Hi All,
I will begin shipping Canadian WLSS members' orders from PEI on Monday, September 20.
US and overseas WLSS members' orders will likely be shipped starting the third week in October.
Larry Valentine has just sent recto and verso images of a Rothschildia arethusa arethusa male, from Itanhandu, Minas Gerais, Brazil. This is first report of R. arethusa from Minas Gerais that I have seen.
Images have been posted to arethusa species file.
Alan Marson has just sent a series of beautiful images of all instars of Citheronioides collaris from Ecuador. The images are now linked from the collaris file.
Gary Saunders has just sent me beautiful images of
Weiwei Zhang has just sent me six beautiful images, including this one of a male Loepa anthera. It is the first time an image of a live male of this species has been depicted on WLSS.
Loepa anthera male, Guangxi, China,
courtesy of Weiwei Zhang.
Most have been linked from Weiwei's credits page.
I have recently received this beautiful image of a female Leucanella janeira from Thibaud Decaens. Thibaud also sends an image of a fifth instar larva. This is first time live janeira female and fifth instar larva have been depicted on WLSS.
Leucanella janeira female, Parana, Brazil,
September 1, 2010, courtesy of Thibaud Decaens.
Carlos Lopez Vaamonde has just sent images and an article on use of pheromone lures to attract wild male Graellsia isabellae/isabelae. The images and published article are linked from the Members Articles section and also from the isabellae/isabelae file.
John Campbell wrties, "Here are the C. s. sinaloensis, final instar images. I am sending four images total.
"Of these no. 117 is of the lightest of the color types - which I'll call 'Buff'.
"No. 127 shows a 'Buff' and a 'Red' type, together, for comparison.
"No. 130 is the 'Dark-grey' type.
"And No. 144 is the 'Red' type.
"Note that all of these color variations are of larvae that are in final instar but are still eating. "- Indeed, they continued to eat for at least two days after these photos were taken."
Below is one of the images sent by John. The others are linked from the sinaloensis file.
Bernhard Wenczel has recently sent me beautiful images of fifth instar Copaxa rufinans larvae, and Bernhard offers some interesting observations, recorded on the rufinans species file. Ron Brechlin and Frank Meister have described fifteen "new" Copaxa species in 2010. I have no images or further information at this time.
Bonnie J. Caruthers has just sent a beautiful series of Eales imperialis larval images.
Eacles imperialis third instar,
August 19, 2010, courtesy of Bonnie Caruthers.
Franz and Julian Renner have sent images of Actias neidhoeferi larvae, all instars, from Taiwan. It is first time larvae of this species have been depicted on WLSS. A new foodplant is listed: Larix decidua.
Alan Marson has just sent a beautiful series of images of Gonimbrasia (Nudaurelia) alopia eggs and larvae, linked from alopia file. It is first time the larvae of this species have been depicted on WLSS. New foodplant is given: Liquidambar styraciflua, sweetgum.
Gonimbrasia (Nudaurelia) alopia
fifth instar on sweetgum,
Togo, courtesy of Alan Marson.
Frederic Beneluz has begun to send me images and information regarding recently described species.
He will also be sending additional data, especially for French Guiana, and some corrections to WLSS.
Frederic has also sent an image of the male holotype of Copaxa trottierorum from Tapanti, Cartago, Costa Rica, taken June 20, 1986 at 1600m.
I have recently received a shipment of dead Saturniidae specimens from central and southwestern Cameroon. They appear to be in A- or
better condition in most instances. I have scanned the specimens and identified them with some help from Thierry Bouyer and have posted them to
Cameroon Saturniidae for your perusal.
It is my first hope to be able to sell this entire set as a single package and am only looking to cover my expenses
of postage from Cameroon $15.00; $2.50 US/item; the cost ($17.00 done) to send a payment by Western Union to source in Cameroon,
and approximate $0.75 mark up per item for scanning, identifying and repacking time.
I think there will probably be specimens of 22 different Saturniidae species (32 specimens in all) in this excellent starter collection from Cameroon.
If you spread them and send me digital images and wingspans, I will confirm ids or id the ones that have so far only been done to genus level.
Total price is $130.00 plus shipping and handling.
If I do not have a request from membership for entire package (now have two requests), I will begin to advertise them on several sites to non-members.
If you are not interested in purchasing an entire similar subsequent package, but would like individual specimens or smaller groups of specimens, let me
know the species of interest, and I may break up subsequent sets or just bring in the items of demand in future imports. All items I repackage will
be first inspected by myself for quality control. Prices per item will be about 25-40% higher for smaller sets,ie, instead of about $4.00 average per item,
prices will be about $5.00-$5.60/item, on average.
I brought in this first pacakge to assess legitimacy of collector, and to assess quality and packing methods. so far everything has been good.
The following species are anticipated for sale in USA or overseas only. I have already sent pricelist to Canadian WLSS members and am beginning to process their orders from here:
Actias luna at $4.35 US/cocoon
Antheraea polyphemus as $4.75
Automeris io at $4.35
Callosamia promethea at $4.35/cocoon
Citheronia splendens sinaloensis at $16.00/pair, probably with some extra males available at $7.00/male
Hyalophora cecropia at $6.40/cocoon
Hyalophora columbia gloveri at $6.40/cocoon
Hyalophora euryalus at $7.20/cocoon now all spoken for
The following butterfly pupae are available:
Pterourus glaucus (eastern tiger swallowtail) at $4.25/pupa
Pterourus troilus (spicebush swallowtail) at $4.25/pupa
Callosamia angulifera at $6.40/cocoon now all spoken for
Citheronia regalis at $16.00/pair, probably with some extra males from different location available at $7.00/male now all spoken for
Eacles imperialis at $16.00/pair now all spoken for
Hyalophora columbia columbia at $6.40/cocoon now all spoken for
Heraclides cresphontes (giant swallowtail) at $5.50/pupa now all spoken for
I am requesting that you send me your wish list by email by October 12, 2010 with species and quantities desired, even for North American species that are not yet listed. Please in that email send your complete shipping address.
Do not send money at this time. Do not send money until your shipment/order has been confirmed. I may have to ration out some species that will likely be in short supply.
Please note: I reside in Canada at the following address and payment must be sent to me only at this address:
Bill Oehlke
155 Peardon Road
Montague, Prince Edward Island, C0A 1R0
Postage from USA to Canada is $0.75 so please use that amount on your envelope with your payment.
This will not likely be the address that will be on the box of cocoons/pupae which you receive. I, myself, will be shipping some cocoons from New Jersey in mid to late October. Do not send payment to that address. One US shipping partner will be shipping cocoons from New Hampshire. Do not send payment to that address. Send payments exclusively to name and address above.
Please also note: I prefer to receive payment by personal check in US funds. I have a US account here at my local bank. When I receive funds in US dollars I can deposit those checks directly into my US account and do not lose any funds for currency conversions. I can then use those funds, again without having to pay the bank any currency conversion fees, to pay the many US suppliers for the cocoons they have sent to me in New Jersey or to my shipping partner in New hampshire.
I can also accept International bank or postal money orders, but those must be International money orders in US funds. Please do not send payment in the form of US money orders as they are cashable only in US, and I am in Canada.
I can accept payment in US dollars via Paypal, but there is approximate 4% Paypal transaction fee that I would tack onto your invoice as that is what Paypal charges me. Paypal also directly deposits only into my Canadian account. They convert the money into Canadian dollars. In order to pay my sources in US, I have to reconvert those Canadian dollars back into US dollars and the bank always charges a fee for that, usually from 3-4% on the exchange rate. I would also tack that onto your invoice if you wish to pay by Paypal. Once again I prefer to receive payments by personal check. Please make sure you have sufficient funds in your account to cover your payment.
For overseas customers, I will accept Paypal payent in US funds or direct bank transfers, or personal checks in US dollars, drawn on a US bank. I have also accepted US banknotes in registered letters. I have requested that you place your tentative order by email by September 20 for a specific reason. I have always promised that WLSS members will get first crack at supplies. I also want to sell as much inventory as possible as early as possible so that I can pay my shipping partner on an ongoing basis and can also pay my suppliers promptly. I want to be able to advertise and sell to non-member customers after September 20. I usually do not begin to make any profit for myself until near end of December.
I will certainly still accept orders from members after September 20, but there are several species which will likely be all sold out by end of September. I am also revising my policy with regard to payments. Payment must be made in full as specified above, before cocoons get shipped.
I am very interested in purchasing your excess stock (US breeders and Canadian breeders), especially of the less commonly offered species. Please let me know what you might have available for bulk purchases at wholesale prices. US stock can be bulk shipped to US address which I will provide. Do not ship from USA to my Canadian address
If you have a specific interest in Sphingidae, let me know; there are some species that I can probably access.
Bruce Passarelli writes, "The Antheraea mylitta are doing best on Sweetgum. (figured, if they did well for Alan Marson on Gunni, the sweet gum should be good). The cats are half the size on White Birch and Oak. I am switching some over to Sweetgum for fear of time and leaves turning. So far so good."
Antheraea mylitta on sweetgum, courtesy of Bruce Passarelli
Antheraea mylitta on sweetgum, courtesy of Bruce Passarelli
I am getting caught up with postings of hybrids sent to me by Robert Vuattoux:
Opodiphthera helena male x Opodiphthera eucalypti female, fifth instar larva; Robert Vuattoux.
Saturnia (Saturnia) pavonia male x Saturnia (Eriogyna) pyretorum female, cocoons.
Unusual pairing: Opodiphthera eucalypti male pairing with Saturnia pyri female
I have begun to create thumbnail pictoral checklists for all Canadian provinces and hope to have them all completed and posted by end of September. I am very interested in receiving data and images for any Canadian sightings to add to the data base.
Yves-Pascal Dion has sent the following notices concerning the Montreal Insect Show:
Boutique et Musée:
Passion Papillons, 996 Boul. du Lac, Charlesbourg, QC, G2M 0C9, Canada
Adresse Postale:
Insectes Mondiaux, C.P. 1018, Lac-Beauport, QC, G3B 2J8, Canada
Téléphone: 418-907-7367
Sphingidae Express
I am very much interested in receiving and displaying images of Sphingidae adults, eggs, larvae and pupae, even of the common species.
Please always send data to include date and location, at least to county level.
I wouold very much like to continue creation of County/Province level checklists for USA and Canada, and am also very interested in refining checklists for Central and South America.
Many Sphingidae sightings and images have arrived over last couple of weeks and it has been hard to keep up with posting of images and creation of new thumbnail checklists.
Arctiidae Art
Kirby Wolfe indicates he will be sending me many electronic images of Arctiidae from Costa Rica. I will shortly begin construction of a worldwide Arctiidae site. Those who wish to contribute images of adults and/or larvae or any other stages are welcome to do so. All images that I use remain the property of respective photographers.
I am working on creating the text files and orgainizing names at this stage. It will probably be after Christmas that I do first posting.
Catocala Capers
I am starting to get Catocala images and data from several locations.
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