Saturniidae of New Hampshire

Hyalophora cecropia courtesy of Bonnie J. Caruthers

The following Saturniidae are found in New Hampshire. They are grouped into respective subfamilies and tribes.

Clicking on a scientific name will take you to a page with pictures and information.


Anisota senatoria
Anisota stigma
Anisota virginiensis
Citheronia sepulcralis
Dryocampa rubicunda
Eacles imperialis


Automeris io
Hemileuca lucina
Hemileuca maia

Saturniinae: Attacini

Callosamia promethea
Hyalophora cecropia
Hyalophora columbia

Saturniinae: Saturniini

Actias luna
Antheraea polyphemus

Deb Lievens has recently sent images and flight data for several species from Grafton County and Rockingham County:

Dryocampa rubicunda, Thornton, Grafton Co., May 25 - June 7.
Dryocampa rubicunda, Londonderry, Rockingham Co., May 26-30.
I suspect at least a partial second brood in each of those two counties.

Antheraea polyphemus, Thornton, Grafton Co., June 8
Antheraea polyphemus, Londonderry, Rockingham Co., July 18 - August 8.

Actias luna, Thornton, Grafton Co., June 7 - July 14

Callosamia promethea, Thornton, Grafton Co., June 8 - July 14
Callosamia promethea, Londonderry, Rockingham Co., May 30

Hyalophora columbia, Grafton County, May 31, 2012

Jim Beaumont reports a wild female luna, taken May 9, 2010, in Hillsborough County. She was fertile but almost depleted of eggs. His famil reports egg hatched on or about May 17 and larva cocooned on June 27. There were some unseasonably warm days in early spring of 2010. It will be interesting to see if this pupa overwinters or if moth ecloses in 2-4 weeks.

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