths to emerge.

This is first report of foodplant I have received for this species.

Martin also advised me that Actias sjoeqvisti from Russia is now a valid species. It had formerly been treated as a subspecies of Actias artemis.

It is hoped that Martin will soon be able to provide some digital images.


Alan Marson is having success rearing Actias sjoeqvisti on Liquidambar. For the first time the female and instars 2-5 are depicted on WLSS. There are additional images on the sjoeqvisti file. Note, the female does not have the truncated tails of artemis subspecies.

Actias sjoeqvisti female, Siberia, Russia, courtesy of Alan Marson

Actias sjoeqvisti fifth instar, Siberia, Russia, courtesy of Alan Marson


Stéphane Le Tirant has just published a new book, name: Papillons et chenilles du Québec et des Maritimes, 396 pages. All butterflies, larvae, host plant of the butterflies of Quebec and the Maritimes.

Availables everywhere in Quebec for 29,95

or from Stephane with a discount of 20% for your WLSS members + shipping, of course.

Auteur(e)s : Michel Leboeuf, Stéphane Le Tirant
• Parution : 02-04-2012
• Coll. Guides Nature Quintin
• pour tous, 392 pages
• Couverture souple, 13.5 X 20.5 cm
• ISBN 978-2-89435-579-4
• 29,95 $ CAD

Le premier guide complet et facile à consulter avec chenilles et cartes de répartition
Les papillons vous fascinent? Découvrez toutes les espèces diurnes de nos régions dans le premier ouvrage sur le marché à vous offrir non seulement des centaines de photos de grande qualité de tous les papillons, mais aussi des illustrations saisissantes de nos chenilles. En plus de textes éclairants sur la biologie et l'écologie de ces captivants insectes, le guide présente des fiches complètes d'identification par espèce (description, espèces semblables, périodes de vol, habitat, plantes hôtes, abondance, etc.). Tout pour combler le débutant comme l'observateur chevronné.

Rédacteur en chef du magazine Nature sauvage, Michel Leboeuf est l'auteur de plusieurs ouvrages et articles de vulgarisation en sciences naturelles. Son travail journalistique a été primé par la Société d'entomologie du Québec et le Service canadien des forêts. Il est, en outre, lauréat du prix Hubert-Reeves pour le meilleur ouvrage de vulgarisation scientifique en français au Canada.

Conservateur et responsable des collections de l'insectarium de Montréal, Stéphane Le Tirant est aussi l'un des instigateurs de l'événement annuel Papillons en liberté au Jardin botanique de Montréal. Consultant pour la création de nombreuses volières un peu partout dans le monde ainsi que pour la série Insectia, il a entre autres à son actif plusieurs publications scientifiques et des expéditions entomologiques aux quatre coins de la planète.

Contact Stepane directly for additional details or to order:
Stephane Le Tirant for ordering information and to learn how to apply for the dicsount.


Yves-Pascal Dion sends the following notes regarding the Montreal Insect Show, scheduled for October 27, 2012.


It's time once again to plan the next Montreal Insect Show. The show will be held later this year on October 27th, because of the problems with the students. We wish that you promote this event on your web site, in your regular publications, and that you will advertise it directly to your clients or entomologist friends.

Please answer me before the 15th of July and tell me if you want to be an exhibitor at the show, and the number of tables that you will need. Due to the limited space of this room, prompt payment is strongly suggested.

Thanks for spreading the news throughout your contacts.


Montreal Insect Show
October 27th 2012, from 9am to 5pm
Collège Maisonneuve, 3800 Sherbrooke E., Montreal

- The cost to rent an 6 foot table is 100$ CAN.
- Canadian exhibitors must add the correct taxes (Québec : $113,93, rest of Canada : 105$).
- Reservations will be taken only with full payment.
- Exhibitors must be arrived Saturday morning before 8:00.

General informations and conditions for the Montreal Insect Show
1) All exhibitors must use the access door on Nicolet street. Trolleys will be available at the P2 parking entrance.
2) All exhibitors are expected to prepare their stand on Saturday the 27th, starting from 7 am to 9 am. All booths will already be assigned, with all basic equipment (tables, chairs, wall). Please use your space responsibly, and respect your neighbours. All changes must go through Yves-Pascal Dion. No additional tables are permitted.
3) We suggest that you bring your own exhibition table cloth.
4) Reservation will be official only when full payment is received. Cost stands until August 15th 2012. After that, the cost will increase by 25$ for each table. Payment can be made by credit card, cheque money order or with PayPal to ypdion@entomopro.com
5) You are responsible for setting and packing your material. You are responsible for your space. Please never let your booth unattended. We will not be responsible for any damage or stolen material at your booth. Doors will be locked and the hall guarded while the show is closed. In order to respect visitors, please don't begin packing your stuff before the end of the show.

Person in charge of the exhibit:
Telephone (s):
Name of the exhibit:
Name of all the participants at the exhibit:
Number of tables required:
Total cost (please add the taxes):

Send your inscription by e-mail if you wish to pay with your credit card or use PayPal: payment to ypdion@entomopro.com
Payment by check or money order may be sent with the necessary informations to

Insectes Mondiaux
C.P. 1018
Lac-Beauport, QC

E-mail: ypdion@entomopro.com
WEB: http://www.entomopro.com

Yves-Pascal Dion

Salon des Insectes de Montréal
27 octobre 2012, de 9h à 17h
Collège Maisonneuve, 3800 rue Sherbrooke Est, Montréal

- Location au coût de $100 CAN, donc $113,93 avec les taxes, pour chaque table de 6 pieds.
- La réservation ne sera officielle que lorsque nous aurons reçu le paiement complet.
- Vous devez être arrivé au plus tard à 8h le samedi matin, et être prêt pour 9h, à l'ouverture des portes.

Informations générales et conditions d'admission pour le Salon des Insectes de Montréal
1) La porte d'accès des exposants se prend sur la rue Nicolet. Des chariots seront à votre disposition à l'entrée du stationnement P2.
2) Le montage des kiosques se fera le le samedi matin de 7h à 9h. Les organisateurs du Salon des Insectes sont les seuls à pouvoir vous assigner l'endroit de votre kiosque. Respectez l'endroit qui vous est assigné. Toute modification devra être approuvée par les organisateurs. AUCUNE TABLE PERSONNELLE NE DOIT ÊTRE AJOUTÉE. Tous les exposants doivent être présents et leur kiosque le samedi matin à 8h.
3) Nous vous suggérons d'apporter des nappes d'exposition pour recouvrir vos tables.
4) Votre réservation ne sera officielle que lorsque nous aurons reçu le paiement complet. Les coûts s'appliquent jusqu'au 15 août 2012. Après cette date, les coûts seront majorés d'un montant de 25$ par table. Vous pouvez payer par carte de crédit, par chèque ou par PayPal à ypdion@entomopro.com
5) Vous êtes responsable du montage et du démontage de votre kiosque. Les organisateurs ne pourront être tenus responsables des bris ou des vols à votre kiosque. La salle sera barrée et sous surveillance à la fermeture les vendredi et samedi soir. Par respect pour les visiteurs, veuillez ne pas débuter le démantèlement de votre kiosque avant la fermeture.


Kirby Wolfe writes, "Our Giant Silkmoths book is finally being delivered from Amazon.com in the U.S. In Europe it has been selling very well and is being translated into German. It is now no.2 of Insect & Spider books for Amazon Canada, and it hasn't even been released there yet. Here's the URL for the U.S.: http://www.amazon.com/The-Giant-Silkmoths-Mimicry-Camouflage/dp/1906506256/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1332781819&sr=1-1

"I imagine many of your members would be interested in this book, which is large coffee table format with over 100 color photos of live saturniids, and is very reasonably priced. The reviews in Great Britain, where it has been available since early November, have been filled with superlatives."

I (Bill Oehlke) have read some commentary on the new book, and it has all been very good. Check it out!.


Sphingidae Express

Edna Woodward alerted me to these images of the rarely photographed live male Sphinx luscitiosa, and photographer Mike Reese has granted me permission to post them. They are copyright protected by Mike and should not be reproduced without his permission. The male of this species nectars midday, will also imbibe juices from rotting fish, and has also been seen during twilight hours. Only the female occurs at lights, and she has not been reported nectaring during the day.

Sphinx luscitiosa male, Tie Mill Road, Florence County, Wisconsin,
nectaring on Apocynum species, 11:45am, June 24, 2012, courtesy/copyright of Mike Reese.

Sphinx luscitiosa male, Tie Mill Road, Florence County, Wisconsin,
nectaring on Apocynum species, 11:45am, June 24, 2012, courtesy/copyright of Mike Reese.

For the first time on Sphingidae of the Americas website a live Stolidoptera tachasara male is displayed.

Stolidoptera tachasara, Oaxaca, Mexico, courtesy of Fernando Calvo.


Catocala Capers

Renco Smeelen has sent me images of Catocala eggs from Europe:

I have begun to create files for the European Catocala and would greatly appreciate any images or data that members can provide. I hope to eventually also create files for the Asian Catocala. I belive this genus is limited to the Northern Hemisphere.


Support this website and visit other insect sites by
clicking flashing butterfly links to left or right.

Use your browser "Back" button to return to the previous page.


Please note: I reside in Canada at the following address and payment for Saturniidae livestock (eggs, cocoons, pupae) and/or sleeves must be sent to me only at this address:

Bill Oehlke
Box 476
155 Peardon Road
Montague, Prince Edward Island, C0A 1R0

Postage from USA to Canada is $0.85 so please use that amount on your envelope with your payment.

If you are in US and order cocoons or pupae from me this fall or winter, you will probably see a New Jersey return address on the shipping box. Do not send payment to the New Jersey address; send it to name and address above please.

National Moth Week

The first annual (Inter)National Moth Week is being held this summer from July 23-29. Are you participating yet? There are already more than 120 locations participating around the United States and the world. Moth night events and locations are registered in 40 states, 11 countries and Puerto Rico. Is yours? Moth nights can be an organized event for the public or simply privately looking at moths at your own setup in your own yard or park. Many organizations are partners for this first time event and National Moth Week has teamed up with Discover Life, BugGuide, Moth Photographers Group and Project Noah and Bill Oehlke as depositories of submitted data and photographs of moths found that week. It is hoped that National Moth Week participants will generate a wealth of important information about moth distributions and also focus attention on moths and biodiversity. Be part of this unique and fun week-long event and register your location or event or find and join an existing one in your area at National Moth Week

For additional information about National Moth Week and contact information, visit National Moth Week.