Mothly Newsletter September-November 2021
The past few months have really flown by here. I was very busy with all the efforts that go into harvesting cocoons and pupae of Actias luna, Anisota virginiensis, Anthereaea polyphemus, Callosamia promethea, Dryocampa rubicunda, Hyalophora cecropia and Hyalophora columbia. Overall I had a very good harvest of over 1200 items, but did not get as many luna cocoons (only 329) as I would have liked and could have marketed in Canada.
I did bring in some extra cecropia cocoons from another breeder in Ontario and currently still have the following available in Canada: Antheraea polyphemus (good number) and Hyalophora cecropia (very smalll number). That is all that I have left. I did not rear any Sphingidae or butterflies this year.
If you are in Canada, you can still enquire about cecropia and polyphemus.
In the US I have three major cocoon/pupae suppliers, one in Ohio, one in Colorado and one in Pennsylvania. My US shipping partner is in Maine, and I recently learned that he will be vacationing in Florida this year from late October to late November. I have contacted the suppliers for inventory and to alert them to hold off on bulk shipments to Maine until late November. We will begin shipping to US destinations in late November til mid December and then will resume dispatches in the new year with all orders being filled from Maine **.
From Ohio the following will be available:
Actias luna at $6.00 US/cocoon (very limited number this year)
Antheraea polyphemus at $6.00 US/cocoon (good numbers available)
Callosamia promethea at $6.00 US/cocoon (average numbers)
Citheronia regalis at $29.00 US/trio (good numbers available) with extra males available at $6.00 each
Eacles imperialis at $29.00 US/trio or $23.00/pair (only five trios available; average number of pairs available)
Hyalophora cecropia at $8.00 US/cocoon (good numbers available)
Hemaris diffinis (Snowberry Clearwing) at $12.00/pair or $17.00/trio (many available and prefer to sell as trios)
Pachysphinx modesta at $12.00/pair or $17.00/trio (good numbers available)
From Colorado the following will be available:
Antheraea polyphemus at $6.00/cocoon (good numbers available)
Hemilecuca nuttalli at $4.50/pupa (seldom offered, limited quantity available, should emerge in July)
Hylophora columbia gloveri at $7.50 US/cocoon (good numbers available)
Smerinthus cerisyi at $5.00 (limited quantities available)
hemileuca nuttalli male, courtesy of Kirby Wolfe.
Smerinthus cerisyi, One-eyed or Cerisy's Sphinx, Jean Haxaire image, $5.00
Larvae are easy to rear of poplar species; available in both Canada and USA.
Actias luna ($6.00/cocoon; good numbers available)
Antheraea polyphemus (very small number confirmed, but will be $6.00/cocoon
Automeris io confirmed at $6.00 with average number available
Callosamia promethea (confirmed, but in small numbers $6.00/cocoon)
Hyalophora cecropia (not available from PA)
Samia cynthia (not available this year, sorry
Eastern Black Swallowtail (not available this year)
Spicebush Swallowtail (not available this year)
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail (available $6.00/pupa)
Zebra Swallowtail $6.00/pupa (average numbers, first time offered in several years)
I also have been promised some Hyalophora cecropia cocoons reared in Minnesota from eastern stock.
If you are going to place an order which can include species not yet confirmed, please do not send any payment until your order has been confirmed, which will likely not happen until late November or early December, but please look over the list carefully and send your request within the next week or two. This will greatly help me with possible rationing if necessary, and will also allow me to perhaps obtain additional unmbers if warranted.
PLEASE also send the following with your email order (please don't use messenger):
Your complete name and shipping address;
Desired species and quantities of each;
Your intended payment method (personal check, bank draft, Paypal (with paypal there will be an additional charge of 4.5% to cover paypal transaction fee).
I prefer to receive payment for cocoons by personal check (send payment only after your order has been confirmed), but that could change if pandemic messes up postal delivery times.
Bill Oehlke
Box 476
Montague, PE, C0A 1R0
The news in Canada is that there may be a slow down in delivery of first class mail in US, starting in November. Most of our parcels have been delivered in the past, using first class mail, but we may have to switch to Priority Mail. There will be one standard fee from us for any parcels we ship which will reflect the actual postage amount plus the amount I pay my shipping partner for each box (plus box expense) he packs and ships. He also inspects all cocoons and pupae before packaging. Expect the posatage and shipping charge to be $11.00-$13.00. I will have a better idea once we start shipping.
In past years I would make an annual fall trip from PEI, Canada, to the house of my US shipping partner to help with inspecting and packaging and shipping of cocoons. I did not do that last year, due to US/Canada Covid travel restrictions, which I think may be relaxed near end of November. Perhaps I will be able to travel to Maine this year to help with inspecting and packaging. Perhaps not!
I do not think this will be as complicated as it all sounds once I have received your requests and I have received all confirmations from PA regarding what will be provided. Thanks for your patience. Please order only what you actually want and are prepared to pay for once your order has been confirmed, but again do not send payment until I have confirmed your order by email.
Summary of want is available with prices:
Acitas luna $6.00 US/cocoon
Hemairs diffinis $12.00/pair or $17.00/trio (many available and prefer to sell as trios)
Eastern tiger swallowtail $6.00/pupa
Zebra swallowtail $6.00/pupa
Shipping and handling will be $11.00 for First Class mail for northeastern states and $13.00 for Priority mail going elsewhere. I will notify you what applies
when I confirm your order and ask you to send payment.
Anrtheraea polyphemus $6.00
Automeris io $6.00
Callosamia promethea $6.00
Citheronia regalis $29.00/trio; $6.00 each for extra males
Eacles imperialis $29.00 US/trio or $23.00/pair (only five trios available; average number of pairs available)
Hemileuca nuttalli $4.50/pupa
Hyalophora cecropia $8.00
Hyalophora columbia gloveri $7.50
Pachysphinx modesta $12.00/pair or $17.00/trio, prefer to sell as trios
Smerinthus cerisyi $5.00/pupa
Hyalophora kasloensis, July 10, 2021, courtesy of Alexandre Laberge;
sorry, we do not have kasloensis for sale.
Sphingidae Express
Many thanks to Joe Garris who sends the following seasonal summary from Stillwater, Sussex County, New Jersey, not too far from my boyhood home in Pottersville, Hunterdon County, New Jersey. I am also interested in your sightings of Catocala, Sphingidae and Saturniidae. I tend to document that info and can use it to tell people in different parts of the country what to expect and when.
Ceratomia amyntor 6; Ceratomia undulosa 45; Darapsa myron 80; Darapsa choerlis 52; Darapsa versicolor 1; Deidamia inscriptum 4; Eumorpha pandorus 4; Lapara bombycoides 20; Lapara coniferarum 8; Manduca jasminearum 16; Manduca quinquemaculata 1; Manduca sexta 5; Pachysphinx modesta 3; Paonias astylus 8; Paonias excaeacatus 33; Paonias myops 17; Smerinthus jamaicensis 1; Sphecodina abbotti 3; Sphinx gordius/poecila 1; Sphinx franckii 1; Sphinx chersis 1
Joe has also sent dates, but it will be a while before I process them all.
Catocala Capers
Joe Garris, who collects extensivley, continues to send me many sightings from Stillwater, Sussex County in northwestern New Jersey from May til October 14, 2021.
Catocala amica 1; Catocala blandula 1; Catocala cerogama 2; Catocala dejecta 1; Catocala epione 3; Catocala flebilis 7; Catocala gracilis 1; Catocala habilis 97; Catocala ilia 9; Catocala judith 4; Catocala lacrymosa 1; Catocala lineella 7; Catocala micronympha 1; Catocala neogama 6; Catocala obscura 100; Catocala palaeogama 25; Catocala praeclara 1; Catocala relicta 1; Catocala residua 20; Catocala retecta 16; Catocala serena 17; Catocala sordida 5 Catocala subnata 2; Catocala ultronia 7; Catocala unijuga 1; Catocala vidua 4
Joe has also sent dates, but it will be a while before I process them all.
Silk Moths:
Actias luna 25; Anisota virginiensis 1; Anthera polyphemus 4; Automeris Io 47; Dryocampa rubicunda 192; Eacles imperialis 23; H. cecropia 2
Joe has also sent dates, but it will be a while before I process them all.
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