Hi All,
To all WLSS members in USA:
Some of my regular suppliers of fall livestock have reported rearing difficulties due to drought and extremely high summer temperatures. There have also been some problems with predation by rodents. I am seeking help of members and non-members with regard to procurement of healthy overwintering stock. If you have a surplus and would like to sell in bulk to me at wholesale prices, please send an email to Bill Oehlke. I would provide you with a single US destination for your livestock shipment, either to New Jersey, New Hampshire or Maine.
Thus far I have commitments from various, regular suppliers for the following species:
Antheraea polyphemus; good numbers
Automeris io; good numbers
Callosamia promethea; anticipated good numbers, not yet confirmed
Citheronia regalis; good numbers, sold in pairs
Citheronia splendens sinaloensis; small number, sold in pairs
Dryocampa rubicunda; good numbers
Hyalophora cecropia; good numbers
Hyalophora columbia gloveri; good numbers
Papilio troilus, spicebush swallowtail; good numbers
Battus philenor, pipevine swallowtail; good numbers, new offering from a new source; $5.50/pupa
Although I have reported good numbers for several species, based on past experience the numbers currently promised will, in many cases, only cover the orders that typically arrive in September-October for end of October shipping. Thus I am interested in procuring livestock of all species listed above as well as livestock for the following species, some of which I only have very tentative possibility of offering in USA this year:
Actias luna; tentative
Eacles imperialis; tentative
Hyalophora euryalus; very tentative
Samia cynthia; very tentative
Papilio polyxenes asterius eastern black swallowtail; very tentative
Papilio glaucus eastern tiger swallowtail; tentative
Eurytides marcellus zebra swallowtail; very unlikely
I am interested in procuring more of any of the above species, and would also be interested in overwintering cocoons/pupae of other Saturniidae or butterflies native to the United States. It is anticipated that prices will be approximately same as last year, possibly with $0.10/item increase where supplies are low. I may have to ration out certain species in an effort to see that every one who orders before mid October gets at least part of all species requested.
If you wish to place an order, please provide all of the following in an email to me:
1) Your complete name and shipping address
2) A list of species and quantities of each species desired
3) Your preferred method of payment:
3a) I prefer personal check
3b) Second choice would be an international money order in US funds. It must be an international money order, not a US money order. US money orders are
cashable only in US, and I am in Canada.
3c) Third choice would be Paypal, simply because I have to charge you an extra 4% for the Paypal transaction fee, and I also have to charge you an additonal
bank/paypal currency conversion fee of 3% to convert from US currency to Canadian currency. If you do not mind paying the extra 7%, then Paypal is fine by me.
4) Trading of livestock as a possible option
5) Other
Do not send any payments until I have comfirmed by email that your order has been confirmed and what you have requested is confirmed as available. I will advise you as to when to send the money. I am sending this out to all US WLSS members, alphabetically, during the week of September 17-22.
I hope to be able to confirm all order by October 5, which will give you plenty of time to send payment to me at the following address:
Bill Oehlke
Box 476
Montague, Prince Edward Island, C0A1R0
Postage from United States to Canada is $0.85. So please use appropriate postage on your envelope to me, when you are directed to send it.
In some cases, if you are ordering items which I do not know if I will have, I ration, or I may ask yo to send two or more checks in the same envelope
to me, one check for the items I can confirm, and additional checks for the items that are tentative. I would simply void any checks for items I cannot supply.
I intend to begin shipping to US destinations near end of October, either from New Jersey or Maine.
All livestock that I sell will either be inspected by myself (all September-October procurements) or by one of my US shipping partners.
I have already notified all Canadian customers of what I have available, and all items in Canada have already been spoken for except two female Anisota virginiensis pupae; four or five Pachysphinx modesta pupae; and good numbers of Actias luna cocoons and Dryocampa rubicunda pupae. All polyphemus, cecropia and columbia are already spoken for with regard to Canadian customers.
For first time on WLSS a live Salassa htayaungi male is displayed from Yunnan, China. This represents a slight range extension from Kachin State in Myanmar.
Salassa htayaungi male, Mount Gaoligong, Yunnan, China,
courtesy of "Tim of Insects", id by Bill Oehlke.
To my knowledge, Claude Lemaire did not report any Gamelia species from Panama, but the following image certainly belongs to that genus.
Gamelia musta ??, female, Gamboa Colon, Panama,
February 4, 2012, courtesy of Katja Schulz,
tentative id by Bill Oehlke.
WLSS member Russell Witkop writes, "Rare Hemileuca Hera Magnifica pupae in pairs at $50.00 US. These have never been offered."
Contact Russell directly via email to Russell Witkop
For first time on WLSS what I believe is a live Dirphiopsis oridocea male is displayed.
Dirphiopsis oridocea male, Paradise Lodge, Cusco, Peru,
May 13, 2012, 4500ft, courtesy of Shirley Sekarajasingham, id by Bill Oehlke
For first time on WLSS what I believe is a live Asthenidia strictuaria male is displayed.
Asthenidia strictuaria, Loreto, Peru, September 18, 2008,
courtesy of Shirley Sekarajasingham, tentative id by Bill Oehlke.
For first time on WLSS what I believe is a live Arsenura ciocolatina male is displayed.
Arsenura ciocolatina male, Indiana, Loreto, Peru,
February 20, 2011, courtesy of Dominik Hofer, id by Bill Oehlke
Arsenura ciocolatina male, northeastern, Peru,
November 6, 2007, courtesy of Shirley Sekarajasingham, id by Bill Oehlke
For first time on WLSS what I believe is a live Arsenura fuscata, Brechlin & Meister, 2010, male is displayed.
Arsenura fuscata male, Indiana, Loreto, Peru,
February 20, 2011, courtesy of Dominik Hofer, id by Bill Oehlke
For first time on WLSS what I believe is a live Hylesia pallidex male is displayed.
Hylesia pallidex male, Amazonia Lodge, nr Atalaya, Ucayali, Peru,
May 17, 2012, courtesy of Shirley Sekarajasingham, id by Bill Oehlke.
For first time on WLSS what I believe is a Hylesia olivenca male is displayed.
For first time on WLSS a female Lobobunaea christyi molleti female is depicted.
Lobobunaea christyi molleti female, 157mm, Oromia, Ethiopia,
11.5 km south of Kibre Mengist, 15/5/2012, 1730 meters,
Legits: M. + S. Dietl, R. Beck, courtesy of Athanasios Mpamnaras.
Arsenura paraorbignyana, Iguazu National Park, Misiones, Argentina,
August 2012, courtesy of James Colburn, via Daniel Marlos of What's That BNug?,
identification by Bill Oehlke.
For sale in Europe, Asia, Martin Jagelka wrties, "I have cocoons of Actias artemis aliena (overwintering, origin: Japan) for sale: 1 cocoon for 5 Euro and Graellsia isabella ceballosi (overwintering, origin: Andalucia, Spain) for sale: 1 cocoon for 20 Euro.
"If interested, let me know please."
For first time on WLSS a live, albeit parasitized, fifth instar of Opodiphthera helena is depicted.
Opodiphthera helena, parasitized fifth instar, Shearwater, Tasmania,
March 5, 2010, courtesy of Kristi Ellingsen
For first time on WLSS live Neodiphthera habemani is displayed on WLSS.
Neodiphthera habemana male,
Kumul Lodge, Highlands Highway east of Mt. Hagen (town), Central Highlands, Papua New Guinea,
June-July 10, 2012, courtesy of Shirley Sekarajasingham
For first time on WLSS Neodiphthera paukstadtorum is displayed on WLSS.
Neodiphthera venusta/paukstadtorum?,
Ambua Lodge (near Tari), Southern Highlands, Papua New Guinea,
July 2, 2012, 7000 feet, courtesy of Shirley Sekarajasingham, tentative id by Bill Oehlke.
For first time on WLSS a live Antheraea broschi is displayed on WLSS.
Daniel Marlos of "What's That Bug?" sent me this image for identification. It is first time a live specimen of Rhescyntis pseudomartii has been displayed on WLSS, and it is first time, to my knowledge, this species has been confirmed in Sao Paulo, but that was anticipated.
Rhescyntis pseudomartii male, Sao Paulo, Brazil,
August 2012, courtesy of James Colborn as per What's That Bug?
Rachael Baggallay provides the following images of a female Bunaeopsis arabella as well as images of eggs of that species. It is the first time eggs or the female of this species have been displayed on WLSS. Additional images are on the arabella file.
Bunaeopsis arabella female, Emakhazeni, Mpumalanga, South Africa,
January 1, 2012, courtesy of Rachael Baggallay.
Bunaeopsis arabella female and eggs, Emakhazeni, Mpumalanga, South Africa,
January 1, 2012, courtesy of Rachael Baggallay.
Derek Bridgehouse sends the following image of subspecies/form/variant Hemileuca hera marcata, purchased from the late Bill Houtz.
Hemileuca hera marcata male, Klamath Falls, Oregon,
August 21, 1980, courtesy of Derek Bridgehouse,
slight digital repair by Bill Oehlke.
Matt Curtis writes, "Hi Bill, I thought you might be able to ID this larvae for me or know someone who could. I believe it is
H. tricolor since it is about the only larvae mentioned as out in late summer.
"I found it 14 September near Patagonia Lake in Santa Cruz CO., AZ. I was looking for Agapema habitat in new locations and decided to check out some of the
ocotillo for calleta for a while when I noticed this small larvae and said, darn that looks like a Hemileuca. It looks like the tricolor larvae photo in
WIld SIlkmoths, so I am assuming that is what it is. What was odd was the food plant, there was an acacia right beside the ocotillo, so I thought that
maybe it had just become lost. I placed the larvae in a shoe box with both ocotillo and acacia, and it has spent the last two and a half days feeding on the
ocotillo and ignoring the acacia (and some mesquite I added also).
"Could this possibly be a new food plant? That would be neat!"
"Thanks for the images. Hemileuca hualapi ia also a late summer feeder and can be found in southern Arizona, but that species is a grass feeder."
Hemileuca tricolor fifth or sixth instar, Patagonia Lake, Santa Cruz County, Arizona,
September 14, 2012, courtesy of Matt Curtis.
Hemileuca tricolor fifth or sixth instar, Patagonia Lake, Santa Cruz County, Arizona,
September 14, 2012, courtesy of Matt Curtis.
Correction to September Newsletter: This beautiful image of a hybrid male of Graellsia isabellae x Actias uljanae, belongs to Robert Lemaitre. It was sent to me by Victor Sinyaev. Robert has given permission for it to be posted.
G. isabellae x A. uljanae, courtesy of Robert Lemaitre.
Hybrid: Graellsia isabellae male x Actias uljanae female
Robert writes, "Here is the male hybrid from the crossing Graellsia isabellae male X Actias "uljanae" female, obtained by Steve Kohll, Robert Lemaitre and the hybrid rearing group.
"Participation for the different pairings includes the following people: Y. Barberoux, P. Guivarch , O. Kurz, E. Legrand, J-P. Pagnon, J. Sabatier, J-C. Tavernier. Different Actias rearings and others were performed by: R. Beck, M. Blanchet, H. Evin, G. Flutsch, F. Goussard, H. Guyot, M. Lamour, J. Ullastre , R. Zaun.
"The hybrid crossing has been made possible in May 2007 with a wild male Graellsia isabellae and a reared female of Actias "uljanae" (fourth generation obtained by S. Kohll), originating from Jiulainshan, 1500M, Dayu, South Jiangxi, China Only male chrysalids were obtained. "The 'Actias felicis' group is currently revised by Stefan Naumann, therefore the name applied here is only tentative."
Erratum: this post originally was published with the name of Actias Felicis because the case was pending review, and in fact it has been reviewed by Dr. Ronald Brechlin and classified Actias uljanae in honor of the daughter of Viktor Sinyaev who participated in the first catch of this species.
For the first time on WLSS, the female of the hybridization between a Graellsia isabellae male and an Actias maenas female is depicted.
Female from Graellsia isabellae male x Actias maenas female,
Photo of Robert Lemaitre, courtesy Eric Legrand and team.
It's time once again to plan the next Montreal Insect Show. The show will be held later this year on October 27th, because of the problems with the students. We wish that you promote this event on your web site, in your regular publications, and that you will advertise it directly to your clients or entomologist friends.
Please answer me before the 15th of July and tell me if you want to be an exhibitor at the show, and the number of tables that you will need. Due to the limited space of this room, prompt payment is strongly suggested.
Thanks for spreading the news throughout your contacts.
Montreal Insect Show
October 27th 2012, from 9am to 5pm
Collège Maisonneuve, 3800 Sherbrooke E., Montreal
- The cost to rent an 6 foot table is 100$ CAN.
- Canadian exhibitors must add the correct taxes (Québec : $113,93, rest of Canada : 105$).
- Reservations will be taken only with full payment.
- Exhibitors must be arrived Saturday morning before 8:00.
General informations and conditions for the Montreal Insect Show
1) All exhibitors must use the access door on Nicolet street. Trolleys will be available at the P2 parking entrance.
2) All exhibitors are expected to prepare their stand on Saturday the 27th, starting from 7 am to 9 am. All booths will already be assigned, with all basic
equipment (tables, chairs, wall). Please use your space responsibly, and respect your neighbours. All changes must go through Yves-Pascal Dion.
No additional tables are permitted.
3) We suggest that you bring your own exhibition table cloth.
4) Reservation will be official only when full payment is received. Cost stands until August 15th 2012. After that, the cost will increase by 25$ for each table.
Payment can be made by credit card, cheque money order or with PayPal to ypdion@entomopro.com
5) You are responsible for setting and packing your material. You are responsible for your space. Please never let your booth unattended. We will not be
responsible for any damage or stolen material at your booth. Doors will be locked and the hall guarded while the show is closed. In order to respect
visitors, please don't begin packing your stuff before the end of the show.
Person in charge of the exhibit:
Telephone (s):
Name of the exhibit:
Name of all the participants at the exhibit:
Number of tables required:
Total cost (please add the taxes):
Send your inscription by e-mail if you wish to pay with your credit card or use PayPal: payment to ypdion@entomopro.com
Payment by check or money order may be sent with the necessary informations to
Insectes Mondiaux
C.P. 1018
Lac-Beauport, QC
E-mail: ypdion@entomopro.com
WEB: http://www.entomopro.com
Yves-Pascal Dion
Salon des Insectes de Montréal
27 octobre 2012, de 9h à 17h
Collège Maisonneuve, 3800 rue Sherbrooke Est, Montréal
- Location au coût de $100 CAN, donc $113,93 avec les taxes, pour chaque table de 6 pieds.
- La réservation ne sera officielle que lorsque nous aurons reçu le paiement complet.
- Vous devez être arrivé au plus tard à 8h le samedi matin, et être prêt pour 9h, à l'ouverture des portes.
Informations générales et conditions d'admission pour le Salon des Insectes de Montréal
1) La porte d'accès des exposants se prend sur la rue Nicolet. Des chariots seront à votre disposition à l'entrée du stationnement P2.
2) Le montage des kiosques se fera le le samedi matin de 7h à 9h. Les organisateurs du Salon des Insectes sont les seuls à pouvoir vous assigner
l'endroit de votre kiosque. Respectez l'endroit qui vous est assigné. Toute modification devra être approuvée par les organisateurs. AUCUNE
TABLE PERSONNELLE NE DOIT ÊTRE AJOUTÉE. Tous les exposants doivent être présents et leur kiosque le samedi matin à 8h.
3) Nous vous suggérons d'apporter des nappes d'exposition pour recouvrir vos tables.
4) Votre réservation ne sera officielle que lorsque nous aurons reçu le paiement complet. Les coûts s'appliquent jusqu'au 15 août 2012. Après cette date,
les coûts seront majorés d'un montant de 25$ par table. Vous pouvez payer par carte de crédit, par chèque ou par PayPal à ypdion@entomopro.com
5) Vous êtes responsable du montage et du démontage de votre kiosque. Les organisateurs ne pourront être tenus responsables des bris ou des vols à
votre kiosque. La salle sera barrée et sous surveillance à la fermeture les vendredi et samedi soir. Par respect pour les visiteurs, veuillez ne pas
débuter le démantèlement de votre kiosque avant la fermeture.
Kirby Wolfe writes, "Our Giant Silkmoths book is finally being delivered from Amazon.com in the U.S. In Europe it has been selling very well and is being translated into German. It is now no.2 of Insect & Spider books for Amazon Canada, and it hasn't even been released there yet. Here's the URL for the U.S.: http://www.amazon.com/The-Giant-Silkmoths-Mimicry-Camouflage/dp/1906506256/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1332781819&sr=1-1
"I imagine many of your members would be interested in this book, which is large coffee table format with over 100 color photos of live saturniids, and is very reasonably priced. The reviews in Great Britain, where it has been available since early November, have been filled with superlatives."
I (Bill Oehlke) have read some commentary on the new book, and it has all been very good. Check it out!.
Sphingidae Express
I Have been receiving many images for id work and updates to the various checklists that I maintain. This year I am only rearing Pachysphinx modesta, and I now have about twenty pupae of that species.
Agrius cingulata, Sydney, Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia,
September 30, 2012, courtesy of Lorna MacLean.
While doing some id work on the many moth images posted by Shirley Sekarjasingham on Flickr, I came across this image of what I believe is Xylophanes schausi, either subspecies schausi or serenus.
Xylophanes schausi serenus, Loreto, Peru,
September 25, 2012, courtesy of Shirley Sekarajasingham,
id by Bill Oehlke.
Here is another beauty, seldom seen, from a different Lodge in Peru. Shirley has given me permission to post her images and I will continue to take breaks from sales and other chores to work on her images from around the world.
Xylophanes bilineata, Paradise Lodge, Cusco, Peru,
may 9, 2012, 1470m, courtesy of Shirley Sekarajasingham,
id by Bill Oehlke.
Catocala Capers
Many Catocala images have been arriving, and I am incorporating them into respective files.
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Please note: I reside in Canada at the following address and payment for Saturniidae livestock (eggs, cocoons, pupae) and/or sleeves must be sent to me only at this address:
Bill Oehlke
Box 476
155 Peardon Road
Montague, Prince Edward Island, C0A 1R0
Postage from USA to Canada is $0.85 so please use that amount on your envelope with your payment.
If you are in US and order cocoons or pupae from me this fall or winter, you will probably see a New Jersey return address on the shipping box. Do not send payment to the New Jersey address; send it to name and address above please.
This website has been created and is maintained by Bill Oehlke without government or institutional financial assistance. All expenses, ie., text reference support material, webspace rental from Bizland, computer repairs/replacements, backups systems, software for image adjustments (Adobe Photoshop; L-View), ftp software, anti-virus protection, scanner, etc. are my own. The one-time-life-time membership fee that is charged at the time of the registration covers most of those expenses.
I very much appreciate all the many images that have been sent to me, or of which I have been granted permission to copy and post from other websites. All images on this site remain the property of respective photographers.
If you would like to contribute to the maintenace of this website by sending a contribution to
Bill Oehlke
Box 476
155 Peardon Road
Montague, Prince Edward Island, C0A1R0
your donation would be much appreciated and would be used for
1) paying for webspace rental;
2) paying for computer maintenance and software upgrades;
3) purchases of additional text reference material (journals and books) in an effort to stay current with new species;
4) helping to pay my daughter's tuition.
I also hope to expand the North American Catocala site as well as the Sphingidae of the Americas site, to worldwide sites, and that will require additional funds for reference materials, etc. Both of those site are linked from your WLSS homepage.
If you are mailing a check from USA, please use $0.85 postage. Donations can also be made through Paypal via the button below.
Donations are not required to maintain your standing as a WLSS member, nor do they gain you any preferencial treatment with regard to livestock and/or supplies (sleeves), compared to othe rWLSS members. All WLSS members get first crack at my annual offerings and get an approximate discount of 10% as compared to non-members.
I do usually ask donors if they have any special requests for material on WLSS, and I try to accomodate when appropriate or within my ability to do so.