Hi All,
I hope to have an egg pricelist posted by March 14, and will also include the pricelist and ordering instructions in the April newsletter.
I hope again to begin offering eggs in March from the southern states, and should be able to offer most of the regular Saturniidae species
thoughout the spring and summer at various times. I am looking for egg suppliers of Arizona and Texas and California species that are not on my usual list
which is expected to include the following species: Actias luna; Antheraea polyphemus; Automeris io; Callosamia angulifera; Callosamia promethea;
Citheronia regalis; Dryocampa rubicunda; Eacles imperialis; Hyalophora cecropia; Hyalophora columbia; Samia cynthia.
Here are some notes (below the pricelist from 2018, now updated for 2019) that might help you know when eggs of various species become available.
We began shipping luna eggs on March 20 from Alabama (two orders). A second batch of luna egg orders was shipped
March 29 (four orders); more luna April 11, also from Alabama.
Samia cynthia eggs are available from Alabama as of April 2.
Hyalophora cecropia eggs are available from Alabama as of April 5.
If you would like to be an egg shipper in 2018, please send me an email for working arrangements.
Here is the 2019 pricelist for eggs expected spring. summer early fall of 2018. Do not send a payment until I have confirmed your order or have directed you to
send the payment. Please be sure to provide the information requested above when sending an enquiry.
Price list for USA customers, 2019. All prices quoted are in US dollars:
Actias luna 8.50 + 5.50 = for 12 at $14.00; 24 at $19.50; 36 at $25.00; $5.00 for each additional dozen over 3 dozen
We began shipping luna eggs on March 20 from Alabama (two orders). A second batch of luna egg orders was shipped
March 29 (four orders); more luna April 11, also from Alabama. Luna eggs shipped from North Carolina May 8; May 15; May 23-June 1 from Ohio. June 14 Ohio; June 16 Alabama
We shipped first generation luna cocoons from Alabama May 8-20, with more possible near end of May: many shipped late May to early June.
Antheraea polyphemus shipped from Alabama April 24; from North Carolina May 15; Ohio May 31-June 1; New York June 3, June 17; Ohio June 10
Automeris io from Virginia, June 6; Ohio June 12
Callosamia angulifera from Maryland; June 18
Callosamia promethea from Ohio, May 23; June 7; June 16
Callosamia securifera from Alabama, June 12
Citheronia regalis from Maryland, June 7-9; June 20
Eacles imperialis shipped from Alabama May 16; June 7; June 18
Hyalophora cecropia eggs are available from Alabama as of April 5; April 14; Ohio May 30.
Samia cynthia eggs are available from Alabama as of April 2.
Possibly we will have some Sphingidae eggs: Pachysphinx modesta and Smernthus cerisyi are the most likely, same price as regalis eggs.
Quite often during the summer months we have non-diapausing Actias luna and Antheraea polyphemus cocoons from the more southerly
states. We also often have pupae of Heraclides cresphontes, the giant swallowtail, for shiping during the summer.
I also intend to purchase large quantities of cocoons and pupae of local (North American) Saturniidae and possibly Sphingidae in the fall. If you would like to
become a supplier of fall livestock, please send me an email. oehlkew@islandtelecom.com
Antheraea polyphemus 8.50 + 5.50 = for 12 at $14.00; 24 at $19.50; 36 at $25.00; $5.00 for each additional dozen over 3 dozen
Automeris io $8.50 + 6.00 for 12 = $14.50; 24 at 20.50; 26.50; $5.00 for each additional dozen over 3 dozen
Callosamia angulifera $8.50 + 6.00 for 12 = $14.50; 24 at 20.50; 26.50; $5.00 for each additional dozen over 3 dozen
Callosamia securifera $9.50 + 8.00 for 12 = $17.50; 24 at 25.50; 34.50; $8.00 for each additional dozen over 3 dozen; very questionable
Callosamia promethea 8.50 + 5.50 = for 12 at $13.50; 24 at $19.00; 36 at $24.50; $5.00 for each additional dozen over 3 dozen
Citheronia regalis $8.50 + 6.00 for 12 = $14.50; 24 at 20.50; 26.50; $5.00 for each additional dozen over 3 dozen
Dryocampa rubicunda $8.50 + 6.00 for 12 = $14.50; 24 at 20.50; 26.50; $5.00 for each additional dozen over 3 dozen; very questionable
Eacles imperialis $8.50 + 6.00 for 12 = $14.50; 24 at 20.50; 26.50; $5.00 for each additional dozen over 3 dozen
Eupackardia calleta $8.50 + 6.00 for 12 = $14.50; 24 at 20.50; 26.50; $5.00 for each additional dozen over 3 dozen
Hyalophora cecropia $8.50 + 6.00 for 12 = $14.50; 24 at 20.50; 26.50; $5.00 for each additional dozen over 3 dozen
Hyalophora columbia columbia $8.50 + 6.00 for 12 = $14.50; 24 at 20.50; 26.50; $5.00 for each additional dozen over 3 dozen; questionable
Samia cynthia 7.50 + 5.50 = for 12 at $13.00; 24 at $19.00; 36 at $25.00; $5.00 for each additional dozen over 3 dozen
In Canada I am now sold out of all cocoons except for about fifteen Antheraea polyphemus available at $6.00 CDN plus postage plus HST or GST.
In the US, we still have polyphemus that can be shipped from Ohio; polyphemus that can be shipped from Colorado; and polyphemus and Eupackardia calleta that can be shipped from Texas. Everything else is sold out in USA.
Possibly we will hold off on shipping any more calleta until spring as they might not tolerate subfreezing temperatures. Exceptions could be made to shipping to southern states. Those who have already received calleta cocoons shouild not expose those cocoons to freezing temperatures.
In an effort to move the remaining cocoons out before they start emerging, I have reduced the price on remaining polyphemus cocoons to $5.00 US/cocoon, discounted to $4.50 if you order ten or more, and the calleta cocoons are discounted to $7.00 reduced to $6.50 if you order ten or more. There is a $9.00 S & H fee on all cocoon orders.
I am pretty sure that this week (March 11-17) and possible next week are probalby the latest the calleta can be shipped before they start emerging. The remaining polyphemus can probably be shipped up to mid April, but some big order s have recently come in, so they will liekly be sold out before then.
Viktor Sinjaev recently sent me a publication announcing a new Saturniidae genus: Hirpsinjaevia, Brechlin, 2019. The lone species, thus far, in a genus whose moths are very similar to Hirpida species is Hirpsinjaevia viksinjaevi I have created a file for the enaus and a file for the species, and recto and verso images of the diminutive Hirpsinjaevia viksinjaevi are posted.
Viktor also sent me an image of a live Winbrechlinia sinjaevi female from Colombia. I have added and updated files for Winbrechlinia genus and the five species now included in that genus.
Steve Ife has been sending me larval images of what we both believe are Periphoba attali. The source location is near Guayquil, Guayas, western Ecuador. These are being reared on blackberry and are progressing nicely. The original female is depicted with eggs and thus far instars 1-5 are also depicted. The female of P. attali as far as I know if unknown to science, so we hope Steve has continued success and can provide images of males and females, recto and verso to confirm the id. The only other Periphoba known from western Ecuador is P. nigra, and in searching for more information about nigra, I was able to find a better image of the male
I have recently completed a Dysdaemonia comparison chart to help me with ids for members of that genus. Location may be the best determiner for some species as there are many which are quite similar.
Fernando Calvo has sent a beautiful image of a live male Polythysana cinerascens from Quilpue, Chile. He has also sent images of this species in copula. I will post very shortly.
I have recently ordered three new (2018) Entomo-Satsphingia journals from Frank Meister. These journals cover new Saturniidae species described in 2018. Many people express concern about possibility that the bar has been set too low with regard to the naming of new species based on DNA bardcoding analysis. I share that concern, but I am also aware that different habitats, especially when there are isolating factors (mountains, deserts, oceans, etc.) surrounding those biomes, can give rise to genetic changes, some of which may only be temporary.
I have been working on the many new Pseudodirphia names put forward in 2018. I think there are a total of 37-39 new Pseudidirphia species, and almost that same number were described in 2011. I hope to arrange some comparison charts that will sort the species into groups based on the appearance of forewings as sometimes that is just about all I have to go on when trying to do ids from digital images.
Sphingidae Express
Very nice images of a live Eumorpha cissi adult have been posted from Santa marta Mountains, Colombia, courtesy of mario hec, with ids confirmed by Jean Haxaire. +++++++++++++++++++
Catocala Capers
Victor Sinjaev also sent me a paper describing Catocala uljanae from Sichuan, China. There were pictures of both uljanae and nivea (Japan) in the documents so I have created files for those two species and linked them from the bottom of the Catocala homepage at http://www.silkmoths.bizland.com/Catocala/catocala.html. I do not intend to try to cover all the worldwide Catocala species, but I did find these two species interesting, mostly based on hindwing colours and patterns.
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Andrew Aldercotte has recently sent me many images with data of Saturniidae from Panama. I am still working on them.
Stefan Naumann recently sent me a publication with pictures and information about some recently described Saturniidae species from southern and Central Vietnam. I have recently posted files for the following species in red, and hope to have the others completed and posted very shortly. I will be working on some of them today, January 16.
Saturnia (Rinaca) simloides;
Saturnia (Rinaca) thibetomima;
Saturnia (Rinaca) ngoclinhensis;
Lemaireia mediovietnama;
Cricula sokola;
Cricula acuta;
Actias laovieta;
Antheraea (Antheraea) scida;
Antheraea (Antheraea) luteofrithi;
Rhodinia extremaustralis;
Coscinocera misoolensis.
I will be updating national checklists and genera checklists as well. While working on the Lemaireia mediovietnama, listed above, I found there were some additional Lemaireia names that had been put forward, and I also found some additional images. The entire Lemaireia genus list has been updated as have individual Lemaireia species files.
Since last posting the Coscinocera misoolensis, Cricula sokola, Cricula acuta and Rhodinia extremaustralis files have been completed. Possibly I stil have to upload them and update and upload the Vietnam page.