Actual ranges may, in many cases, be more expansive than noted.
Clicking on a scientific name will take you to a file with pictures and/or information.
Hyalophora columbia gloveri, Malheur, Oregon, late May 2005, Larry McQueen.
Steve Danell writes, "I found a male A. polyphemus at a blacklight on 7/4/03 in Hood River County, Oregon.
Don Ehlen writes, "I can confirm polyphemus for
Oregon counties:
Jackson County, Colestin, 6 July 2003;
Lane County, Elmira, 1 July 1995."
Bob Pyle confirms an outbreak of Hemileuca nevadensis in
Wallowa County.
Antheraea polyphemus male, June 16, 2006, Tillamook, courtesy of Rob Huston.
Antheraea polyphemus female, West Salem, Polk County, Oregon,
June 26, 2015, courtesy of Heather Birnie.
Hyalophora columbia gloveri, Beaver Mountain, 10
miles south of Baker City, eastern Oregon,
6700 feet, May 28, 2009, courtesy of Jerry Culley.
Edna surprised me with this image of Hyalophora columbia gloveri from the Rogue River Drainage in Josephine County, in western Oregon.
Hyalophora columbia gloveri Rogue River Drainage, Josephine County, Oregon,
4000 feet, July 28, 2009, courtesy of Edna Woodward.
Coloradia pandora Wolf Creek, Josephine County, Oregon,
July 28, 2011, courtesy of Edna Woodward.
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